How Germany Became The Laughing Stock Of Europe – Carl Friedrich

Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s newly minted stateswoman, continues to leave lasting impressions on the diplomatic stage. The minister of Defense is following in her footsteps.

Baerbock wants to bring the American Greenpeace leader Jennifer Morgan into the German Foreign Office. Morgan is to work as a special envoy for “international climate policy”.

In view of Germany’s current economic and trade struggles, an energy crisis and sabre rattling with Russia, this is now supposed to be the most important goal: International climate policy! Fortunately, “international” was put in front of it, otherwise some people would have asked themselves what this has to do with Germans. But what is national climate policy? Does it end at Germany’s borders? Do we have a better climate here?

We don’t need to explain to our enlightened readers that the whole climate hysteria is just Green ideology, which is exploited through various scams. However, Ms Baerbock should explain why she hires a US citizen to represent supposedly German (rather Green) interests. Above all, an application for naturalisation is being processed. This is because Morgan is to be civil servant and then work as a state secretary.

The basic salary of grade B 11 for state secretaries in the German government has been 14 808 euros per month since 1 March 2020. Added to this is 553 euros as a so-called ministerial allowance. So this is no “normal” appointment. Other pundits agree:

Jennifer Morgan of Greenpeace has been behind Greta Thunberg, and I believe was caught even writing her speeches. She is friends with Al Gore who succeeded in inserting Greta into the movie on Davos, “The Forum.”

Now the German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) has brought Greenpeace’s boss Jennifer Morgan into the German government. It will soon be time to just turn the lights out on Germany, and hence all of Europe. Morgan, an American, has been brought in to the Federal Foreign Office as a special representative for international climate policy. This climate conspiracy states that Jennifer Morgan, despite being an American, will later become Secretary of State.

The entire problem with this climate agenda is they are ONLY focused on eliminating fossil fuels and in Germany they are also against nuclear. If you burn wood that still releases CO2, so it is impossible to eliminate CO2 and stay warm in winter. Because Morgan is an American, she will initially occupy the post of a special representative. She will later become State Secretary in the Federal Foreign Office. Morgan is receiving German citizenship to become Secretary of State. She has ZERO experience in military or geopolitical affairs. She has been the head of Greenpeace since 2016. She will prepare the annual world climate conferences. Her only focus will be to end fossil fuels in Europe.

The intellectual deficits of German ministers are becoming more and more embarrassing. Minister Baerbock, who has spoken of “fanned vehicles” instead of “armoured vehicles” and, in view of the German arms deliveries to Ukraine, is surprised at the various “animal tanks” used by the Bundeswehr, has not yet displayed a modicum of self-awareness.

The Green wrecking ball continued on her path into Austria with Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg at the receiving end of her neurological peculiarities.

At first she thanked him for his gift: a German-Austrian dictionary for better understanding.

But then her uncle Sigmund played a trick on her. She addressed her gratitude – a Freudian slip – to a “Mr Strache”. Heinz-Christian Strache, star of the Ibiza video, occupies a top place in the left’s list of right-wing monsters.

But Freudian slips give a deep insight into what this individual must be thinking, because they reveal what is unconsciously going on in the speaker’s head. In Baerbock’s case, it was probably the association: Hitler, Waldheim, Strache – these Austrians are all right-wing Nazis somehow. Austria is not Ukraine where the good Nazis reside.

It’s hard to imagine what else is going on in the minister’s head – with Russians, Greeks, Palestinians.

But we were warned: Realpolitik is over because it’s about being morally superior.

German Defense Minister Lambrecht (SPD) is right there in second place after Baerbock in the stupidity stakes – her ignorance of German tanks is particularly revealing. In her government statement in the Bundestag, she now justified the German arms deliveries to the Ukraine by saying that the “Gepard” anti-aircraft tank was not a tank, while the “Marder” infantry fighting vehicle was one.

Then it got even weirder. Lambrecht, visibly trying to classify the tank types, explained the category of the Gepard: “Of course, both are heavy, both have large tubes. But it’s not a tank.” She continued: “The Gepard is there to protect infrastructure by shooting with this tube into the air.” Non-commissioned officers and high-ranking staff officers in the German Ministry of Defense stared at her in disbelief.

The defense minister failed to notice that the “Gepard” anti-aircraft tank had not just one, but two gun barrels. And it just so happens that we are at war!

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