Is Paris The New Bakhmut? French Police Demand Action Against “Wild Muslim Hordes”, Threaten “Resistance”, Riots Spread To Brussels

Police referring to French Muslim minority as “wild hordes”, marks this Civil War more precisely, a Race War in France. From what we are seeing, this is by far the single worst “race riot” ever in all of history, where the French Arabs are organizing directly against the cops, and because they have a clear military goal, it is much closer to the first battle in a war. It visibly looks like a war and the videos are more intense than what you see out of the Ukraine.

Law enforcement unions say they have have had enough of “wild hordes” rioting across FranceFrance’s two largest police unions called on Friday for President Emmanuel Macron’s government to “restore order” and not capitulate to rioters, saying they were fighting a war today but may well become “the resistance” tomorrow.

Total anarchy reigns in France at the moment, the situation is worse than in 2005, chaos broke in Paris, police stations are burning, schools destroyed, looting at every turn, over 70 big fires right now not counting cars, garbage cans and everything else. In addition to Paris, dozens of other big cities are fighting with the protesters, the special units are also involved, the French authorities said that they are not the first to give in and that they will deal with everything that is happening.

A revolution they have now. Snipers spotted on French rooftops. This is literally a civil war now in France. 

Because there are no cops and no journalists left in the part of the city that the war is taking place, no one knows how many fatalities there have been. There must have been several at this point, just by looking at the videos.

The riots center around the suburb of Nanterre, but the entire city is on fire, in what can no longer be called “riots.” The immigrants are killing cops and seizing their weapons. This is now a war. Of course, this is the age of total censorship, so we can’t really confirm what is happening on the group, beyond what we see on video. 

“Now that’s enough,” said the statement of the Alliance Police Nationale and UNSA Police, posted on Facebook on Friday evening. 

“Faced with these wild hordes, asking for calm is no longer enough, you have to impose it!” the unions said, adding that the only political signal needed at this moment is to restore the order in the republic. “Our colleagues, like the majority of citizens, can no longer endure the dictates of these violent minorities. Now is not the time for union action but for the fight against these ‘harm-makers’. Submitting, capitulating and pleasing them by laying down our arms is not the solution, given the gravity of the situation.”

The police must show solidarity, put down the riots as quickly as possible, and restore the rule of law, the unions said, but warned the government that they expect “concrete measures for legal protection” of the officers going forward. 

“Today the police are in combat because we are at war. Tomorrow we will be the resistance, and the government will have to realize this,” the unions said in conclusion.

The de facto ultimatum to Macron comes after three nights of increasingly violent riots across the country, triggered by Tuesday morning’s death of 17-year-old Nahel M. during a traffic stop in the Paris suburb of Nanterre. The officer who fatally shot the Franco-Algerian teen has been charged with homicide and jailed, in what his attorney insists was an attempt to appease the rioters.

More than 400 arrests have been made across France, with most of those detained being juveniles. The French government has deployed over 40,000 police and gendarmes across the country, including 5,000 in Paris and its environs. Among them are elite anti-terrorist and tactical units, backed up by armored vehicles. 

Rioters have caused almost 4,000 fires, destroyed over 2,000 cars, and damaged almost 500 buildings, Macron told an emergency meeting of the French cabinet on Friday afternoon, after cutting short his trip to the EU leaders’ summit in Brussels. 

Riots over teen’s killing spread to Brussels, 64 arrested

Violent unrest triggered by the police shooting of a 17-year-old during a traffic stop has roiled France for 3 nights

Nationwide riots triggered by French police’s fatal shooting of a 17-year-old spread to Belgium on Thursday, unleashing chaos that resulted in 64 arrests, City of Brussels police revealed on Friday. 

The arrested included 47 minors and 16 adults who have been administratively detained, police said in a statement on Friday. Another minor, who was reportedly seen beating up a police officer, was arrested and questioned but released on Friday. 

Hordes of young people gathered in Brussels on Thursday night, using social media meetups to evade the authorities’ grasp and reassembling at the next location when police got too close. As the rioters settled on the Anneessens neighborhood and nearby Midi Station as the targets of their rage, the Anneessens metro station was closed for the night and buses through the neighborhood stopped or rerouted. 

Video posted to social media shows rioters setting cars and even buildings on fire and strewing trash through the streets as rudimentary barricades. Local police told the Brussels Times 10 people were arrested for throwing paving stones at cops.

Macron: Prepare For “High Intensity War”: France Built A New Military Hospital

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced the construction of a military hospital in Marseilles, with the facility intended to “prepare France for a possible high-intensity war.” Macron announced that a new military hospital would be built on the Sainte-Marthe site by “the beginning of the next decade.”

According to a report by CNews, Macron said in a statement that the hospital will be able to provide a range of healthcare services. It will also “play a key role in the event of a major war,” the tyrant said, adding that “the next-generation medical center is intended to meet the needs of the army for decades to come.”

Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, more and more European countries are rethinking their combat strategies and developing their armed forces.

Many nations are now trying to prepare for a possible imminent conflict, in which the most advanced and powerful combat equipment, excluding nuclear weapons, is expected to be deployed. For France, the new hospital will fulfill the role of being able to “treat more serious combat casualties,” according to Macron, who said the facility will cost the government €300 million to construct. –Remix

This will not be the first military hospital in Marseilles. The Laveran Hospital has been in operation for a long time, but local authorities believe it is no longer modern enough to meet the challenges of the war in Ukraine or future conflicts to come.

France’s ruling class has already taken to warning the public that they will see a massive drop in their standard of living as tyrants invest in wars.

France Has Fallen: French “Civil War” & Coup d’état Against Macron, As Globalists’ Poodle Deploys 40,000 Police Against Civilians



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