Iran Unveils New Long-Range Missiles Ahead Of The Islamic Revolution Anniversary

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) unveiled a new surface-to-surface ballistic missile with a 1,450 kilometer range on 9 February.

Dubbed ‘Kheibar Shekan’ (Castle Buster), the missile can hit a target with pinpoint accuracy and at an extremely high speed, according to IRGC Aerospace Force Commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh.

According to the IRGC, the Kheibar Shekan is reportedly propelled by solid fuel and is one-of-a-kind in terms of weight and firing. Its weight is one third that of comparable models, and the time required to launch it is six times shorter.

At the landing stage, the Kheibar Shekan missile has high maneuverability in the face of missile defense systems.

The announcement of this new missile comes at a time when Iran is commemorating the 43rd anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is consistently improving its missile capabilities to counter aggressors, oppressors, arrogant powers, and murderous Zionists,” Armed Forces Chief of Staff Major General Mohammad Bagheri said during the unveiling ceremony.

He also emphasized that the Islamic Republic will promote its missile technology “quantitatively and qualitatively.”

He went on to say that the enemies of the Islamic Republic do not understand anything other than the language of force, and believe that by attacking Iran they will gain more than they will lose, and  that they can disregard the issue of ethics, humanity, human rights.

Bagheri also praised the “dynamic” dissuasive power of the Iranian armed forces, saying the country is expanding its inventory of military hardware and its human resources.

According to a recent Pentagon study, Iran has a larger missile arsenal than any other West Asian country.

“Despite decades of counter-proliferation efforts aimed at limiting its advancement,” the report stated, “Iran has an extensive missile development program, and the size and sophistication of its missile force continue to grow.”

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