Is the UN Preparing Children for Abduction?

The COVID-19 crisis has had a traumatic impact on children. Now, the corrupt UN appears to be preparing children for separation from their families.

 The UN’s Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IGSC), which overseas humanitarian assistance to war-torn areas, has just published a children’s book about coronavirus titled “ My Hero is You.”The book has been translated into several languages and is recommended for schools.

While it is claimed that the story was a collaborative effort between parents, caregivers and children from around the world, the underlying theme is sinister.

The storybook’s main protagonist is a “friendly” dragon who comes to comfort a child isolated from his parents who are COVID-19 positive. The dragon tells the child to jump on his back as he takes him on an adventure. They pass a desert lined with pyramids. Then they come to an island in which there is a camp full of children.

 The dragon then brings the child back to its home and says to the child to think of their little secret place every time it gets scared by the coronavirus, which is making his isolated parents and everyone around him sick. The dragon tells the child, “ I am never far away. You can always be with me when you go to your safe place.”

Isn’t the United Nations supposed to be a secular and scientific organisation? Why all these dragons and goblins? If they believed Christianity was simply a myth. It is a far more beautiful myth for children than a spirit world of dragons and demons. Many of the top officials of the United Nations claimed to be secular and atheist but were in fact disciples of the Lucis Trust. Founded by Alice Bailey in 1922 and originally called the Lucifer Publishing Company, the trust followed the theosophy of Madame Blavatsky and had such followers as former UN Assistant Director Robert Muller, and former Environmental Director Maurice Strong, and Robert Macnamara, former President of the World Bank. These people believed that Lucifer was a hero. That might explain why the UN appears to be promoting the worship of the Beast among our children.

If officials in the UN want to worship Lucifer, that is their business. But it becomes a problem when this superstition is promoted in our so-called secular schools, where most of the children’s parents do not have any religion — and especially not theosophical Luciferianism!

In Christian culture, dragons are associated with the Devil. For a Christian, there can be no such thing as a “good” dragon. From St Michael the Archangel to St George of England, dragons in Christian culture are manifestations of Satan. They are not a friend of mankind. Yet, images of “friendly” dragons abound in our culture. One only has to turn on any children’s television programme to see dragons portrayed as our friends.

When Christian children are afraid, they turn to Christ or our Blessed Mother for solace, not an imaginary winged dragon! When Christian children see dragons, they think of their nemesis, the Archangel St Michael.

St Michael the Archangel, Slayer of Dragons

The Sword of Saint Michael the Archangel - TFP Student Action

 Here’s an adventure which will help children fight the evil “viruses” in the world.

There are seven great monasteries that stretch from Ireland to Israel which form a straight line; three of the monasteries are situated at an equal distance of 1000km. There are no coincidences in Christianity. The line represents the sword blow St Michael inflicted upon the Devil. The Sacred Line aligns with the sunset of the Summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. It appears this information has only become known since 2017.

The monks in Skellig Mhichíl built bee-hive huts during the age when Ireland was known throughout Europe as insula sanctorum et doctorum, the island of saints and scholars. In those wind-swept huts, precious manuscripts of European culture were meticulously annotated and preserved. The fruit of that labour contributed largely to the Carolingian renaissance in France and the formation of the modern education system.

From these beehive huts, Christendom restored European civilisation. South of Skellig Mhihíl, we find St Michael’s Mount in England where the Archangel is said to have appeared to fishermen.

Further south in Normandy stands Mont St Michel, one of the wonders of the world. It was here in the 8th century that the Archangel Michael appeared to St Aubert requesting the building of a sanctuary. The Benedictine monastery built there would become one of the great centres of European scholarship and cultural refinement.

A further 1000 km south, in the Piedmontese valley of Susa, stands the Sacra di San Michele, an edifice of outstanding beauty.

The Santuario do Monte Sant’Angelo lies another 1000km south in Apulia. Further south on the Greek island of Symi, a monastery holds the largest effigy of St Michael in the world.

The line ends in Mount Carmelo monastery in Haifa, Israel, which dates from the 12th century.

All seven monasteries line up perfectly, three in perfect distances of 1000 km. The line represents the blow inflicted by the sword of the Archangel St Michael on the Dragon before it was banished to hell. This is the story every educated child who wants to be a “superhero” should know!

The return of militant faith

One way of dealing with a crisis that deprives one of liberty is to make important life changes. During the COVID-19 crisis, many have turned to scripture for wisdom. The closing down of churches and the manic strangeness of masked citizens furtively scrambling for groceries in industrialised supermarkets has sensitised many agnostic ears to the beauty of churchbells at sunset.

The UN horror story encourages children to worship the Beast. It says that for a child to be a superhero, he must surrender to the Dragon and be separated from his parents. The French government has published instructions for teachers for the reopening of schools in the national education system.

In a section entitled “derives sectaires”, excesses of sects, the government advises teachers to observe any changes in the behaviour of children in order to find out if their parents believe everything they hear in the mainstream media about the virus.

It warns teachers to search for signs of “conspiracy theory” and interpretations of the crisis as divine punishment for sin and a sign of the approaching apocalypse. All Roman Catholics believe in divine chastisement for sin and most serious theologians view this crisis as precisely that. The instructions tell the teachers to call the social services to the school to “physically and morally secure” children suspected of having parents who do not conform to the “new norm”. The Macron regime is now openly threatening to kidnap our children.

Paedophilia in the French government

Is this surprising? The man considered to be President Macron’s “boss” Jean-Marc Borello, was imprisoned in 1999 for allowing his nightclub to be used for the sale of ecstasy drugs. He went on to form Group SOS, a foundation dedicated to “social solidarity.” He was a close associate of convicted paedophile Robert Mégel, who had run the Chateau de Tournelles orphanage in Paris since 1978. The Les Tournelles hellhole sexually abused trafficked children and was regularly visited by top French politicians such as Fréderic Mitterand, the gay nephew of the former French president, Francois Mitterand.

 Mitterand would go on to become a French culture minister. In one of his books, he described how he loved to go to Thailand, where he would sodomize underaged boys. No one seemed outraged that a culture minister was an open child rapist — except Marine Le Pen, the only politician who denounced him. You see, anyone outraged and disgusted by child abuse is a “fascist.”

Macron is rumoured to have had an affair with media boss Mathieu Gallet, who was a former catamite of Mitterand. Gallet worked in New York for American theatre director Robert Wilson and Satanist Marina Abramovic. The mainstream media have worked hard to discredit the Pizzagate scandal during the 2016 US presidential election when Wikileaks revealed that Hilary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta was a paedophile. 

The Clinton/Podesta gang regularly visited the “pizzeria” of James Achilles Alefantis, a wealthy descendent of the Rothschild dynasty. Alefantis uploaded to Instagram thousands of creepy photos of children, often tied up and surrounded by adults. These monsters believed they were invincible.

Pizza is often a codeword used by child traffickers for their children. That is why one should pay attention to the content of Libération’s newspaper for children. One of the exercises the journal asks kids to do is make “monster pizzas”. In the 1970s, Libération published a letter defending paedophiles. During the lockdown, the French government published a list of approved media. Libération was the most cited. The marriage of perverted libertarian leftism and finance capitalism is what Macron means when he promotes the idea of “revolution.”

Macron is himself technically the victim of paedophilia as his wife who was aged 39 at the time began an affair with him when he was 14. Italian psychiatrist Adriano Segatori said this sexual abuse would have prevented the boy’s emotional development turning him into a “psychopath.”

The thinktank Terra Nova was the ideological engine of Macron’s version of “revolution.” Its director Christophe Bejach was convicted in 2016 of paedophilia.

Nowadays, people associate the Catholic Church with paedophilia. But the numbers of child abuse cases in the Church are minuscule in comparison to those in secular institutions. To be sure, paedophilia in the church has exploded since the reforms of Vatican II, when a homosexual cult gradually took over the hierarchy. The liberal media did their best to hide these facts from the public; instead, suggesting that there was something about the Church which attracted paedophilia. The opposite is, in fact, the case. The result of the liberal media’s demonisation of the Church has been a radical dechristianisation of Europe and a dumbing down of the public mind unprecedented in history.

How could any sane person have confidence in a state run by such people? What a horrible world these “progressives” have left our children!

Paedophilia in the British Royal Family

In my last article, I mentioned WHO executive director Mike Ryan’s threat of barging into people’s homes and remove family members. That threat was echoed by the Queen of England who said the mass evacuation of children would happen again soon. The Queen’s son Andrew was a close associate of paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and is up to his neck in accusations of child abuse. The Queen’s husband Prince Philip once said that if he was reborn, he would like to come back as a virus to exterminate most of the world’s population. Could this be the crown(Latin, coruna) virus? Prince Philip is a high-ranking freemason. That Luciferian sect does not pose any problem for our so-called “secular” governments.

During the 1950s, thousands of Indigenous Canadian children were reported to have died of tuberculosis. It later emerged that they had been victims of state-sponsored genocide. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip have been accused of involvement in abductions and murder. It should not be forgotten that Queen Elizabeth’s father and husband were fervent Nazis, obsessed with breeding and “racial purity.”

 In the royal-sponsored concentration camps, children were tortured, babies thrown alive into fires, while reports in the media said they were dying of TB. No one cared because they were aboriginal children. Since then, however, hundreds of survivors have spoken out about the horror they experienced.

The French government’s guidelines for “education” on coronavirus involve brainwashing children into believing everything they are told and preparing them for quarantines when the next pandemic breaks out and the media-political complex calls for the necessity of “evacuating” children.

With reports of a new child inflammatory syndrome developing in Europe, time is running out before the “friendly dragon” comes for our children. Those who do not want to hear the truth will be complicit in the destruction of their children and ours.

Jacques Attali, President Macron’s mentor, noted in 2009 that as the public hospital was the basis of the modern French state, a global pandemic would create the necessity for a world state. The scaffolding of that Leviathan state is going up all around us. The moral basis of the emerging world state is the UN but the administrative model of the world state is the EU: a centralised and unaccountable “commission” which rules by force on behalf of a nebulous financial oligarchy.

 As we speak, children are being abducted all over Europe by social services in collaboration with corrupt private agencies like the ones just described. Many good mothers never see their children again. Citizens should be asking their governments why children who have already been traumatised by mass media hysteria are now being programmed to accept being locked up in camps. The United Nations IASC’s main role is to coordinate and manage emergency camps, nutrition and logistics in war-torn environments. Why are our children being told they may have to go to camps? Most of them have homes with loving parents.

Bill Gates told MSNBC that he had warned governments about the possibility of a pandemic years before the coronavirus outbreak but they did not take his warnings seriously. New evidence suggests that is a lie. In 2012, the European Commission’s international cooperation and development department published a comic book titled “ Infected”, which dramatised a scenario remarkably similar to the coronavirus outbreak.

Predictive Programming?

In fact, China is where the cartoon drama takes place. After tweeting about this, I was contacted by an official from EU Law Data Pubs who said that “ the EU did not predict Covid-19 but wanted to prepare for a crisis like it, based on previous health scares.” So, the EU has admitted it was remarkably prepared for this crisis.

The EU’s preparation was outstandingly accurate, predicting that social distancing measures would have to be implemented.

 It seems the organisers of the 2012 London Olympics also had a premonition of the future. The opening ceremony depicts stadia lined with hospital beds which were reported during the coronavirus outbreak; nurses are dancing around an effigy of a patient who looks rather similar to Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Along the edges of the stadium are illuminated pyramids. From a distance, we see the shape of the stadium lights taking a virus-like form.

A pig-tailed girl lies terrified in a hospital bed as demons, possibly representing a virus, surround her. The dancing nurses remind one of the myriads of Tiktok videos online of nurses dancing during the coronavirus crisis. The nurses cover their mouths with their fingers as demons descend on children. The finger to the mouth is a classic free masonic symbol. We also see a Chinese woman in the camera as the narrator tells a creepy story introducing the concept of distance.

“Of all delectable islands, Neverland is the snuggest. It’s not large and scrawly, you know, with boring distances between one adventure and the next. It’s nicely crammed. When you play at it by day with the table and chairs, it’s not a bit frightening. But in the two minutes before you go to sleep it is real.”

Then the demons twist and turn in the air as the virus is airborne. The video posted online also makes reference to 5G technology, which is being rolled out now and hasn’t been tested for safety. Are they anticipating unprecedented illnesses among children?

Did the programmers intend to prepare us for Greta Thunberg, the traumatised child idol promoted by the elites? She was one of the only girls of her age in the world to have got coronavirus. Is she not the ideal child of the future, frightened, traumatised and incapable of critical thought?

The opening ceremony looks like a celebration of child abuse. What kind of mind would think up a ceremony like that? An extremely sick mind!

As we speak, the mass media are calling for “l’Europe de la santé, Europe of health” We are going to see a massive expansion of corporate “health care” as a form of social control. This is all being marketed as “public health” when in fact it is completely privatised. As for the “radical left” in France, they are calling for liberalising of euthanasia and assisted suicide; you can always rely on them for solutions to life’s problems!

When citizens, through fear, allow the state to arrogate absolute power, tyranny follows. That’s where we are heading right now and it’s only just beginning. Let this be a warning to the hellhound oppressors of humanity: We are coming for you! Sancta Michael Arcangele, defende nos in proelio, St Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle!

The post Is the UN Preparing Children for Abduction? appeared first on Gearóid Ó Colmáin.

The COVID-19 crisis has had a traumatic impact on children. Now, the corrupt UN appears to be preparing children for separation from their families.  The UN’s Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IGSC), which overseas humanitarian assistance to war-torn areas, has just published a children’s book about coronavirus titled “ My Hero is You.”The book has been translated into several …
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