Iraqi Faction Calls For Withdrawal Of Turkish Forces, Vows Attacks Inside Turkey

The Iraqi parliament is holding an emergency session to discuss the attack on Dohuk province and the continuous Turkish aggression on regions in Iraq. According to reports, the Iraqi resistance faction, Saraya Awlia al-Dam (SAD), vowed on 22 July to launch retaliatory attacks within Turkish territory, unless Ankara’s forces, which are illegally stationed in Iraq, withdraw from the country.

The threat of retaliatory attacks comes in response to an artillery attack launched by the Turkish military on a tourist resort in the Parakh village in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region (IKR), north of Iraq.

Despite Turkey’s denial of the attack and its attempt to place the blame on Kurdish armed groups, reports from the area said that Turkish artillery bombardments continued in the vicinity of the resort.

Eyewitnesses said more than 20 artillery blasts have been recorded since 21 July.

On 22 July, SAD launched two suicide drones at a Turkish military base in Bamarni, Amadiyah district, north of Dohuk province.

According to local sources, Turkish air defenses downed one of the drones while the other hit the base. No casualties were reported.

An unconfirmed video circulating on social media claims to show the moment that the suicide drones were launched.

The Anti-Terrorism Foundation of the IKR said in a statement that three missiles were fired at the Turkish Zilkan military base in northern Iraq, which has come under the rocket fire of Iraqi factions in the past.

The attack left no casualties or material damage, the statement went on to say.

On 23 July, the Iraqi parliament will be holding an emergency session to discuss Turkish attacks and Turkey’s continuous violation of Iraqi sovereignty.

The head of the Asaib Ahl al-Haq resistance faction, Qais Khazali, has called on the parliament to issue a resolution demanding the immediate withdrawal of Turkish forces from Iraq, while also calling for a firm and unified stance across the country in order to deal with the Turkish aggression.

Iraq’s foreign ministry has confirmed that it will be filing an urgent complaint against Turkey at the UN Security Council (UNSC).

In recent months, attacks by Turkey on Iraqi soil have been carried out continuously and without Iraq’s approval.

Ankara claims Baghdad supports its military activities against the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), but the Iraqi government has categorically denied such statements, saying there is no cooperation or approval for Turkish military actions inside Iraq.

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