‘Hot zone America’ would be the final nail in America’s coffin as globalists initiate final lockdown, arrests and the destruction of over 125 million ‘deplorables’ – News Editors – NaturalNews.com
(Natural News) While Covid-19 has filled the news headlines for much of the past year+, and Americans quickly grow weary of the endless lockdowns, the dehumanization of mask mandates and ‘social distancing’, we’ve warned in past stories that we should get ourselves prepared for ‘the next big deal’, with globalists endlessly scheming the best way to complete their ‘end…

(Natural News) While Covid-19 has filled the news headlines for much of the past year+, and Americans quickly grow weary of the endless lockdowns, the dehumanization of mask mandates and ‘social distancing’, we’ve warned in past stories that we should get ourselves prepared for ‘the next big deal’, with globalists endlessly scheming the best way to complete their ‘end…
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