The very foundations of the “rules-based global order” seem to be collapsing.
As westerners we know that our strength lies in our unity cemented by our shared values. But these days it appears that all that strength is proving increasingly hollow. Spats and mudslinging among European powers has become a daily diversion, but last week we saw cracks appearing at the very foundation of the empire’s architecture.
On Saturday, 19 November the secretive Trilateral Commission held a meeting in Tokyo. For the first time in the organization’s 50 years, the press – three reporters from Nikkei Asia – were allowed to witness the proceedings of the Commission’s Asia Pacific Group on condition that they don’t identify delegates by name in reporting their statements. Even so, what they reported was remarkable, showing that cracks are appearing in the very foundation of the empire, a.k.a. the “rules-based global order.”
Rahm Emanuel, the US Ambassador to Japan delivered his remarks in a speech titled, “Democracy vs. autocracy: You are going to see 2022 as an inflection point in the success of democracy.” It was a serving of all the usual globalist talking points, but it seems that the Asian delegates weren’t too impressed. A former Japanese official challenged Emanuel: “What is the ambassador saying? We must engage China. If we force countries to choose sides, the Southeast Asian nations will choose China. The key is not to force them to choose.“
A veteran member from the Philippines said, “When two elephants fight to the death, we will all be dead. And the question is, what for?” Commission’s executive committee member and next director of the Asia Pacific Group Masahisa Ikeda said, “We feel that the U.S. policy toward Asia, especially toward China has been narrow-minded and unyielding…“
Although the language of the discussions was diplomatic, it was clear that Asian delegates largely reject the American policy towards Asia. Overall, the gathering was described as “nervous that the world is heading in the wrong direction,” that “the problem is America” and that “It’s the U.S. penchant for exporting its ideology that is the main concern for many.“
The empire’s three-block architecture
The fact that this diplomatic confrontation took place at the Trilateral Commission gathering is extraordinary and very significant. The commission was co-founded in July of 1973 by David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski and a group of American, European and Japanese bankers, public officials and academics including Alan Greenspan and Paul Volcker. It was set up to foster close cooperation among nations that constituted the three-block architecture of today’s western empire. That “close cooperation” was intended as the very foundation of the empire’s “three block agenda,” as formulated by the stewards of the undead British Empire.
The first explicit formulation of this intent was expressed by Lord Halifax in the immediate aftermath of the Munich conference in September 1938. Halifax, who was one of the key players in the British foreign policy cabal that secretly orchestrated the breakout of World War 2 spoke of “Germany [as] the dominant power on the continent with predominant rights in southeastern Europe,… Britain dominating the Euro-Atlantic west in alliance with the United States,” and securing far-Eastern dominions in alliance with Japan. I have detailed much of this in my 3-part article, “Appeasement: the shocking truth about the 1938 agreement,” and a 46-minute video presentation is below:
For five decades, Trilateral Commission’s meetings were held in secret. The public’s only glimpse into their deliberations was through sanitized press releases and strictly controlled press conferences. The group’s political influence was consistently denied or minimized as though it was merely a debating club.
The very fact that the press was allowed to witness the Asia Pacific Group’s deliberations in Tokyo last week is a first, and clearly a subversive move on the part of its organizers. It would appear that the vassals are in an open mutiny, unwilling to participate in endless imperial wars. As a result, the empire’s ability to bludgeon nations into submission in decline which might prove irreversible. This will not be a sad loss for humanity – to the contrary. It could be the beginning of the end of what will prove as one of the most dangerous political, economic and social experiments in history.
By Alex Krainer [originally published on Trend Compass]
Alex Krainer – @NakedHedgie is the creator of I-System Trend Following and publisher of daily TrendCompass reports, covering over 200 key financial and commodity markets – probably the best trend following daily newsletter on the market today. One month’s test drive is always free of charge – no strings attached! For US investors, we propose an inflation/recession resilient portfolio covering a basket of 30+ financial and commodities markets.
“A former Japanese official challenged Emanuel: “What is the ambassador saying? We must engage China. If we force countries to choose sides, the Southeast Asian nations will choose China. The key is not to force them to choose.“ A veteran member from the Philippines said, “When two elephants fight to the death, we will all be dead. And the question is, what for?”
No one will say it so I will…..FOR WHAT….for the Jews !!! The “chosen ones” want the Goyim to build up Earth and then kill each other for their benefit. Let the Jews do their own dirty work.