How To Kill A Leopard – Stucky

A short Russkie-404 tank battle video, a science video about tanks and the state of the Earth, a death of an American  M-777 howitzer, 2 tragic Ukie nazi videos, and a funny-as-shit story. This post has it all!!


Ukie tank vs Russian tank.  Russia wins.  Can’t wait for the German Leopards to arrive …. roasted weenie-schnitzeln!


Ukie soldiers murdering (buried alive) a fellow Ukrainian soldier who no longer wanted to fight.


Auf Wiedersehn American M-777 howitzer … destroyed by a Lancet missile …  nothing like the smell of  burning Pentagon tungsten in the morning


Ukie war criminals executing four women, local schoolteachers for “collaborating” with Russians.

Full story  HERE and HERE


FISH FARTS!!!  (A true story)

In 1982, several of Sweden’s subs, boats, and helicopters pursued unusual unidentified sounds emanating from the ocean for a whole month, only to come up empty-handed.

This continued for over a decade. Every time they picked up an acoustic signal they would search and find nothing but for a few bubbles on the sea’s surface. Sweden was, of course, worried about the intrusions, and couldn’t think why, with the Cold War over, Russia would continue to provoke them with what they believed was a new secret weapon.

But it was farts.

It turns out herring have a swim bladder… and this swim bladder is connected to the anal duct of the fish. It’s a very unique connection, only found in herring. So a herring can squeeze its swim bladder, and that way it can blurt out a small number of bubbles through the anal opening.  In other words, they let ‘er rip.

Herrings swim in gigantic schools that can reach square miles and up 65 feet deep. When something near them frightens them – say, a hungry school of mackerel or a submarine on the lookout for Russian spies – they can generate a lot of gas.

At the time this was just a theory. So, a Swedish scientist simply bought  a herring from a store and applied pressure.  Sure ’nuff … it farted. He filmed it and took the footage to the Swedish navy and played it back to them. The navy compared the sounds they had on file, and yessiree bubba, it was a perfect match for the noise they had been hearing.  So, Sweden wasn’t under threat from Russia after all. That’s the good news. The bad news was they spent 10 years and a lot of resources pursuing herring fish farts.


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