Is European Parliament A War Council? – Lorenzo Maria Pacini
While the rest of the world builds a multi-polar future and tries to promote a lasting, respectful and cooperative peace, in Europe, Parliament is babbling about war.

The deception has been there from the start

When the European Union as a political institution was established on 1 November 1993 with the Maastricht Treaty, following the already established European Common Market, the intention to make it a political prosthesis of the will of the United Kingdom and the United States of America was unequivocal. In fact, the respective political and military leaders participated in the foundation, in particular the then leaders of NATO, a military entity that was the necessary precondition for the ‘New World’ to control the ‘Old World’. Little use was made of decades of political theorizing about a Europe of sovereign peoples, a federation of independent and sovereign states or a return to the differentiated imperial and monarchical form prior to the World War. Atlanticist realpolitik prevailed: the war had been lost by Europe on all fronts, the spoils had been taken mostly by the Americans and the British and on the other side by the Soviets. It was only with the collapse of the USSR that a definitive act of political expansion became possible, one that would remove Russian influence from European decision-making plans.

So it has been.

The deception was there from the very beginning: not a Union that could guarantee an emancipation of those many countries that had now radically changed since the time of the Second World War, not a Union that was based on real cooperation and shared policies, not a Union that truly lived as Europeans and invigorated the peoples of Europe, but rather a Union as an expression of political vassalage – for the military there already existed NATO – and economic vassalage, with the bankers of the American holding companies beginning to speculate indiscriminately, dictating the future of millions of people with their usurious financial devices. The only interests protected were those ‘of others’, certainly not those of the ‘citizens’ of the European Union.

Taking a reality bath, the European Parliament and the other governing bodies, all supranational and in violation of the principles of national sovereignty of individual states (no longer sovereign since 1945), have made wicked and destructive choices. The Euro is a currency that has impoverished all the countries that have adopted it, causing repeated crises as a repercussion of US stock market speculation; the project of a common European army has revealed itself since its conceptualization as an extension of the military interests of the Atlantic Treaty in disguise; the European Central Bank has become every state’s nightmare; the collegiality of Strasbourg is nothing more than a well-funded puppet theatre to delude citizens into thinking that they need to debate someone in 60 seconds, hoping that the microphones work and that the presidency-in-office has plugged in earphones with simultaneous translation.

The result is that the EU has not worked at all, but in fact it has worked very well: it has allowed the Hegemon to complete its work of colonization in Europe, and now that the machine is working on its own, there is no longer any need to intervene directly.

The EU sends the Europeans to war

Be careful not to be fooled: ‘democracy’ does not exist in war. There are the decisions of political power groups, financial groups, defense companies, international agreements made under the table, warlords.

And here we are again, in front of a real policy that defeats the best theorizations: the European Union has approved a resolution in recent days that foresees the possibility for Kiev to use European weapons against the Russian Federation. A disgraceful choice from every point of view, which moreover stands as an infamous declaration of war against Russia. This is nothing new, given that the climate of Russophobia has been going on for two years (more, in fact!) and that the EU has also been threatening Russia and sanctioning it, sending weapons to no end to Ukraine under the NATO umbrella.

The war is the West’s against Russia or, rather, against what it represents. By now, even the mainstream media have realized this and can no longer remain silent in the face of the overt extension of the conflict on a global scale. Ukraine has been the first expendable country, as was already clear from 1991, when American arrogance chose the First Rus’ as the spoils of war to wound the dismantled Soviet Russia to the heart.

What is happening in these days is a step towards the abyss, taken by dastardly servants of a power to which they have easily sold out. The will of the European Parliament to approve the NATO attack on Russia – more than has already happened to date – will mean the extension of the conflict on a global scale, passing through Europe, which will be the main theatre of war. An extension that had already been feared and for which governments have already been working on a strategic level for some time: the NATO command’s Blue vs Red exercise, for example, led by Italy, which began two years ago, is one example among many of the planning of what will soon be an escalation; but also the introduction of compulsory conscription and military conscription in various countries that had removed it, a political operation that requires a long period of discussion and approval, is another good example; or the fact that all the states of the Union have embarked on a rapid arms race, a choice that is only made in the overt anticipation of a conflict extended on a large scale.

Despite the fact that Russia has repeatedly warned to cease provocation and stop the degeneration of the conflict, despite the fact that other states have also intervened diplomatically to try to quell the diatribes, here is Washington and London ordering, and Strasbourg responding.

Will the rest of the world stand by and watch?

What will become of international relations and strategic agreements with other countries? What will the states that observe this process of self-destruction do?

There is no explicit and objectively calculable interest in entering into this conflict. This opens up a phase of hybrid nuclear warfare, in which the level of pressure on the population reaches a level of suffering that completely destabilizes them. Ungovernability will be the lesser evil, because in a state of war every guarantee, right and law are suspended both by the extraordinary plans and the concrete facts of ungovernability that a territorial armed conflict generates.

Relations with other states will be compromised and there is a risk that neither diplomatic nor economic relations can be mended. Europe has no vantage point in negotiating important financial choices, it is in a 30-year recession aggravated by currency damage and unstable inflation, which continually breaks its own records. No European country is engaged in meaningful geo-economic partnerships, which is a huge delay. Consistent with its plans for domination, the dollar empire has not allowed the euro godson to find alternative ways out.

Strategically, while it is true that the European states have a good war industry, it is equally true that they do not have the motive power for any conflict. There are not the human numbers and there are not the resources. What is more, European defense companies have agreements that could quickly blow up if the host countries were overwhelmed. There is no stability to act as a guarantee.

While the rest of the world builds a multi-polar future and tries to promote a lasting, respectful and cooperative peace, in Europe, Parliament is babbling about war. It sounds like a defeated boxer, cornered with broken bones, shouting that he is about to win the fight. One more punch and he will be out.

There is a precipice in front of Europe and its rulers are racing towards it. A race towards self-destruction, towards a massacre of men and women from the whole of Europe, whose interests and wills have been the object of violence and deception. A proxy war that once again the real enemy has imposed and will force us to fight to the last European. Herein lies the wickedness of the Evil Empire.


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