India’s envisaged economic and strategic leadership of the Global South could soon be complemented by a “Democratic Security” component depending on the moves that it makes after Color Revolution mastermind George Soros just declared Hybrid War on this globally significant Great Power during his Munich Security Conference speech.
India’s principled neutrality towards the New Cold War over the past year resulted in its rapid rise as a globally significant Great Power, which bolstered its ambitions to lead the Global South’s emergence as a third pole of influence for breaking the Sino-American bi-multipolar superpower duopoly. As the world’s most populous developing country and among the planet’s best-performing economies, this South Asian state is already in a prime position to exert positive influence over that swath of humanity.
Last month it hosted the virtual Voice Of Global South Summit with the aim of brainstorming mutually beneficial proposals for India to advance during its G20 chairmanship. This development represented the first tangible step in the direction of India leading its peers amidst these turbulent times in International Relations, all with a view towards informally assembling a purely apolitical and economically driven new Non-Aligned Movement (“Neo-NAM”) that’ll restore balance to global affairs.
Thus far, India has sought to supercharge South-South economic cooperation as well as inspire developing countries to emulate its masterful balancing act between the US-led West’s Golden Billion and the jointly BRICS– & SCO-led Global South of which they’re a part. The intent behind this two-pronged approach is to strengthen their integration in parallel with enhancing their strategic autonomy, which will facilitate the rise of the African Union and other regional groups as equal multipolar leaders.
What’s missing though is a security component for ensuring that there aren’t any serious setbacks to their plans for gradually reforming International Relations. This collection of diverse countries is susceptible to externally exacerbated Hybrid War threats for dividing and ruling their populations, which could result in some of them experiencing coups, other forms of regime change, separatism, terrorism, and/or weaponized protest movements (Color Revolutions) in the worst-case scenarios.
It’s thus of the highest priority that the most so-called “fragile states” among them comprehensively enhance their “Democratic Security”, which refers to the wide range of counter-Hybrid Warfare tactics and strategies for thwarting these externally exacerbated threats to their models of democracy. As coincidence would have it, India is once again poised to lead the way in pioneering the most optimal approach in this respect that its developmental peers could then follow.
Its envisaged economic and strategic leadership of the Global South could soon be complemented by a “Democratic Security” component depending on the moves that India makes after Color Revolution mastermind George Soros just declared Hybrid War on it during his Munich Security Conference speech. He placed a recent sequence of Western economic and information warfare events into context by admitting that they could lead to a so-called “democratic revival” in India.
That’s a euphemism for regime change, which is being advanced against that country by the Golden Billion’s liberal–globalist ideologues in order to punish it for its independent domestic and foreign policies. This powerful faction of influencers and policymakers hates India for protecting traditional values in the face of the West’s post-modern assault against them, just as they detest it for refusing to subordinate itself as their de facto New Cold War bloc’s largest vassal state by sanctioning Russia.
Keen observers were already well aware that there was a plot to undermine India from within through economic and information warfare for these reasons, but it wasn’t until Soros spilled the beans by boating about this last week that there was no longer any doubt that this was truly the case. In light of this development, which placed a recent sequence of related events into their proper Hybrid War context, it’s expected that India will redouble its “Democratic Security” efforts to protect its sovereignty.
One of the forms in which this is presently taking is its ongoing investigation into the BBC for tax evasion, which followed that British state-run broadcaster’s airing of a so-called “documentary” that Delhi condemned as a disinformation-driven plot to exacerbate domestic divisions. This was preceded over the past year or so by tightening legislation intended to root out foreign intelligence fronts masquerading as “NGOs”.
Protecting India’s national model of democracy from external meddling through the aforementioned means as well as ensuring that no international media outlet like the BBC is above the law helps advance the country’s “Democratic Security” goals. It should also be noted that patriotic activists and civil society groups have raised public awareness in recent years about the means through which Hybrid Warfare is being waged against their civilization-state, which boosts their people’s ability to counteract this.
Promoting pre-bunking (preemptively debunking false information warfare narratives) and raising the population’s media literacy (the capability to discern the difference between various media products in order to avoid being manipulated by them) will greatly help in this respect too. Readers should be reminded that India is also praised by the Golden Billion as the world’s largest democracy so everything that it’s doing is in line with related principles, albeit implemented within its unique national conditions.
That said, there’s already been an incipient information warfare campaign underway over the past few years attempting to mislead people at home and abroad into considering India to be “anti-democratic” in order to discredit its multipolar leadership’s “Democratic Security” policies. These efforts are easily counteracted though by informing the targeted audience that the US and other Western countries also have powerful executive branches, not to mention national security-minded legislation too.
Furthermore, the Golden Billion has unilaterally acted to impede the functioning of publicly funded Russian international media flagships and in some cases outright ban them, which is their sovereign right regardless of whether one supports it but goes to show that they’ll take drastic action at times. Public debate over these moves is non-existent, however, unlike in India. Additionally, the authorities aggressively suppress discussion about this and smear those who still dare to talk about it.
Again, it’s unimportant in this context whether readers agree with the West’s approach since the point is simply to draw attention to what’s happening in that de facto New Cold War bloc, which serves to relieve related information warfare pressure upon India for its much milder policies in this respect. The difference between India and them is that the first is a Global South leader while the second is part of the Golden Billion, hence why the latter impose hypocritical double standards against the former.
An informed populace that’s been inoculated against ideological-informational viruses via the proactive efforts of patriotic activists and civil society groups, which are bolstered by the state’s “Democratic Security” policies, is less likely to be manipulated by the West’s divide-and-rule campaigns. What India is therefore doing is pioneering the path for its developmental peers to follow in optimizing the methods through which they can defend their national models of democracy from these threats.
To summarize its policies, India is: 1) relying on patriotic activists and civil society groups to pre-bunk disinformation, improve people’s media literacy, and expose Hybrid War plots; 2) tightening legislation in order to root out foreign intelligence fronts masquerading as “NGOs”; and 3) ensuring that no international media outlet like the BBC is above the law. This package approach is pragmatic, in line with democratic principles, and has proven to be effective, ergo why Delhi should share it with its partners.
This could occur either bilaterally at the academic-expert, diplomatic, and/or military levels or multilaterally during pertinent sessions that might be held at the next Voice Of Global South Summit or other similar events, including totally new ones. However it happens, the point is that India is in a prime position to set the Global South’s “Democratic Security” standards, which it should prioritize doing in order to preemptively avert the worst-case Hybrid War scenarios that they’re all threatened with.
Liberal-globalist ideologues in the Golden Billion like Soros and his ilk are obsessed with punishing Global South states whose domestic and international policies don’t comply with their de facto New Cold War bloc’s. It can’t be taken for granted that pragmatic influencers and policymakers will stop them from meddling in others’ affairs, which is why India should take the lead in helping those potentially targeted countries cooperate in strengthening their “Democratic Security” capabilities just in case.