Ireland Wages War On The Irish – Declan Hayes

Ursula von der Leyen has ordered Ireland’s destruction and those, who help her control the country from the shadows, are making fortunes from colluding with her and Genocide Joe Biden in its destruction.

When Tucker Carlson asks why Irish society is being pummeled into the ground, the short answer is that Ursula von der Leyen has ordered its destruction and those, who help her control Ireland from the shadows, are making fortunes from colluding with her and Genocide Joe Biden in its destruction. Whether we are talking about Ukraine, Germany, France, the Netherlands or Ireland, because social cohesion and the fabric, which enables it, are impediments to the rich getting richer, they must be destroyed.

Although this is a global phenomenon, it is particularly obvious in Dublin, where the so-called working class live in prime locations in the city centre and along the main arterial roads and railways leading to it. Why, Europe’s vulture funds ask, should they remain in their reservations, when it would be more lucrative to replace them with more docile and pliable human crops imported from “the Global South”?

Ireland, like those other countries, is just another human farm that must be milked to the max, where the vulture funds reap their profits and we must suck up the collateral damage, which includes child murder, child rape, child snatching, child trafficking, rape, gang rape and disemboweling homosexuals and ramming their testicles down their throats. When I wrote about all those things as they were happening in central Dublin last November, I little thought the violence that rocked central Dublin would come so quickly literally to my own door, but that is how it is. Ireland is at war against the Irish and I just happen to be one of that unlucky lot, just one more reservation Indian in need of scalping.

The war came to me

The IRA up North still whine that they did not go to war, but that the war came to them, and so they reacted by murdering business people, robbing art galleries, wantonly killing prize horses like Shergar, and so on. Their critics used to scoff at their blarney and snap back that the IRA were just criminals on the make, Orwell’s social climbers with guns.

The truth of the matter, as RUC Special Branch Superintendent William Matchett pointed out, was that many of the IRA were criminals even before the Troubles began in 1969. If we leave Jim Bryson’s house breaking and their systematic child raping to one one side, not only had South Armagh IRA been accomplished smugglers but some of their associates are now serving lengthy prison sentences in England for the manslaughter of trucks full of Vietnamese they smuggled into Blighty.

The relevance of South Armagh IRA to this article is to show there are sinister forces involved in Ireland’s people trafficking industry and Matchett’s relevance is to show that the RUC’s thuggery tactics used to counter South Armagh IRA have been unleashed in the South.

Gardai RUC

The Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) was the successor to the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), a paramilitary force designed to keep the native Irish subjugated. Although the Garda Síochána was its Southern equivalent, they were, by and large, unarmed and tried to rule by consent. Crucially, however, both had a Special Branch of intelligence led police, whose job it was to liaise with military intelligence against the IRA and other perceived threats to their respective states.

When one talks of the deep state in Ireland or Britain, the Special Branch are the first layer of that onion and, crucially, for our purposes, Drew Harris, the current head of the gardai, had long been a commander in the RUC’s Special Branch, in whose ranks his father also served in a senior capacity before being murdered by South Armagh IRA.

Harris, who has a slew of awards from the late Queen Elizabeth for his service to the Crown, was appointed as Garda Commissioner after former MEPs Mick Wallace and Clare Daly forced his predecessors to resign over rank corruption in the forces,

Although Harris seems to have cleaned up some of that corruption, his tactics are not the tactics of the unarmed Garda on the beat but those of the paramilitary RUC and RIC, whose sworn loyalty was always to British King and British country. The violent tactics of Harris’ secretive bunch of Garda thugs can be seen here, here, here, here and in Facebook (if you search under Coolock Garda) in the actions outside my own front door, where not only was I beaten up and pepper sprayed by the thugs of Harris’ Public Order Unit but, as a twitter search for Coolock will show, so also were two year old children, 62 year old women with terminal cancer and 79 year old grandfathers on crutches.

Croppies lie down

Although Harris much more so than Matchett can more easily mask his antipathy to uppity Fenians and Croppies like me, both believe hard RUC style love and vile smears are the answer to Ireland’s native aboriginals.

Here is citizen journalist Philip Dwyer producing evidence that Superintendent Alan McDevitt is running a violent vendetta against him because of his work in reporting on the plantation of Ireland by armies of undocumented men of military age. Although McDevitt bizarrely claims that Dwyer is not a citizen journalist, the videos of British barrister Daniel Shen Smith disagree with the opinions of that volatile RUC/Garda officer who, Barrister Smith’s videos strongly suggest, has grossly abused his position of trust.

No doubt, Smith could comment on these Gardai/RUC thugs McDevitt let off the leash, randomly beating up women, sprinting across the road to criminally assault my neighbour on his way home from work, drawing firearms in the same place where an illegal Pakistani immigrant repeatedly raped a vulnerable teenager with Downs’ Syndrome and laughing about the whole thing as this clearly unhinged garda thug does here and also here. But Barrister Smith practices law and the law never applied here, except through the iron first that RUC thugs like Harris long ago perfected.

Ireland’s entrepreneurial elite

In 1998, I co-wrote this book on Ireland’s entrepreneurial elite with Richard Curran, one of Ireland’s best known and highest paid journalists. The so-called Good Friday Agreement had just been signed, Bill Clinton and similarly sleazy Yanks had put Ireland centre stage and, as with Clinton’s Haitian colony some years later, it seemed that the good times were going to roll. Although we interviewed a variety of Irish millionaires and billionaires, who were at the cutting edge of transforming Ireland, Ireland’s home grown human traffickers and drug barons never showed up on our radars in part, perhaps, because they live in the shadows.

Although that was an oversight on our part, such inexplicable jumps in fortune, as that enjoyed by Kinahan Organised Crime Group, the Hutch Organised Crime Group or George Mitchell (aka The Penguin) were not within our purview. That said, were we to investigate them, then respectable business enterprises like Jim Mansfield‘s Weston Airport drug smuggling hub would enter the frame, as would Declan Duffy, Dessie O’Hare and his other psychotic friends in the IRA/INLA underworld.

But, because these colourful characters are not directly involved in wholesale human trafficking, we will skip them and turn to the even more colourful characters of Liam Sutcliffe and Joe Christle, who played major roles in fomenting the Troubles and whose sons are amongst Ireland’s most successful entrepreneurs in the lucrative human trafficking industry.

Sins of the fathers

This November 2017 report on the funeral of notorious IRA mob boss Liam Sutcliffe has Mel, Liam’s son, recount what a great patriot Liam was. Although Liam expressed his patriotism by joining Joe Christle, his brother in law, in blowing up Dublin’s main thoroughfare to make some idiotic point in 1966, that was not their first rodeo. Liam and Joe had played prominent roles in the IRA’s 1950s’ Operation Harvest terror campaign, along with gangsters like Kevin Mallon, who is today best known for the Mountjoy helicopter escape, the kidnapping and subsequent execution of Shergar, the world’s most valuable horse and a string of kidnappings and armed IRA-related robberies, which may or may not have helped him buy the luxury mansion he and Marion Coyle, his moll, now live in.

The importance of Mallon and Coyle to our tale is to say that, just like Sutcliffe and Christle, all of these Irish “patriots” were not straight shooters; most ended up feathering their own nests which, in the case of Mallon, was at the expense of Ireland’s stud industry and the employment Herrema and other kidnapping victims brought into the country.

The Sutcliffes and Christles were no different and this “Marxist” outlet links Liam to some of the dodgiest customers, who were active at the start of the Troubles. Whatever about Sutcliffe and Christle, there is no doubt that most of the fellow patriots mentioned in that article lavishly feathered their own nests, just as Mallon and his moll did.

This is important when we try to figure out how Mel Sutcliffe, together with Joe Christle’s sons, got their seed money. Though Mel is now a successful billionaire, he did not get it from his father’s estate, as his father lived in a council house and was a patriotic (ha ha) man of little means. Though Joe Chrisrtle snr came from a similarly modest background, he was really a force of nature and his exploits in the IRA, in the trade union movement, as well as in the academic and sporting worlds are almost the stuff of legend. Not only were the Sutcliffes and Christles at the heart of Crumlin Boxing Club but they controlled the Irish Cycling Federation and made it a pillar of anti-British Irish Republicanism.

This is important as Mel Sutcliffe is supposed to have made his billions by running a bicycle shop. Although Mel later branched out into art sponsorship and torturing guys up the Dublin Mountains (who were quickly assassinated by persons unknown afterwards), none of that explains from where both families got their seed money to be major players in the equine, art and human trafficking industries.

Although Mel might have made his billions selling bicycle clips and collecting bottle tops, it would be nice to know if the bank robberies and art heists of his father and uncles helped him along the way either directly or through their vast networks in Ireland’s cycling and boxing fraternities, as well as in the Republican netherworld’s vast and murky tentacles.

The fact of the matter is these characters now control human warehouses, where thousands of males of military age live off the Irish taxpayer as they seek to settle here permanently as a sort of drug dealing NATO fifth column. As many of them have been linked to the Georgian mafia, their true intent seems to be criminality, rather than fleeing non existent wars in Georgia, Albania and similar countries where they were spawned. As the more prominent agents amongst them have active international Interpol warrants out for their arrest, one must wonder why the Irish government are so keen to foist them on Ireland’s most vulnerable communities.

Ordinary Decent Terrorism

When Ireland’s working class marched against drug pushers in the early 1980s, Ireland’s ordinary decent criminals marched in support of them. That was then. Now we have the sinister Sinn Féin group condemning the protesters as criminal,drug dealing terrorists, which is an irony, given their documented track record in all those areas.

What is even more ironic is that former child actor Mícheál MacDonncha is leading the charge, condemning my neighbours as the scum of the earth. It is ironic because this Irish Baby Jane was editor of an Phoblacht/Republican News, which was the publicity organ of the IRA, when the IRA were murdering, kidnapping, killing horses, drug dealing and dabbling in every form of petty and serious crime imaginable. As Sinn Féin and the IRA also organised the largest, most violent and most self serving riots Dublin has witnessed in my life time, when they got ten of their own prisoners to starve themselves to death to advance their own selfish interests, one would imagine MacDonncha would have an ounce of perspective on all this.

But one need not imagine anything with these shysters. MacDonncha and his fellow Sinn Féin house slaves are sounding their mouths off on expelling the Russian and Israeli ambassadors, as that, along with the plantation of working class Dublin by the Georgian and allied mafias, is part of the process of preparing them for government under their British, EU and American masters.

Their calls for a plebiscite on the Irish border are just lipstick on a pig, empty verbiage to fool their gullible supporters in continuing the ongoing emasculation of Ireland. As these jokers can’t even call for a referendum in Derry over the name of the city, ‘Londonderry’, which has been imposed on over 80% of the people by the sectarian bigots Harris, his father and all other RUC officers swore to serve, their calls for a united Ireland are all aspirational, self serving hot air. Sinn Féin, like the hyped up empty threats on their nominal leader, are a sick joke,a controlled group of control freaks there to secure the bottom line for folk like Sutcliffe and the Christles, who backed them from the shadows.

Answering Tucker Carlson

Though Tucker Carlson is to be commended for asking an important question Irish media and politicians daren’t, he knows more than most that dictators like von der Leyen, Zelensky, Biden and their Irish and other satraps do not like such awkward questions. Such questions would include why the Irish regime persistently refuses to have a national debate on immigration and what should be done with those collaborators, who enable the tens of thousands of false asylum seekers, who have overwhelmed Ireland’s medical and social services; on why Ireland refuses to control its own borders and why it does not have a detention system similar to Denmark’s; on why hordes of serial sex offenders like Adel Kerai are allowed to roam about at will, committing further rapes whenever their sexual urges kick in; why “Irish” Islamic firebrand Cllr Azud Talukder of the governing Fianna Fáil party can demand that Irish men objecting to gang rape should be “shot in the head”; why the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group is allowed to have its European headquarters in Dublin’s massive Clonskeagh mosque and so very much more.

Although this article began with a short answer to Carlson’s question, the longer answer is that Ireland must be refashioned to serve the interests of larger vulture funds like BlackRock as well as the smaller ones of Sutcliffe, Christle, lap dance”entrepreneur” and Garda asset Dave Mooney, and Swiss-based Irish parasite and committed environmental activist (ha ha) Peter McGarry, who specialise in these human warehouses and the foreign kick boxers and demobbed ISIS terrorists they house. As part of the process of boosting the bottom line of these leeches, old folks’ homes have been turned into fortified barracks for these men and voices of dissent from the churches and other branches of civil society have been squashed.

Although the working class and rural communities directly in the line of fire have protested, they are being bulldozed by the twin forces of the RUC and the media, who denounce them as fascists for opposing BlackRock and allied vulture funds. As with Canada, the Netherlands and Switzerland, the middle aged are being incentivised to have their parents put down like sick dogs “for the greater good” to make room for the Georgian mafia and other fake climate refugees, unless they want to be lumped in as a basket of deplorables with those “fascistic” grannies and children the Public Order Unit recently battered here in north Dublin.

The Irish, or at least those who remain, will once again be cowed tenants in their own land living, if lunatics like Bill Gates have their way, on maggot spread and recycled urine. They will, to coin Klaus Schwab, own nothing but will be too afraid to admit how unhappy they are. It will be, these spawn of dodgy patriots hope, Huxley’s Brave New World where they and their kickboxing Georgian mafia mates lead the “good life” at our expense. Penal Laws 2.0 if von der Leyen’s Irish tyrants win.

By Declan Hayes

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