Hungary’s Onto Something: Zelensky’s Mental Condition Might Very Well Be Megalomania – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

Objective observers shouldn’t doubt that Zelensky is a megalomaniac, the undiagnosed condition of which might have predated his “deification” by the US-led Western Mainstream Media but which was certainly exacerbated by that happening and him having his views subsequently amplified across the world after they gave him a global podium from which to spew propaganda.

Hungary and Ukraine are in yet another spat, this time not over Zakarpattia nor Budapest’s close ties with Moscow, but over which of those two countries’ officials might have an undiagnosed mental condition. This latest feud started when the Hungarian Parliamentary Speaker claimed this about Zelensky due to his proclivity to insult those states that don’t kowtow to his anti-Russian demands, which in turn prompted one of the latter’s Foreign Ministry spokesmen to say the same about that neighboring country’s official.

The truth is that Hungary’s right though since Zelensky does indeed seem to have an undiagnosed mental condition that at the very least appears to be American-encouraged megalomania. The US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) turned the Ukrainian leader into a “secular god” for many, with him recently being deified even more than Fauci was in his “prime” during the highest point of the pandemic. There are millions of people in this civilization who believe that Zelensky can do no wrong, which encourages him to behave very undiplomatically on the world stage.

In his mind, it seems that the Ukrainian leader truly believes that he’s a so-called “god among men”. Foreign officials pay political pilgrimage to him in Kiev for photo-ops that in turn boost their popularity at home. Those who don’t this journey still praise him to high heaven, while the masses listen intently to his every word each evening during his televised speeches. Those who miss them are always updated about what he said by CNN and other MSM outlets the very next day. If Zelensky ran for president of the US-led West, he’d honestly probably win and even be crowned that civilization’s king.

His popularity is entirely the product of an unprecedented information warfare campaign orchestrated by Western intelligence agencies though and isn’t genuinely grassroots whatsoever at all. They artificially manufactured this “secular god” for the purpose of justifying their governments’ laundering of billions of dollars’ worth of taxpayer funds through the military-industrial complex and other corruption schemes on the basis of “saving Ukraine from Russian aggression”. The end result is that the captive audience across the US-led West is made to regard Zelensky as their “god”.

If this propaganda operation was suddenly curtailed, let alone reversed by exposing the truth about this infamous fascist leader, then it would be expected that the people would eagerly “crucify” their “god” without a second thought. Until then, if it ever happens that is, Zelensky will continue acting as if he’s the King of the West because he in a sense has since become to be seen as such due to this intelligence-orchestrated perception management campaign. Like many kings from times past, however, he’s not really independent but is actually just a puppet of the shadowy elite behind him.

It’s they who pull his strings and feed him scripts to read about those countries like Germany and Hungary that haven’t fully complied with the US’ demands to march in lockstep with the other Western members of this new cult. Berlin has balked at giving Kiev everything that it wants while Budapest has gone even further and openly criticized that former Soviet Republic. These actions are completely unacceptable to Zelensky’s American puppet masters who in turn are exploiting him as their proxy to guilt and shame those countries in the court of Western public opinion.

This has been moderately successful with respect to Germany, whose policymakers are disproportionately influenced by what the rest of the European populace thinks about them since their country is the bloc’s de facto leader, but a total failure against Hungary since its multipolar conservative-sovereigntist (MCS) leadership proudly puts its national interests before all others’. They’re the modern-day “heathens” who “blaspheme” the new “secular god” that America created for the Western masses to “worship”.

The elites’ captive audience is so brainwashed that they don’t even care that one of CNN’s US intel sources admitted in late April that everything that Zelensky says is nothing but an “information operation”, or in other words, pure propaganda. This observation speaks to just how powerful the ongoing perception management operation is that it’s able to get its targets to immediately engage in doublethink without batting an eye upon coming across “politically inconvenient” facts such as that one. Until/Unless Western intelligence flips the “official narrative”, Zelensky is infallible in the public’s eyes.

Going back to the development that prompted this analysis, objective observers shouldn’t doubt that Zelensky is a megalomaniac, the undiagnosed condition of which might have predated his “deification” by the MSM but which was certainly exacerbated by that happening and him having his views subsequently amplified across the world after they gave him a global podium from which to spew propaganda. The cult that’s sprung up around him across Western civilization is entirely the product of an intelligence-orchestrated information campaign, but it’s nevertheless still frighteningly real in the minds of millions.

By Andrew Korybko
American political analyst

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