In The Jewish War On Whites And Palestinians, The Jewish Supremacist Zio-Glob Regards White Patriots And Palestinian Nationalists As The Biggest Threats To Their Hegemony – Jung-Freud

An interesting fact: Two Peoples most repressed by Jewish Supremacist Globo-Homo Power are (1) White Patriots and (2) Palestinian Nationalists.


Jewish supremacism fears them most because:

(1) Jewish supremacism cannot sustain itself around the world without cucky-wuck White Submissivism. Jews don’t have the numbers to rule the world. White numbers and talent must be in service of the Jewish Agenda. In order to make whites serve Jewish interests than white interests, Jews must ‘pathologize’ the slightest hint of white identity and white interests as ‘white supremacism’, ‘nazism’ or ‘far right'(even though genuinely far-right elements in Israel are rarely called such by the New York Times and the Jewish-run MSM).

The sad irony is that Jewish supremacism denounces ‘white supremacism’ not to eradicate supremacist ideology in general but to perpetuate Jewish supremacism. It’s akin to the master ‘pathologizing’ the desire for freedom on the part of the slave as ‘uppity’ not because he’s opposed to pride per se but because he seeks to secure his pride as master over the slave.

Then, it’s no wonder Jewish Power ‘pathologizes’ all forms of white identity. For this very reason, true white patriots must distance themselves from Neo-Nazi morons(more than half of them probably ‘feds’) who espouse a supremacist ideology, albeit as a crutch as these types tend to be low in IQ and ability. White Patriots must support national autonomy for ALL peoples. The Alt Right(led by Richard Spencer)shot itself in the foot by being for empire, albeit against that of the Jews.

(2) Jewish supremacism fears Palestinian nationalism for two reasons. Israel’s very existence owes to the forced extinction of Palestine. Therefore, if Palestinian nationalism is legitimate, Israel is either illegitimate or at least fundamentally marred by the crimes of its creation.
We never hear any US politician say, “Palestine has the right to exist”. They chant the mantra, “Israel has the right to exist” while totally ignoring how it came into existence by geo-ciding Palestine off the map. It’s a supreme case of projection by the Jews backed by the servility of brown-nosing white Americans. But Jewish Power goes even further in its finger-wagging. Jews created Israel by wiping Palestine off the map but now accuse Iran of wishing to wipe Israel off the map when, in fact, Iranian leaders never said any such thing.

Palestinian nationalism is a threat to Israel because Palestinians have a legitimate claim to the land that European Jews wrested from them. Jews fear Palestinian nationalism for geopolitical and MORAL reasons. In some parts of the world, there are no clear right-or-wrongs in the territorial disputes. India and China still disagree on border issues. Such disputes are common all over the world. But there is NO DENYING the fact that Israel came into existence by massive Nakba Pogroms of 1948 that destroyed Palestine in whole.

Now, we are in the 75th anniversary of the Nakba Pogroms that wiped Palestine off the map and denied the right of Palestinians to have a nation of their own. Notice the Jewish-run media hardly mention this anniversary.
The BDS movement and related causes pose not only a geo-political challenge but moral rebuke to Jewish-Zionist supremacist power. It is an ‘existential’ threat to the Holy Holocaust Narrative that would have us believe that the Jews have always been gentle, kindly, and helpless souls incapable of harming a fly but were abused and murdered by ‘anti-Semites’ for totally irrational reasons.

But a closer examination of history illustrates that Jews were among the the major mass-killers as Bolsheviks and have been acting like Judeo-Nazis against the Palestinians.

And, isn’t it strange how conveniently the world forgot that Israel was the closest ally of South Africa during the apartheid years, while communist Jews in South Africa worked with blacks against the Boers?
In effect, the backroom deal seems to have been that Jewish communists would support the blacks who, in turn, would go easy on Jewish capitalist diamond merchants, or Jewish communists and Jewish capitalists working hand-in-glove. White goyim think in terms of white left VERSUS white right whereas Jews think in terms of Jewish left AND Jewish right; this is why Jews feared fascism; it was the unity of white leftism and white rightism, a most potent combination of socialist benefits for workers and capitalist incentives for the elites, with both sides being united by nationalism.

Then, it’s obvious why Jews fear white identity and Palestinian nationalism the most. They do everything to repress anything that is white-and-proud and anything that is Palestinian-and-for-freedom. Jews use Big Tech(which is mostly Jew-tech) to silence white voices and to deny financial services to white patriots. Jews use their whore politicians to criminalize BDS and to ‘debank’ pro-Palestinian groups. While Jews pressure the US to offer billions in tribute to Israel, a nation that supports ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists in Syria, just about any pro-Palestinian group in the US is targeted and defunded as a ‘terrorist’ group.

Given what Jews are doing to both groups, you’d think white patriots and Palestinians would make natural allies. But Jews pit them against one another, much like Kirk Douglas and Woody Strode as gladiators in SPARTACUS.

Incredibly, the two groups that are most targeted by Jews are usually insulting and hating on one another. Even as Jews crush Palestinians OVER THERE, they coddle Muslims OVER HERE and tell them that ‘white racists’ are the biggest danger to Arabs and Muslims when, in fact, it was Jewish Hollywood that produced the All-Arabs-are-terrorists movies and it was the Zionists in the Deep State who made White Christian Soldiers fight Wars for Israel that, along with unrelenting sanctions, have killed over a million Muslims. (Of course, many Muslims ally with Jewish globalists despite their loathing of Zionism because their main priority is to gain entry into the West. Since Jews are for non-white invasion of the West, even anti-Jewish Muslims work with Jews.)

As for white cucks and paycheck conservatives, they are spineless & gutless, eager to do anything to win favors from Jews inside the Beltway. As for men like Jared Taylor, there is this pathological hope that, some day, all these high IQ wealthy Jews will see the light and side with whites. It’s utterly delusional. Taylor refuses to Name the Jewish Power even though it is the real power behind the Russia-Hysteria and the censorship of White Advocates like Taylor himself. It wasn’t the Chinese or Mexicans who got Taylor and Alex Jones removed from the major platforms. It wasn’t the Chinese or Mexicans who denied basic financial services to Taylor. It’s been the Jews. Just like “It was Barzini all along” in THE GODFATHER, it was the Jews who were the real force in the War on Whites.
Jews want supremacism for themselves, not ‘equal partnership’ with goyim; indeed, whites are intolerable even as junior partners; they must be soul-slaves and mental-servants of Jews, and the most useful among them are given privileges as ‘house honkeys’.

Jewish political personality now cannot accept anything like parity, mutuality, and/or reciprocity with any other group. Just think… Jews are fuming over Russia because they weren’t allowed to totally dominate that country. Imagine that. Jews are less than 1% of Russians, but they think THEY should have dominion over it. Since Putin denied them this ‘right’, he is defamed as a ‘new hitler’ according to the Jewish-run MSM and the white cuck-dogs who bark for their Jewish master.

As for honor and honesty, they seemed consigned to the Jewish Joke Book. But then, why should Jews care when no one holds them to account for anything. Just ask the Palestinians. Jews once assured Palestinians that Zionism respects the demographic integrity of Palestine as an Arab-majority territory. Well, how did THAT work out? Palestinians who trusted Jews anticipated the white American suckers who fell for proto-cuck Ted Kennedy’s promise that the European character of America would not be altered by changes in the Immigration Policy. Today, Jews rule all of Israel, and IDF death squads ruthlessly mow down anyone in Gaza or West Bank who dare to resist Zionist tyranny.

White patriots and Palestinian nationalists must wake up. They need to realize they have a common enemy in Jewish supremacism. It is about time White People apologized to Palestinians for having aided and abetted in the Zionist destruction of Palestine. White people supported Jewish aggression against Palestinians in the hope that grateful Jews would use their wealth and influence to support white-and-Christian-friendly causes and interests.

But the idea of Jewish Supremacists being grateful for anything is laughable. If you do favors for Jewish Supremacists, they feel contempt for you as a gullible idiot. It should be obvious to all by now that Jews felt no gratitude for the white support of Zionism. Like gluttonous animals offered with food, Jewish appetite for power and wealth only increased exponentially. White Americans handed over just about everything to the Jews, but Jews still regard them with vicious hostility. People like Jennifer Rubin and Merrick Garland capable of any gratitude? Any sense of reciprocity? As far as Jews are concerned from a victimological viewpoint, all the reparations offered by whites will never compensate for ‘antisemitism’ and the Holocaust. But, there’s also the supremacist or ‘victorological’ perspective informing Jews that they, as members of the rightful master race, are entitled to total obedience and endless favors from all the goy kind.

As Jews gained more power, their attitude toward whites in the West came to resemble the Zionist attitude toward Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. Whites were dehumanized, whites were shamed & scapegoated, whites were disparaged, white lands were to be invaded by nonwhites(who would vote for politicians shilling for Jewish interests), white towns would be demographically transformed by color, young white minds would be infected with ‘wokeness’, and white wombs were to be colonized by black seed.

Jews hire dogs of various color to spew hatred against whitey… just like Jews hired white cucks like Lindsey Graham and Mitt Romney to spew hatred against Palestinians. The first step toward freedom is to say NO. White people must say NO and refuse to cuck out to Zionist-imperialism that is destroying the Palestinian people. Why should whites support Zionist policy against Palestinians when Jews in the West regard & treat whites the same way that Israeli Jews regard & treat Palestinians? In the West Bank, Palestinians are dehumanized and their lands are to be resettled by Jewish migrant-imperialists. And in the West, Jewish-run ‘wokeness’ spreads anti-white hatred among POC(people of color) and instills self-hatred among whites(who end up like Mollie Tibbetts); and its end-goal is to flood the West with immigrant-invaders who are to take over white lands and colonize white wombs.

Remember Mollie Tibbetts, the white prog whose mind was poisoned by Jewish-run Media & Academia? Jewish Globalists got their hooks so deep into white minds that her father defended mass migration-invasion(that led to the death of his daughter) because it means more guacamole and enchiladas for his stupid cuck-self.

In the Jewish-Zionist mind, White Patriots = Palestinian Nationalists. Both groups must be broken in pride and spirit in order to secure Jewish Supremacism for all eternity.
Some people say that Diversity will eventually undermine Jewish Power because many POC are anti-Jewish. While this may be true in France and UK where so many of the immigrant-invaders are Arabs or Muslims, there is little chance of that in the US and Canada where immigrant-invaders are mostly from the non-Muslim world. Also, most of them don’t have the brains to rise very high. East Asians do, but their dog-like personality leads them to serve than challenge the Power(like Jews did against the Wasp elites).

Since the Power is Jewish, most Asian elites become little more than yellow dogs of Jews. In the US, the majority of immigrant-invaders come from the south of the border, and their votes mostly end up serving Jewish supremacism. As all politicians rely on Jewish money, American people have only two choices: Republicans who suck up to Jews and Democrats who also suck up to Jews.

So, even as POC supply the votes to elect Democratic politicians, the politicians take their orders from the donors(any of whom are Jewish), not from the masses whose idea of culture is the bread-and-circuses of TV shows(made by Jewish Hollywood). There are many more black, brown, and yellow voters than Jewish ones, and yet, all Democratic politicians take orders from rich Jews and usually ignore their constituents. Why? Because, before they can campaign for votes, they must be vetted and funded by Jewish interests. Many more Mexicans and blacks than Jews may vote for a Democratic candidate, but the candidate’s priorities will be Israel, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Homomania(proxy of Jewish power), and whatever Jews want, like the ‘new cold war with Russia’ and more sanctions against Iran, a nation which most Mexicans and blacks in America couldn’t even find on the map. Indeed, even Muslim votes that go to Democrats end up serving Jewish interests because most politicians are chosen and groomed by Jews. Just ask Rashida Tlaib whose howls of despair go unheard in Washington. Even politicians who started out as critics of Israel soon change their tune and sing hosannas to Israel-First policy as they seek higher office.

True, there are many rich goyim, so why don’t they spend their money to counter Jewish Power? Partly, it’s because Jews control the gods, the collective sacraments and taboos. Jews bestow holiness on whatever they favor and promote. It means Jews can spend any sum they wish for whatever agenda, whereas goyim, no matter how rich they are, must think twice about where their money goes. Take globo-homo, for instance. Jewish Power elevated ‘gays’ to holy status whereas ‘homophobia’ is now akin to a grave sin. So, it’s perfectly fine for a Jewish oligarch to donate hundreds of millions to the ‘gay’ agenda, but anyone who donates even just $1,000 to an anti-globo-homo agenda will come under intense scrutiny and suspicion, followed by media-coordinated condemnation. Likewise, rich Jews can pump lots of money into BLM and Zionist causes, but if any rich white guy donates merely a pittance to a pro-white cause, he will soon find himself a pariah. Elon Musk is supposed to be the richest man in the world, but consider how his reputation has been dragged through the mud and how he’s come under legal and financial pressures from all sides. Power isn’t just about money but the control of what’s holy and unholy.

Anyway, it is time for white people to stop the War on Palestine. When the Jewish War on Whites now treats white Americans like Zionists treat Palestinians in Israel/Palestine, Gaza, and West Bank, isn’t it about time for white folks to see the light? White people need to look in the mirror and say “We are the New Palestinians.” And white people need to atone for what they’ve done to Palestine. Palestinians did NOTHING to white Americans, but white Americans chose to support the Jewish destruction of Palestine. Unlike the Palestinians, many Jews played outsized roles in the mass-murders of whites in the 20th century. Many top Bolsheviks were Jews. And many of the biggest spies and agents for the Soviet Union were Jews. While the current Russia Hysteria is a total fantasy concocted by crazy Jews, the Red Scare was premised on the REALITY of extensive Soviet-Jewish espionage in the US. But in Jewish-run US, the Red Scare was a terrible time of political repression while the current US is on the verge of being totally infiltrated by Putin and the Russkies. One wonders if Jewish kids tell their teachers, ‘Putin ate my homework’.

Tragically, white Americans supported the Jews in the destruction of Palestinians in 1948. Now, if subsequent Jewish attitudes and actions reflected genuine gratitude, the white support of Zionism would have at the very least made political if not moral sense. Most of politics(especially involving foreign policy) is amoral and based on realpolitik considerations of “What’s in it for us?”
In the end, whites woefully misread Jewish intentions and misjudged the Jewish character. Given an inch, Jews demanded a mile. Given a mile, they demanded the whole nation. Given the whole nation, they now demand the world. It’s incredible that the US is now compelled to wage a ‘new cold war’ with Russia and risk multi-front wars(with Iran and possibly China) simply because of Jewish neurosis for supremacy. So, the white support for Zionism turned out to be both a moral and political bust. It is time to wake up and to build a whole new political movement from the ground up as just about all the politicians in the Beltway are little more than whores of Zion.

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