Within hours of the publication of the leaked memo from the FBI’s Richmond office targeting “radical traditionalist Catholics,” Tucker Carlson weighed in by launching an attack on the FBI, claiming that they tried “to manufacture crimes against sincere Catholics.” “The Bill of Rights,” Carlson continued, “prevents government from weighing in on religious questions. They don’t get to decide whether your religion is good or bad….But the FBI has decided if you’re too sincere about Catholicism, you’re a criminal.”[1]
Tucker Carlson, as I have said many times, is the only main-stream media pundit who comes close to doing journalism in any real sense of the term, His analysis was a good Episcopalian take on the issue, but then the spin doctors went to work. Charlie Kirk, the Kochsucker in charge of Turning Point USA, announced that “The FBI was just caught plotting to target Catholics who attend Latin Mass using SPLC rhetoric as justification to treat them as enemies of the state. The KGB didn’t go away. They just got the FBI to adopt their tactics.[2]”
The spin lay in the sleight of hand which allowed Kirk to change “radical traditionalist Catholics,” which was in the report, into “Catholics who attend [the] Latin Mass,” which was a category of the mind confected by Kirk to turn the narrative into a liturgical intra-Catholic conflict. Kirk is a recipient of funding from the Jewish Koch brothers’ foundation and as such is paid move the terms of the debate into the manageable but irrelevant confines of conservatism as the Koch brothers define those terms. In this Kirk is like Ben Shapiro, who uses the Daily Wire to manage the Right to Life movement by excluding any mention of the fact that abortion is a fundamental Jewish value. Timothy Gordon followed suit when he tweeted that “FBI Targets TLM [The Latin Mass]Catholics.”[3]
The Latin Mass meme then took on a life of its own:
The FBI believes that white supremacy has taken root in Catholics who prefer Latin Mass, reports whistleblower Kyle Seraphin on UncoverDC. The FBI’s Richmond, VA office took their findings from the widely debunked Southern Poverty Law Center, which was cited in an intelligence bulletin. In essence, Catholics who prefer Latin Mass who are classified as “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics,” per the FBI, are painted as having an “adherence to anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ and white supremacist ideology.” The writer of the bulletin classifies RTCs as “typically characterized by the rejection of the Second Vatican Council.”[4]
The Latin Mass connection, however, is not in the document created by the SPLC which created the whole brouhaha in the first place. That document mentioned “Radical Traditionalist Catholics” but as part of a group they designated as the “Dirty Dozen,” a congeries which had no internal coherence and no common denominator outside of the mind of its creator, Heidi Beirich, the SPLC henchwoman who compiled the list in 2007.
A look at the original “Dirty Dozen” traditionalist Catholics published by the SPLC shows that the Latin Mass didn’t figure in compiling the list. In its Appendix D, the leaked FBI memo, which was classified as “FBI internal use only. Do not disseminate externally,” describes how the Southern Poverty Law Center defined Catholic Hate Groups in the United States as “Radical Traditional Catholicism,” a term cooked up by Mark Shea. The Latin Mass was not mentioned. Instead, the SPLC defined the group by providing a list of their organizations. They included:
- Catholic Apologetics International (Greencastle, Pennsylvania), which is Robert Sungenis’s ministry, which deals with Scripture and science and has nothing to do with the Latin Mass. In fact, none of his 50 books or hundreds of articles over 30 years deals with the Latin Mass.
- Catholic Family News, a publication which began as part of Father Gruner’s operation in Canada, which also made the FBI list as the Fatima Crusader, whose main concern should be obvious. Gruner was known as a promoter of Fatima. He said the Latin Mass illicitly in gatherings at South Bend under the auspices of the St. Joseph Foundation, which was part of the original list but disappeared mysteriously from the list circulated by the FBI.
- Christ or Chaos (Corsicana, Texas)
- In the Spirit of Chartres, which probably made the list because it is run by the mother of John Sharpe, a naval officer who ran afoul of the SPLC for publishing an anthology attacking the Neocons for involving America in the Iraqi War.
- The Remnant, which is a Traditionalist newspaper run by the Matt family of Paul, Minnesota. Another branch of the family runs The Wanderer, which was always characterized as conservative, rather than traditionalist because they did not support the Lefebvrite schism.
- The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart, the Feeneyite operation from New Hampshire
- Tradition in Action, which is a front group of Tradition, Family, and Property, an anti-Communist cult from Brazil.
I forgot to add one other “hate group,” namely Culture Wars magazine. Culture Wars is a magazine; it is not a “group,” much less a “hate group,” but it is the main reason for the creation of the list, which has no internal coherence whatsoever. If the SPLC were interested in attacking the Latin Mass, they should have included the Society of Pius X, and the group which broke away from the SSPX in 1988, the Fraternity of St. Peter, because they are the two main groups which celebrate the Latin Mass. Both groups are conspicuous by their absence from the SPLC list. This means that the Latin Mass is clearly not the common denominator uniting the above list. In fact, there is no common denominator. When the list came out, the people on the list were shocked to discover that the SPLC had lumped them altogether. Culture Wars had published articles attacking Gruner as a con man who bilked widows and orphans with his fearmongering redaction of the Fatima message. Gruner reacted by calling E. Michael Jones “a secret Jew,” an epithet which took on ironic overtones after the publication of The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. Missing from the FBI list was Chris Ferrara, who was outraged by being included with the likes of me, and got himself removed from the list, probably by legal threat.
The “Dirty Dozen” was, in other words, a category of the mind which had no relation to the reality of the groups that made up the list. It wasn’t about the Latin Mass, which never got mentioned; there was no common denominator.
So, what then was it about? It was about me. The SPLC cobbled together an imaginary movement to give weight to their claim that a dangerous conspiracy was afoot, when, in fact, the explanation was much simpler. The list originated in the mind of Heidi Beirich, then an employee of the SPLC, who showed up at the memorial service for Sam Francis which was held at the Press Club in Washington, DC weeks after his death to expose this crowd of putative conservatives in attendance as in reality a bunch of white racists. Instead, she heard me blow up the racial narrative by introducing the theological categories I had hammered out in The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.
Born in the South in 1947, Sam Francis began his career as a National Review conservative who specialized in the thought of former Marxist and fellow NR pundit James Burnham. Francis felt that the only way to wrest power from the managerial elites, which according to Burnham had taken over the country, was to mobilize what he called Middle American Radicals. Angered by someone poaching on his territory, William F. Buckley showed up at the offices of The Washington Times and demanded that Francis be fired, at which point Sam stopped being a conservative and underwent an identity crisis, only to emerge from it as a white boy.
As part of his newfound race-based identity, Francis invited National Front founder John Tyndall to give a speech in Washington on the glorious heritage of white boys, which included a paean to Elizabethan England. At this point in the talk, my eyes met the eyes of Gerry Bruen, another Catholic, and the same thought crossed our minds simultaneously. Wasn’t Elizabethan England the place where Catholic priests could be hanged until not quite dead and then disemboweled for saying the Mass? If so, why would Catholics want to be white? With this thought in mind Gerry asked Tyndall whether the Irish were white, prompting a scornful, “Of course, the Irish are white. My mother is Irish” from Tyndall. At this point, Sam Francis stumped his guest from England by asking “Are Jews white?” forcing Tyndall to admit, “I don’t know.”
I began my talk at the Press Club memorial by attempting to answer that question in the light of the research I was doing at that time, which would eventually see the light of day in book form with the publication of The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. By attempting to answer that question, I blew up the entire meeting. Sensing that the new categories I proposed could bring about the end of the world as they knew it, Taki cried out, “We’re all going to be arrested.” Peter Brimelow responded by claiming that he liked Elizabethan England, implying of course that he would also like to see me hanged until not quite dead and then drawn and quartered. A woman whose name I forget told C-Span, which had been filming the proceedings up to that point, to destroy the tape and leave the building.
And that was just the beginning. In addition to saying the word Jew, I then proceeded to say that Sam had abandoned his white boy identity when he converted to Catholicism on his death bed, eliciting howls of protests from the white boys who had attended his funeral, where Sam remained oddly silent. Sam Dickson was ready to lynch me and would have stormed the podium were it not for the fact that my wife, who was sitting next to him at the time, brandished her umbrella in a threatening fashion. Paul Gottfried, who could have told us whether Jews were white, came up to me after my presentation and said, “I can’t believe you gave that talk,” even though I had sent him an advance copy as some indication that I was planning to carry through on my threat.
Needless to say, all of this made a deep impression on Heidi Beirich, who had a ringside seat to the demolition of conservative and racial categories which I had just accomplished. Instead of hailing me as an anti-racial crusader and embracing my in front of the outraged white boys, Beirich went on to describe me in the SPLC’s bulletin as “red-faced and shouting” without giving the faintest idea of what I had actually said or how I had blown up the SPLC’s beloved racial narrative by invoking Catholic theological categories. Jews may or may not be white, but the source of Jewish identity wasn’t racial; it was theological, and it was purely negative. The Jews became revolutionaries when they called for the crucifixion of the Logos Incarnate, and that has been the nucleus of their identity to the present day. It was at this moment that the “radical traditional Catholicism” trope formed in Heidi’s mind. As I have already shown, it had nothing to do with the Latin Mass. It had to do with me opening up a new front in the culture wars by framing the Jewish Question in religious and not racial terms, of the sort white boys were wont to use behind closed doors and Tom Fleming was wont to expunge from any Sam Francis article which appeared in Chronicles, the flag ship of Paleoconservatism. Baiting white racists had become the bread and butter of the SPLC and a sure-fire way to raise money from its largely Jewish contributors when they succeeded in winning a trial against American Nazis resulting in significant financial damages. So why not use the same Catholics which the Jews hated as much or even more than Nazis to raise even more money? I can almost see the thought forming in Heidi’s overheated mind.
My talk changed all that by recasting the internal armature of the culture wars. This contest wasn’t a battle between liberals and conservatives (or between neocons and paleocons, as Tom Fleming tried to portray it at Chronicles), nor was it a black vs. white battle as Sam tried to portray it after Buckley expelled him from the synagogue known as conservatism. It was most certainly not a battle between supporters of the Latin Mass and the FBI, an organization presumably made up of attendees at the Novus Ordo. No, it was a Catholic-Jewish battle then, and it remains a Catholic-Jewish battle to this day. This should come as no surprise because as anyone who has read The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit can testify, all of human history is a Catholic-Jewish battle fought between the descendants of those Jews who accepted Jesus Christ as the Logos Incarnate and the Jews who crucified him and became revolutionaries in the process.
Missing from everyone’s account was the fact that the Jews had taken over the FBI long before the SPLC arrived on the scene. J. Edgar Hoover, founder of the FBI, was a notorious blackmailer. When Hoover threatened to investigate Sexologist Alfred Kinsey for the criminal behavior that was an integral part of gathering his sex histories, Kinsey folded like a cheap suit and handed the files that he swore would remain forever confidential over to Hoover to avoid prosecution. Hoover’s files complemented Kinsey’s collection, because, according to Eustace Mullins, they:
contained details on the sexual and financial peccadilloes of every prominent politician in the United States. They became as feared for what they did not contain as for what they actually contained, because every politician had reason to fear that wiretaps and photographs of his most sordid moments reposed in the Black Cabinet. The result of this campaign was that J. Edgar Hoover became director of the Bureau for life, even though every President after FDR swore that he intended to get rid of J. Edgar Hoover.[5]
In order to carry out an operation like this successfully, the blackmailer, like Caesar’s wife, needs to be above suspicion. Unfortunately, that was not the case with J. Edgar Hoover. In certain (i.e., Jewish) circles, Hoover was known as an even more notorious homosexual, which made him vulnerable to the same blackmail he perpetrated on everyone else. Hoover was powerful enough to take down Kinsey and held every president in check during middle of the 20th century, but he was no match for Meyer Lansky, the Jew who served as the Mafia’s banker, and the Anti-Defamation League, which served as his money laundering operation. When Lansky and the ADL made him an offer he couldn’t refuse:
Edgar Hoover unofficially abdicated as the head of the FBI and let the ADL terrorists take over the organization which he had built up from nothing, because the ADL gave him no other choice. He must submit to have his personal history opened to the American public, complete with photographs, affidavits and other documentation, or he could continue as the nominal head of the FBI (with a new Assistant Director of the FBI, a Jew, in charge of operations). J. Edgar Hoover chose to submit to the ADL blackmail, because he had used the instrument of blackmail against others too many times to be unaware of its devastating consequences should the victim refuse. From this moment, the FBI no longer existed, except as an arm of the ADL, to be used for its sinister purposes of undermining the American Republic and the sovereignty of the American people.[6]
The FBI was clearly embarrassed by the Daily Signal article and quickly disavowed the SPLC memo, distracting attention from the fact that they were still in bed with the ADL, even though the SPLC had been kicked out of collaborating with the agency years before the memo surfaced. The ADL was responsible for the agent provocateur strategy which the FBI would use repeatedly against groups Jews didn’t like. The cointelpro operation against the Black Panthers in Chicago was just one of many such operations. The attack on the Hutaree and other organizations in Michigan was another, as was the FBI orchestration of the January 6 “insurrection.” The FBI’s link with the ADL became even stronger after Merrick Garland became attorney general and word went out that the FBI was now going to prosecute Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance cases against Catholic prolifers who had shown disrespect for the Jewish sacrament of abortion by engaging in sidewalk counseling at abortion clinics.
One of those Catholic prolifers was Mark Houck, who was arrested in the spring of 2022 in a predawn raid mounted by 25 FBI agents with guns drawn for his involvement in an incident which, until the Feds got involved, didn’t rise to the level of a misdemeanor. Rather than have the Philadelphia DOJ lawyer call Houck’s lawyer to discuss the case, 15 vehicles showed up at Houck’s house to spread terror through the Right to Life movement. According to Houck’s wife, FBI agents “started pounding on our door. They were going to break in if he didn’t open it. And then they had about five guns pointed at my husband, myself, and basically at my kids.”[7] Houck was eventually charged with three felony violations of the FACE act in a federal court in Philadelphia but eventually acquitted on all charges after an inept prosecution cobbled together by a bevy of feminist lawyers and FBI agents in pant suits blew up in the faces of Garland’s justice department when their attempt to defend the Jewish sacrament got shot down by a jury which rolled its eyes with incredulity at the absurd claims the prosecution made throughout the trial.
Houck is now planning to sue the FBI and other authorities for malicious prosecution and false arrest.[8] In the uncanny way that only Logos could arrange, the FBI-SPLC story made national news one week after Mark Houck, the Catholic prolife father of seven, was acquitted in federal court of charges of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. Both stories substantiated the claim I made at the Sam Francis memorial which led to Heidi’s notorious memo. The only way to see the culture wars is as a Catholic-Jewish battle which began at the foot of the cross and has continued unabated for almost 2,000 years now. This battle intensified when Merrick Garland became head of the Justice Department and then weaponized the FBI to go after anyone who defamed the Jewish sacrament of abortion. The instruction from the top to look into FACE violations set in motion a chain of events which eventually led to the discovery of the long-buried SPLC document in the files of the Richmond branch of the FBI.
It had nothing to do with the Latin Mass, which is once again being weaponized to create disunity in the Catholic Church. The conflict which is tearing this country apart has now gained a foothold within the FBI itself, where Catholic agents, who have always been the mainstay of this operation, are now asking their superiors if they are duty bound to arrest their co-religionists at a time when Jewish terrorist groups like Antifa can burn down prolife pregnancy centers and churches with impunity. This is not about race; this is not about liturgy. As the Houck case shows, the FBI SPLC brouhaha is about the Jewish attempt to weaponize abortion as their way of destroying the Catholic Church.
The Houck case is also about the rise of Jewish power in Pennsylvania, culminating in the election of Josh Shapiro as governor. Shapiro made a name for himself as DA in Harrisburg by convoking a grand jury, which came up empty in its attempt find child abuse among the Catholic clergy but created favorable publicity for his gubernatorial campaign nonetheless by publishing pictures of 300 priests against whom no charges were filed. Why this publicity should be considered favorable in a state where the Catholic swing vote determines every elected can only be explained in light of the role which the Jewish sacrament plays in electoral politics. Abortion is the Jewish sacrament of initiation. Catholic women who have abortions (without repenting) become Jews. The trauma abortion wreaks on their collective guilty conscience causes them to think like Jews, and we know they think like Jews because they vote like Jews. Feminism is the name of this Jewish sect, and as Brendan Whitaker’s article in this issue of Culture Wars makes clear, the prosecution and persecution of Mark Houck was a feminist led campaign, which had nothing to do with the Latin Mass but a lot to do with guilt from abortion.
By E. Michael Jones