Imprisonment In Place – T.L. Davis

The tactic of fascists

In a fascist government, those in power control businesses or have the explicit support of corporations in punishing individuals. This makes for absolute power of the government, leaving nowhere for the individual to turn for support. They can lose their jobs, careers and any savings or investments they might have if the government demands it, or even if the corporations act independently knowing it would please those in government. I’ve called this neo-communism rather than fascism, because the true definition of fascism is misunderstood and its mention inspires a specific emotional response, but communism inspires the correct emotional response. At this point, it’s more important to be accurate than to clearly communicate the point.

I was hoping that the lockdowns and limited businesses allowed to operate in America during the hysteria of the pandemic would awaken the people to the dangers of communist/fascist governments and serve to cause a backlash against those who implemented them, but that didn’t happen, or not to the extent that it should have. The whole structure of American society should have been re-evaluated right then. The people should have recognized that any municipal code or state regulation that could be brought to bear against the freedom of the individual would ultimately be used by tyrants to silence opposition. Censoring individuals has nothing to do with the intended purposes of municipal codes or state regulations and since they can be used to censor, they should be reviewed and largely abolished going forward. (things to work on in the aftermath of total societal collapse of the US) Those in government cannot stand the impertinence of a free people and will use any and all weapons against them.

It’s with horror that we watch Justin Trudeau impose a never-before used emergency act to label peaceful protesters “terrorists” and use the power of corporations with which the protesters do business to punish them for having oppositional political views. The trucker convoy and its participants are screaming for freedom with the science on their side when it comes to resisting a dangerous chemical injection that’s proving more deadly every day, but that runs contrary to Trudeau’s ultimate need, which is power.

Trudeau does not stand on the side of science, no matter how much they hide and fudge the truth to cling to the source of the greatest power and wealth grab in the history of mankind, but that’s just the point. It isn’t truth or science that drives a fascist government, it is sheer power, sheer control over the people and for them to do anything less than kneel and submit is punished harshly.

The mistake is for people in America to think that it’s any different here. It’s not. Yes, we have powerful governors and such that might, state by state, resist the worst of the excesses of a tyrannical ruler like Biden, or Obama, or Rice, whoever’s actually running the show up in DC, but all of these actions and more are in the playbook.

Australia is the mark of what a Western “democracy” is willing to do as far as imprisonment-in-place and penalties for straying outside one’s cell, however lavish a cell it might be. Austria was quick to jump on that bandwagon as well. Canada is showing the power and extent to which they are willing to use anti-terror legislation and the cooperation of corporations to punish their own peaceful citizens out of sheer spite and embarrassment. Next is America, where they might be the ones to demonstrate the level of firepower that might be brought against their own citizens.

Each nation has taken upon itself the role of setting one bar or another and it sure looks like America has the role of unleashing actual weaponry. The United States has weeded patriots out of the military, have weakened the forces with the dangerous injections and have fomented war in Ukraine in order to impose the worst of measures at home. If we are at war with Russia, the American Government can use the most vicious means of suppressing opposition to that war by labeling the protesters “terrorists and traitors.” They already have your replacements imported from around the world and brought through the open southern border.

As I’ve remarked before, this is already a world war of Western governments against the free people of the world. The disparate and diffused actions taken by each nation feeds into a single narrative that freedom is not only wrong, but violent. This is the struggle for minds using intimidation, small rewards for great sacrifices, all of the tools of kidnappers and terrorists.

Until Americans, Canadians, Austrians, Australians, Brits, Italians, French and every other so-called democracy in the West recognizes that they are, by virtue of electronic surveillance, electronic banking systems, electronic voting systems, city, county and state regulations and anti-terror legislation all prisoners in their own homes, slaves to fascist governments, they will never act in a way that can ultimately free themselves. These governments need to be recognized as criminals in violation of their oaths and offices on a grand scale.

As Justin Trudeau just proved, simply by declaring a whole segment of the population of his nation as terrorists, he was able to effectively impoverish and enslave them with an utterance, nothing more. Intelligent military and police have, in so many other instances of this sort of belligerence, deposed the petty tyrant and established order so that new elections could take place, but like captured pieces on a chessboard, those legitimate forces of the people have been captured and remain on the side of the tyrants. It was almost different in Canada, but then, not.

This is what the NTAS Bulletin concerning misinformation, disinformation and malinformation was all about, to put fear in those who criticized the Biden Administration. No sooner had the Department of Homeland Security issued this bulletin than they sought to enforce it on, a top-tier economics website that ventures into politics. The CIA issued a warning that, by exposing the Biden Administration’s overzealous and hyperbolic response to Russian troops on the Ukrainian border in response to NATO’s aggressive recruitment of Ukraine, had somehow being under the influence and direction of Russia. Simply making that accusation opens up a whole range of possible penalties through anti-terrorism legislation, exposing the evil of the Patriot Act, again.

This all sounds like a ridiculous and irrational response from any government grounded in the ideals of the First Amendment and overall freedom, but it only illuminates the degree to which we have not been THAT nation in a long time. After the lockdowns, all of this seems somewhat anticipated, because they already proved they would use any method at their disposal to punish and blame the American people for their weakness and stupidity.

By T.L. Davis

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