Iran Signs Memorandum To Join Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Thanks Putin For His Support

SCO Summit Strengthens Iran’s Regional Presence.

The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, is reinforcing Iran’s presence in the region at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit.

In an official ceremony, Uzbek Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov received President Raisi and his official delegation at the summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, which is held for two days from 15-16 September.

Founded and directed by Russia and China in 2001, the SCO, which combined makes up around 30 percent of the global GDP, is a multilateral and global organization that strengthens eastern cooperation to counterbalance US and EU hegemony and its economic sanctions.

Iran’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, announced the signing of a memorandum to enter the SCO officially in 2023.

“By signing the document for the full membership of the SCO, Iran has entered a new stage of economic, commercial, transit, and energy cooperation,” he wrote on social media.

The summit has allowed the Iranian government to establish and intensify bilateral agreements. On Thursday, President Raisi met with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, who confirmed that representatives of 80 large Russian companies will visit Tehran next week.

Putin also commented that “trade with Iran increased by 81% last year, and there another 30% in the first five months of this year,” according to Mehr News Agency.

Mehr News Agency also reported that the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif, and President Raisi, held a meeting and agreed to form an official committee to strengthen their economic cooperation, as well as Iran’s collaboration and assistance in humanitarian efforts for flood victims in Pakistan.

Furthermore, Tehran will join Moscow’s Mir payment system to counter western sanctions on debit and credit card payment methods.

Iran has been receiving lots of attention following recent negotiations with Washington about the revival of the Iran nuclear deal, a major issue for Israel.

Mossad chief, David Barnea, recently admitted to sabotaging the Islamic Republic in an effort to bring down the revival of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal.

In addition, Josep Borrell, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, mentioned that the nuclear deal with Iran was in a “stalemate,” blaming Iran for the situation.

Iran’s President stressed that his country had not abandoned the negotiations and that the European Union and the United States were the ones who had broken their commitments.

Likewise, the US recently sanctioned Iranian companies and nationals accused of “cyberattacks”.

According to a US Treasury statement, a “group of Iran-based criminal cyber actors,” have been behind several attacks on US and international networks since 2020.

The Iranian government denied the accusations as “false propaganda campaigns,” meanwhile, Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Nasser Kanaani, said that “misinformation against the Islamic Republic of Iran is part of a failed Iranophobic policy of the US government, which will get nowhere.”, 

Iran inks commitment memorandum to join SCO

The document was signed by the head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry and the SCO secretary general

SAMARKAND, September 15. /TASS/. Iran has signed a commitment memorandum with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the press service of the SCO Summit reported on Thursday.

“Iran has signed a commitment memorandum in order to join the SCO, the document was signed by the head of the Iranian Foreign Ministry and the SCO secretary general,” the statement reads.

In order to receive a status of a full-fledged member of the SCO, following the signing of the commitment memorandum, Iran has to ratify 40 normative documents of this organization, Uzbekistan’s SCO national coordinator Rahmatulla Nurimbetov said on Thursday.

“According to the SCO Charter and its other normative documents, any country candidate for membership in the organization must share the SCO’s goals and tasks without taking any hostile actions against other member states. Additionally, the country should be part of the Eurasian region and should not be subject to sanctions by the UN Security Council,” the official told reporters. According to him, Iran complies with all these requirements, therefore the decision was made to launch the procedure of accepting this country to the SCO.

Nurimbetov specified that, following the signing of the commitment memorandum, “in all, Iran has to ratify more than 40 organization’s documents, after this, the full-fledged member status will be granted to the country.” He reiterated that India and Pakistan had become full SCO members a year after signing the commitment memorandums. In his opinion, Iran might also need around one year in order to fulfill all the requirements. In this case, the country may accede to the SCO in 2023, at the organization’s next summit which will take place in India, TASS reports

Iranian president thanks Putin for supporting Iran’s SCO membership

SAMARCAND, September 15. /TASS/. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi thanked his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin for supporting the process of Iran’s accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

At their meeting on Thursday on the sidelines of a SCO summit, Iran’s president also noted that all members of the organization would benefit from the country’s SCO membership. “We believe that the membership of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a format of partnership that will benefit not only our country, but also all members of the association,” he said.

Currently, the SCO brings together India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran and Mongolia are observer states, while Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Turkey and Sri Lanka are its partner states. It is expected that the Samarkand summit will complete the procedure of Iran’s admission and will grant the status of a dialogue partner to Egypt, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. An application by Belarus to join the SCO as a full member is also being studied.


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