Iran’s General Declares Triumph of ‘Islam and Muslims’ over ‘Fleeing’ U.S.

The United States is defeated and fleeing Asia due to the inherent strength of Islam and Muslim nations, Major General Hossein Salami, commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC), declared Friday.

General Salami made the remarks while addressing a religious ceremony in Tehran, offering his observation on the back of the scrambled retreat from Afghanistan by the U.S. and its allies back in August.

According to Press TV, Salami said the U.S. is finished as a global power and belittled the Americans who “left Afghanistan in disgrace,” adding:

In the political battle [with the West], Islam and Muslims have emerged victorious and this is a reality… A proof [to this reality] is the humiliating escape of the [American] enemy from Afghanistan.


The [global] arrogance is fleeing the region as it has no more room to operate in the [West Asia] region, and the U.S. has been marginalized more than ever before.

General Salami remains confident Iran and its allies present too big a challenge for the U.S. to surmount in both West Asia and the Middle East, restating his previous claims Iran is too strong for anyone to grapple with.

Pointing to what he called “the formation of resistance movements in all parts of the Muslim world, including Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan,” Salami argued U.S. morale has “plummeted and they have become frustrated.”

The IRGC chief further stated “we are in the final stages of the resistance [to the U.S.] and this juncture has always been difficult, but the Iranian nation is certainly about to score a great triumph.”

Press TV reports similar remarks on American weakness under Joe Biden came a day earlier via a former chief of the IRGC who said Americans “left Afghanistan in disgrace” 20 years after their arrival, expressing “hope” they will be soon expelled from Iraq and Syria as well.

Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander Major General Hossein Salami (2-L) and General Amir Ali Hajizadeh (L), the head of the Revolutionary Guard's aerospace division, are pictured at Tehran's Islamic Revolution and Holy Defence museum, during the unveiling of an exhibition of what Iran says are US and other drones captured in its territory, in the capital Tehran on September 21, 2019. - Iran's Revolutionary Guards commander today warned any country that attacks the Islamic republic will see its territory become the "main battlefield" as he opened an exhibition of captured drones. (Photo by ATTA KENARE / AFP) (Photo credit should read ATTA KENARE/AFP via Getty Images)

Major General Hossein Salami pictured at Tehran’s Islamic Revolution and Holy Defence museum during the unveiling of an exhibition of what Iran says are U.S. drones captured in its territory, on September 21, 2019. (ATTA KENARE/AFP via Getty Images)

Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi, who served as the IRGC chief commander from 1997 to 2007, lauded Iran’s military power as second to no nation on earth.

He backed the claim made by General Salami in January that Iran is seeking revenge against the U.S. that  “will be hard, firm, regrettable, decisive and complete,” as Breitbart News reported.

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