If The World Can’t Stand With Gaza, It Won’t Stand For Anyone – Jerome Irwin

This writer’s continuing efforts to shed more light and clarity on Israel and America’s heinous genocidal war against the Palestinians in Gaza has already become a published work under the title: A Briefing before the World Can Ever Stand Together with Gaza – THE INTEL DROP.

However, it continues as an investigative literary piece to determine, more broadly, what specific militant political actions among the creative artist communities of Canada, the United States and Australia, collectively, as well as individually, already have, or are in the process of, undertaking, to provide whatever greater professional artistic, moral support they can to make the political systems and leadership of their countries more acutely-aware and responsive to the existing realities of what is, and s bring to a crashing halt Zionist Israel’s nightmarishly-brutal, savage onslaught against the entire nation of Palestine’s men, women, children, infants and senior citizens.

Especially, in light of the diabolical misinformation, disinformation, and what amounts to the nigh total insidious, malevolent censorship, by each country’s corrupt corporate mainstream media’s abject unwillingness to tell “the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help them God”; beyond the propaganda rubbish and flat-out , that daily fill their dumbed-down citizenry’s heads up with about what really is going on ever minute of every day in the disgraceful perpetration of the war.

 In other words, this seemingly endless work-in-progress seeks to identify what militant political actions among the creative artist communities of Canada, the United States, Australia, and really the entire human race, collectively, already are helping the populaces of their respective countries recognize that what is happening today to the Palestinians in their former homelands; can be likened not only to the WWII crimes of genocide committed by the Nazis at their Auschwitz Concentration Camp and other death camps; but to the similar hideous things in the history books that once happened to indigenous Indians, Black slaves and Mexican peasants in 17th,18th & 19th century America, especially its Southern ante bellum states, and the wild west of Canada’s Northern plains.

These massive ad hoc European colonial societies of their times, with the complicity of the rest of the world’s so-called later civilized societies within its erstwhile United Nations; all, ever-ready, champing at the bit, to plunder yet some fresh new piece of the world for themselves; this time in the Middle East. 

The green light that has been given to Zionist Israel, its IDF stormtroopers, American society’s collective ideological ‘soldiers of fortune’, and others of the same ilk, worldwide, have once again been given all but carte blanche with the collective permission and blessings of the United Nations to do whatever they will.

It’s Nothing More Than the Human Race’s Same Ol Shuck and Jive

A starting point of this new awareness must begin with the realization that during the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries, all the newcomer colonial European cultures and societies, like Israel’s contemporary, so-called, “Zionist Settler-Colonial Plan” for an Ersatz Israel, continues to regularly, routinely, murder, rape, slaughter and steal, at their whim, everything that ever belonged to the original Palestinian inhabitants; while their stormtrooper, blitzkrieg armies, and hosts of snipers, are given carte blanche to maim or shoot to kill innocent men, women, children. infants and elders.

Always, of course, without any recriminations whatsoever from their leaders; as if whatever the latest lumps of human flesh, bone and feelings of sentient beings are, are nothing more than unwanted vermin to be duly eradicated for the betterment of all concerned, and so, make way for all those ‘more gifted, favored ones’ yet to come.

Today, in 2024, it’s no different! To gain a truly sobering reality check of what actually continues to happen to Palestinians every second of every minute of every day in this hideous war in Gaza, the reader, if they care anything at all about the real plight of all concerned in Gaza, can do no better than take into their hearts the truths that Dr. Thaer Ahmad, a Palestinian ER Doctor from Chicago, has to recount after having just returned from a nightmarish time spent in the midst of the Gaza tragedy. 

Dr. Ahmad describes in great shocking detail what day to day life is currently like in Gaza when living human beings are put on glass slides, like specimens under a microscope, to see how they will react under the severest of conditions. It’s unbelievable! Brutal, evil, savage carnage don’t remotely even begin to describe the hidosity of it all, once one has been touched by what they will learn.

Once this writer did, his heart ached grievously, from the place it touched within the residual memory banks of his own Irish-Tyrolean ancestors who suffered the same fate; as so many Palestinians whose hearts also now ache so grievously for their lost loved one, as indigenous peoples the world over also have ever suffered from the same fate since time immemorial.

To arrive at a truly sobering reality check, in the year 2024, of what this actually translates to, in human terms, and continues to happen to Palestinians every second of every minute of every day in this latest hideous war, this time around in Gaza; the reader, if they even remotely care enough about the real truth and justice of the plight of all those still hopelessly trapped in Gaza’s massive oppressive concentration death camp, could do no better than listen to Amy Goodwin’s Democracy Now interview of Dr. Thaer Ahmad, a Palestinian ER Doctor from Chicago, who recently returned from a nightmarish time spent in Gaza’s hospitals in the midst of the unbelievable macabre tragedy that continues to unfold.

Dr. Ahmad candidly describes in great shocking detail what day to day survival is really like in Gaza. Words like: Unbelievable! Brutal! evil! Savage! Inhuman Carnage! fail to tell the whole truth. They don’t even remotely begin to describe the actual reality of it all.

Brace yourself, however, because when this writer listened to Dr. Ahmad, his own heart quietly, yet so grievously, painfully ached. The longer Dr. Ahmad spoke of the unspeakable plight of the Palestinians, that no one in their right mind would ever wish upon their worst enemy, was constantly tweaked by this writer’s painful remembrances of his Irish ancestors, not that terribly long ago in time or space, once suffered the same fate, during yet another violent, turbulent time and among humans, at the brutal hands of arrogant England’s overlords. 

Listening to the accounts of the suffering the Palestinian people continue to endure at the hands of their own arrogant, primitive IDF stormtrooper overlords, came the same reoccurring thought: “There but for the grace of God!”

Until that moment, while listening to Dr. Ahmad, this writer never truly, fully, could viscerally understand, at a gut level, how or why such overlords, English, German Nazis or whomever, could ever have been or still could ever be so cruel, heartless and barbaric, as to cause the needless suffering of so many innocent, helpless Palestinian hearts to ache and bleed so grievously, as indigenous peoples throughout the world also have had to needlessly suffer for so long a time in human history. It is one of those real mysteries of life as all of us sentient beings as we continue our cosmic journey on this tiny vulnerable orb we call ‘Earth’, as it an we all hurtle together through endless time and space.

The reader is asked to further brace themselves still one more time to continue to bear witness to yet more unedited, uncensored-truth-telling, as re-told by Dr. Taher Ahmad; this time to Abby Martin, host of the Empire Files: Unprecedented War Crimes: Eyewitness Truth in Gaza Hospitals w/ Dr. Thaer Ahmad.

Beyond what all that words, mental awareness and consciousness can ever say, this writer continues to be dumbfounded by so many reactions of seeming indifference and disinterest to what all continues to unfold everywhere around him within the Western World at large, and, more specifically, the populaces within the countries of Canada and the United States; who still unequivocally support and defend the Zionists, and soon; will elect yet another ‘Vanilla White’ fascist to replace PM Trudeau, or re-elect another ‘Sleepy Genocide Joe’ or ‘His Bloated Holiness’ to rule the world; ‘for which, this writer is now so deeply ashamed and embarrassed by what he once was so proud of feeling within himself, and so proudly once admitted to others, he was a dual citizen of both countries.

Also, too, knowingly-aware that all, or most of the world’s, apolitical figures, somehow, have had a hand in doing, or not doing by their silence, to do some positive action to stop what is happening today to the Palestinians in their former homelands of Palestine. 

Their collective diabolical actions or inactions can be likened not only to the recent WWII crimes committed by the Nazis at its Auschwitz Death Camp, Warsaw Ghetto or other death camps; but also the hideous things that happened during their own ancestors days, to indigenous First Nations, Black slaves and Mexican peasants in 18th & 19th century history books of America’s Southern ante-bellum states and Northern plains of Canada’s Wild West.

By then, as now, those massive ad hoc European colonial societies of their day, with the complicity of the rest of the world’s so-called civilized societies backing them up. Like a giant juggernaut; each one, always champing at the bit, to crush beneath its ponderous weight; ever eager to plunder some fresh new piece of others, once sacrosanct world for themselves.

All these newcomer colonial European cultures and societies regularly, routinely, murdering, raping, slaughtering, stealing, at their whim, everything that ever belonged to the original inhabitants. Their armies and snipers given carte blanche to maim or shoot to kill innocent men, women, children and elders, without any recriminations whatsoever from their leaders; as if the victims were nothing more than unwanted vermin; to be duly eradicated for the betterment of all, to make way for the minions who are still to come.

Fifty years – half a century – ago, when this writer first arrived upon Canada’s shores from America, the world was such a different place. Canada’s strong, colorful, outspoken leader, Pierre Eliott Trudeau, the father of the current Prime Minister, was someone who accurately felt the world’s pulse, and knew then what unequivocal actions needed to be taken for the betterment of the human race; for which the world once sat up in all their chambers, listened to, and took heed. Lo, were that the case now in these troubled times.

Jerome Irwin is a Canadian-American writer who, in previous lives, has been involved in a wide range of diverse and varied worlds, including the Criminology profession with an American police department, and later for a brief-time in the capacity of clandestine communications with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. For decades, in various professional capacities as an educator, researcher, geo-political analyst, and writer. Irwin has sought to call attention to a broad spectrum of world problems pertaining to the degradation and unsustainability caused by a host of environmental-ecological-spiritual-ideological issues that exist between the conflicting world philosophies of indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.

Irwin is the author of the book, “The Wild Gentle Ones; A Turtle Island Odyssey” (www.turtle-island-odyssey.com), a spiritual odyssey among the native peoples of North America that over the decades has produced numerous articles pertaining to: Ireland’s Fenian Movement; native peoples Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance Movement; AIPAC, Israel & the U.S. Congress anti-BDS Movement; the historic Battle for Palestine & Siege of Gaza, as well as; the many violations constantly being waged by industrial-corporate-military-propaganda interests against the World’s Collective Soul. To examine a portion of the eclectic body of his work goggle: “Jerome Irwin, writer” The author and his wife are long-time residents on the North Shore of British Columbia.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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