Historian Says, “U.S. Betrays Its Heritage by Threatening War Against Russia and China”

Historian Anton Chaitkin has issued an emergency alert on the danger of world war from America’s current hyper-aggressive stance towards Russia and China.

The warning is addressed “to those who know real history,” Chaitkin says.

“Those who cherish our country’s precious legacy are horrified by our headlong rush to war. America at its best was the very motor of world progress, higher living standards and peace.

“That is our true national identity. We betray that legacy with military threats against those who are advancing as world powers, as we once did. We would `contain’  them with aggressive lying about their intentions, and by dishonoring agreements that would keep the world safe from nuclear annihilation.”

Anton Chaitkin is the author of Who We Are: America’s Fight for Universal Progress, from Franklin to Kennedy, the fruit of archival studies over 40 years. He shows how the USA was industrialized through the national policies and projects of progressive patriots in successive generations; how they won out against Southern slaveowners and British imperialists who sought to block American progress; and how the U.S. boosted other nations to technological prowess, overcoming imperial sabotage.

Who We Are Volume 1 (published 2020 – Amazon.com and bookstores, paperback and Kindle) portrayed this action from the 1750s to the 1850s, with startling new light on America’s founding and on who built the first great U.S. industries. Volume 2, now being written, shows how Abraham Lincoln and his allies organized the greatest advances ever made in technology and living standards, and a long era of peace with the world. Who We Are will conclude with the leadership of Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, crusading to bring peace and a humane existence to all mankind.

Chaitkin warns that “America changed course after JFK’s murder. We gave up our industries and lost our skills. We gave power to unaccountable financiers. Their speculation and deindustrialization have bankrupted the Western world, and they cannot tolerate the rise of other powers who won’t follow their Globalist rules into poverty and national suicide.”

“The gravest danger now comes from the fundamental change in America’s world mission. I believe that those who know history are especially challenged to act now, to speak out, so that we may preserve and protect the civilization that America at its best did so much to advance.”

Biography: Anton is a researcher, historian and activist who has published several best seller books on US history and politics including Treason in America: From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman and the Unauthorized Biography of George Bush. Most recently he has published volume one of Who We Are: America’s Struggle for Universal Progress (1750s-1850s).


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