How The President Of Peru Was “Removed” By “Outside Forces”. WEF’s Klaus Schwab At His Best – Peter Koenig

See the interview was first published in Spanish by “elsaltodiario“. It was organized by Julioa Zamarrón in Lima, Peru, with the cooperation of Irene Zugasti He Zugasti Hervás and Pablo Elorduy in Madrid. The German translation was made by Klaus E. Lehmann und Vilma Guzmán and published by the German on-line news “nacheenkseiten“ – see this. For the original Spanish version – see this

President Castillo“The US collaborates with the European Union to oppress us.”


In the runup to Peru’s 2021 General and Presidential elections, Pedro Castillo, a former teacher and farmer, gained strong support in poor rural areas to win the elections for one of Peru’s socialist or left-wing parties, “Peru Libre”. He won in the second round with a razor-thin margin of 50.13% versus 49.87% of his extreme right-wing opponent Keiko Fujimori, daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori (1990 – 2000).

Alberto Fujimori is currently serving a 25-year prison term for embezzlement of public funds, abuse of power, of human rights and of corruption during almost all of his ten years in power.

Before his ascent to the Peruvian Presidency, Alberto Fujimori was Rector of the National Agrarian University “La Molina”, Lima Peru. He was rather unknown as a politician, but received strong support from the United States to run for President.

This narrowest of narrow margin for Pedro Castillo would have more than justified a “recount”, but despite protests and countrywide calls for vote verification, “the powers that be” did not allow it. So, Pedro Castillo was declared President-elect of Peru on 6 July 2021, entering office on 28 July 2021.

Once in office, his approval ratings fell quickly and he faced constant opposition from a fragmented Congress and accusations of “moral incapacity.” This is a vague and “indefinite” description, invented by the Peruvian mainstream media, which – by the way – are the same as in the rest of the western world.

Remember, there are 5 giant media corporations who control more than 90% of the western “news” – news, that are presented in lockstep, same words, same phrases, same ideology – around the globe. Just think back to the “covid plandemic” that started miraculously the same day around the globe in 194 countries – and proceeded in lockstep for the last three years.

The vast majority of the people around the globe are mind-manipulated by sophisticated social engineering. And the media are funded by huge corporate finance. People believe in these media even though logic should relentlessly tell them, there is something badly wrong. See this, Tavistock et al.

The same wanton-bashing methods applied to Russia and China, are also applied on a micro-scale for demoralizing a politician who is destined from the very get-go to be character-assassinated and eventually “removed” from office; the case of Pedro Castillo.

It has become clearer day by day, that somewhat naïve Castillo has been put in the Presidency by “outside forces”, so that he can be demolished and replaced by THE candidate chosen by the Globalist Cult – or more precisely by Klaus Schwab, WEF.

In the case of Castillo, like in a myriad of other cases around the world, his election was a fraud, a disguise to put one of Klaus Schwab’s (WEF) Young Global Leaders (YGL) in charge of Peru, an ultra-rich country, arguably one of the two or three resources-richest countries in Latin America with resources from oil, gas, lithium, uranium, copper, rare earths, gold, other precious metals and more. All resources the west covets for their luxury and ever-more digitized lifestyles.

In that sense, Castillo, when he said, “The US collaborates with the European Union to oppress us”, he may have added “… and usurp us”.

In the interview, President Castillo focuses mostly on his concern for his family, after the Coup, when he was arrested. He was worried about bringing his family in security, especially his children and wife. He said, he never had the intention to flee the country but was adamant to get cover for his family in a secure embassy – in this case the Embassy of Mexico. His family is now living in Mexico, in security.

Castillo told the interview team about the intense and non-stop media smear campaign against him and his family, from the first day of his Presidency forward, or, actually even before he had taken up the lead position of the country. He and his family were put under constant pressure, insulted, denigrated and accused with lies and “fake truths”. He was worried about the impact of such a dirty environment on his family, particularly on his children.

As to carrying out his duties and tasks as President, he said the opposition and their allies in Congress would not let him govern. Castillo mentioned the corruption-driven privatization of mostly everything. For example, about 70% of Lake Titicaca related fishing rights and infrastructure belonged to one corporation. Similar with roads and airports, large expanses of agricultural lands are all owned by transnationals. The country was gradually put into foreign hands – with the local Peruvian oligarchy taking their cuts.

Castillo’s government presented Congress with 76 legislation proposals to take back some of the privatized government properties. They were all rejected. He also wanted to create a Peruvian flag independent airline, building and enlarging three airports – all were blocked. And so were many other initiatives his Government put before Congress for debate and consideration. In brief, after about a year and a half in office, he had achieved virtually nothing. The country was at a standstill. And mind you – this was part of the plan.

On the other hand, out of a long list of mining projects, he blocked more than 40 because they were damaging the environment and especially polluting water resources, aquifers high up in the Andes, vital for downstream populations and agriculture.

Of course, such measures didn’t make him popular among the national and international oligarchy, but he was liked by the peasants as he represented their vital and survival interests. With his origins in Cajamarca, one of the most mined Provinces of Peru, he knows firsthand what he is talking about.

Up to the early 1990s, the city of Cajamarca had plenty of crystal-clear water that needed hardly any treatment. With the installation of the US-American Newmont corporation’s open pit Yanacocha gold mine, the aquifer at an altitude of 4000-plus meters above sea-level, became contaminated with heavy metals and toxic chemicals.

Yanacocha gold mine near Cajamarca, Peru (Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0)

Also, gold-mining, the washing process, uses enormous quantities of water. The plentiful flow of drinking-quality water was reduced to a trickle, guaranteeing water supply only for a few hours a day on average in the province’s capital city of Cajamarca.

This is just one example of environment and water resources destroying mining in Peru. There are literally hundreds of ongoing mining projects in Peru that are harmful to the environment, the water and the people, as well as animals, drastically reducing dairy output.

Most of the mining benefits – profits – flow abroad, leaving a pittance for the Peruvians. There is a saying – Peru is one of the richest countries in Latin American, yet the population remains poor. Unfortunately, that is a fact.

Local corrupt oligarchs negotiate resources exploitation contracts with equally corrupt international corporations – and the result is disastrous.

Pedro Castillo, coming from a rural area and being a farmer, knows that Peru would be perfect for agricultural development, highly productive small-holders, as was proven by several small-scale irrigation projects, run by farmer associations.

Peru’s coastal desert is miraculously fertile, as soon as it receives water almost everything grows. There is water available from rivers, underground water sources and springs in the Andes as well as in the valleys. With advanced irrigation technology, Peru could be turned into a highly successful agricultural nation, with modern ag-industry, adding value in the country, creating sustainable jobs and exporting processed ag-products, rather than just raw materials – which is still the case today.

But that’s not the idea of the powerful oligarchy ruling the country since independence 200 years ago, through a five-year term Congress, where Congressmen cannot be re-elected, filling their pockets during their one-term political “highlife”.

President Castillo may have intended to bring change to these corrupt structures. However, he didn’t realize that Peru, like many other resources-rich countries in the Global South, is in control of foreign corporations, foreign politicians, and often, especially in the last two decades, controlled by the World Economic Forum (WEF) which acts as the executing branch for the giant financial, largely invisible Death Cult and for family billionaires.

On December 7, 2021, when President Castillo intended to dissolve Congress, because it didn’t allow him to govern, the “internal Coup” was well prepared by outside forces.

Boluarte with Castillo at Palacio de Gobierno in 2022 (Licensed under CC BY 3.0)

Castillo said in the interview that prior to the 2021 elections he didn’t know his Vice President, Dina Boluarte. She was imposed on him during the second-round voting campaign. She was made a member of the left-wing “Peru Libre” party, and once Castillo was elected with this razor-thin margin, she became his Vice President. Guess, who may have had a hand in this?

During the interview, Castillo didn’t mention that this was all planned ahead of the election, nor that Dina Boluarte was a scholar of Klaus Schwab’s Academy for Young Global Leaders (YGL), either because he didn’t know, or he didn’t want to admit that he was treacherously trapped by local and international capital wanting to take over the riches of Peru.

Preceding the “coup”, the Ambassador of the United States to Peru, Ms. Lisa Kenna, a former 9-year CIA veteran, went to see the Peruvian Minister of Defense telling him not to interfere with the “removal” of Castillo. Normally, the military sides with the sitting President. The Ministry complied. They did not intervene.

Shortly after the coup, with the acting President Boluarte already in office, the same Ambassador went to see her – telling her that she may count on US support, including for whatever strong measures she may have to take to suppress the countrywide protests.

This was a carte blanche for Boluarte to apply an iron fist to all those demonstrators and protesters, most of whom were supporting her adopted party, “Peru Libre”. The result was police shooting from helicopters and other oppressive atrocities, leading so far to more than 50 deaths. See also this.

 Ex CIA agent and US ambassador to Peru, Lisa Kenna, meets with its defense minister two days before a coup against its elected left-wing President Castillo (Source: Multipolarista)

Another few days later, the same US Ambassador, Ms. Lisa Kenna, went to see the Peruvian Minister of Energy and Mining to talk about future investments. No further need to elaborate, as to who was behind this “election circus of 2021”. To the detriment, again, of the Peruvian people.

Immediately after Castillo attempted to resolve Congress, presumably to call for new elections, because Congress made his governing impossible, a legal move under these circumstances and within the laws of the Peruvian Constitution – Pedro Castillo was arrested and Ms. Boluarte became “acting” President. She claimed, she would hold the Presidency until the next General and Presidential election in 2026. Great try!

After his arrest, Castillo was put immediately in “preventive” prison, “on guard”, in a high-security prison, for 18 months, WITHOUT TRIAL, WITHOUT DUE PROCESS.

So much for Human Rights – dear Mr. Schwab.

Under the Peruvian Constitution, in such circumstances new elections must be called within 6 months. The Constitutional Court eventually decided on a compromise – holding new elections in April 2024. Under protests from the people in the streets, they wanted Boluarte out and new elections immediately, she proposed new elections in October 2023. That was not accepted by Congress. They wanted to keep their “privileges” as long as possible. She suspected that much, when she “offered” the new date.

Now, new elections are in limbo, no dates set. That’s precisely what Boluarte and Schwab want – maybe she can extend this limbo until 2026? – In the coming three years, she could do horrors to the people of Peru and to the country’s legislation, privatizing state enterprises, licensing indiscriminately all mining, long-term concessions to foreign corporations to exploit Peru’s resources, and not to forget, the coming “health tyranny” through the possible (lets hope not) WHO “Pandemic Treaty”.

She could also tacitly collaborate with those also foreign influenced powers, who want to divide Peru: the resources-rich south from the poorer north – thereby creating lasting internal unrest.

This is an emerging implicit “plan”. Whether it will be implemented, depends on Peru’s internal political dynamics and on the populations state of mind – their love for the country, and to what extent will the politicians forego their personal interests for the interests of the people, defend the rights of the Peruvian citizens, and the rights of Their President.

Peru’s continued corruption scandals, have made the country one of the most unstable nations at least in Latin America. Here is a rundown of Peru’s political turmoil during at least the last 20-plus years, represented by seven (7) dubious Presidents, either in jail, or on escape abroad or being investigated for fraud:

  • Pedro Castillo (2021-2022) – former teacher and farmer, see above;
  • Manuel Marino (Nov. 10-15, 2020) – a former head of Congress who led impeachment proceedings against his predecessor Martin Vizcarra; he lasted less than a week;
  • Martin Vizcarra (2018-2020), who took over from ousted Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. Vizcarra was himself ousted by lawmakers after media reports alleged, he had received some US$640,000 equivalent in bribes from two companies that won a public works tender while he was a regional governor several years earlier;
  • Pedro Pablo Kuczinsky (2016-2018); prosecutors investigated Kuczynski for favoring contracts with Brazilian construction firm Odebrecht, while he was a minister under former President Alejandro Toledo. Kuczynski resigned from the presidency in 2018 amid pressure from Congress. He is currently under house arrest. He was succeeded by Martin Vizcarra (see above);
  • Ollanta Humala (2011-2016) – is facing trial over allegations he received $3 million from Odebrecht (Brazilian construction firm) during the 2011 presidential election campaign. Prosecutors have requested 20 years in prison. Humala denies the allegations. The case is apparently still under investigation. Money also buys court proceeding delays;
  • Alan Garcia (1985-1990 and 2006-2011) – allegedly killed himself when faced with new corruption investigations. He was apparently cremated, within 24 hours after the claimed suicide, without any forensic investigation, very unusual for the death of a former President. It is widely assumed that he organized a well-paid escape, had several esthetic surgeries and lives happily under a different name somewhere in the world, many suspect in Switzerland;
  • Alejandro Toledo (2001-2006) – is accused of receiving a $20 million bribe from Odebrecht during his tenure. He is free on bail in the United States, but faces extradition proceedings to Peru – proceedings that have been ongoing for a long time.

Peru is just one more example demonstrating Klaus Schwab’s “Pride to infiltrate governments around the world with our Young Global Leaders”.

People, take note and do not allow it to happen any longer, not in Peru – nor anywhere else.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020). Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing. 

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