HOLLYWOOD HATERS: Seth Rogen “cancels” psychologist Gad Saad for calling out Hollywood hypocrisy – Ethan Huff – NaturalNews.com
(Natural News) Celebrity “comedian” and actor Seth Rogen has retaliated against Lebanese-Canadian evolutionary psychologist and professor in the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University (Montreal) Gad Saad for writing a piece about Hollywood hypocrisy that was published in, then retracted from, Psychology Today. In his piece, Saad criticized Rogen and others like him…

(Natural News) Celebrity “comedian” and actor Seth Rogen has retaliated against Lebanese-Canadian evolutionary psychologist and professor in the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University (Montreal) Gad Saad for writing a piece about Hollywood hypocrisy that was published in, then retracted from, Psychology Today. In his piece, Saad criticized Rogen and others like him…
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