“If the West doesn’t wake-up to the suicidal nature of militant Islam, the next thing you will see is that militant Islam is bringing down the World Trade Center.” —Benjamin Netanyahu quoted from his book, “Fighting Terrorism’ published in 1995
After the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Al-Qaeda and Saudi Arabia were immediately blamed.
When you ask people who believe that 911 was an inside job, they will tell you that it was the Saudi government who funded and armed Al-Qaeda and that they planned the operation with elements of the CIA to start new wars in the Middle East.
Yes, that is true to an extent, and yes, the Saudis did play a role on 911, but that is just part of the story because there were others who had a much greater role that is rarely mentioned. In other words, Saudi Arabia is just window dressing.
So, who was behind the World Trade Center attacks?
We can say that the Bush-Cheney Regime and their Project for a New American Century (PNAC) agenda played a significant role.
For starters, PNAC was a neoconservative think tank with many of its members holding dual citizenships with the state of Israel.
They had introduced an aggressive foreign policy aimed at the Middle East. Some of those members included US Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor, Douglas Feith, National Security Council Advisor Elliott Abrams, White House Speech writer David Frum and several others. In terms of war propaganda, the mainstream media and Israel’s influential lobbies including the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC) all convinced the American public and most members of the US congress that a war with Iraq was the right thing to do.
Remember when they pushed the narrative that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction and that his soldiers had taken babies out of incubators in Kuwait City and left them out to die because they had shipped the incubators back to Baghdad?
It was all a lie that led the Americans and Europeans to support a war that ultimately destroyed Iraq.
Was it about “spreading Democracy” to help the Iraqi people defeat a brutal dictator?
Not really because the US government had always supported dictatorships who were worse than Saddam Hussein.
So, was it about oil?
Or was it about Saddam Hussein making the decision to use Euros instead of US Dollars for oil transactions?
Yes, to both of those questions, but there was one other reason to why they invaded Iraq and that was for the state of Israel and its long-term agenda to become the hegemonic power in the Middle East.
As we all know, the Biden regime with most US congress members from both sides of the aisle and the mainstream media who all support Israel, are once again, on the same path leading the American people and its European vassals into another war, but this time with Iran. As more talk in the US and European mainstream media about the dangers of Iran as a terrorist state and the threat it imposes on Israel and the United States so it’s worth looking back at who was really behind the September 11th attacks that started the war in Iraq in the first place. Now these same actors are using the same lies against Iran and that will lead to a third world war with dire consequences.
In the aftermath of the September 11th attacks, former US Army General, Wesley Clark revealed a plan by the Bush Neocons on Democracy Now to “take out” Iran and six other Middle Eastern nations according to a Pentagon memo that was circulated within the highest-level of power within the Defense Department, according to Clark,
“This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.”
The truth is that the attacks in New York City’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th, 2001, was the start of a wider Middle East war that did benefit the US government’s imperial ambitions and its weapons manufacturers to a certain extent, but it mostly benefited the Israeli government and its main agenda to dominate and control the Middle East, perhaps to expand its territory to become a Greater Israel.
Israeli Propaganda: Was Iran Behind the September 11th Attacks?
Over the years since 911, Osama Bin Laden and his Saudi Arabian handlers have been accused of having a significant role, but according to an Israeli funded news organization, the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS), it was Iran who had a major role in the 911 attacks.
On September 13th, 2022, the ‘Mideast News Hour’ with Caroline Glick, a show produced by the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) suggested that one country has been overlooked regarding the September 11th attacks and that was Iran. Yes, according to Glick, Iran is the invisible hand behind the worst terrorist attacks in US history.
Caroline Glick, is an American-born Israeli conservative columnist, journalist, and author who writes for the Jerusalem Post, Breitbart news and others news media platforms hosted a segment on JNS called ‘21 years later, US still doesn’t recognize Iran’s role in 9/11’ invited a guest by the name of David Wurmser, an expert on Middle East affairs who served as one of the senior members of the Bush administration’s National Security Council (NSC) claimed on Glick’s show that
“This administration thinks that the actual ability to restrain Iran isn’t as important as the political gain from having done what Trump couldn’t do or didn’t do.”
In an anti-Iran fashion, Glick claimed that
“In the immediate aftermath, George Bush said that the enemy was terrorism. The real enemy, though, is radical Islam, not one group or another,” Glick continued “For the past 22 years, Americans have never acknowledged it” and that “America’s willful blindness to Iran’s role in global terrorism, including in the September 11 attacks, is part of the collective amnesia about the events of September 11.”
There are several facts that downplays Glick’s assertion that Iran was behind the 911 attacks.
But the real facts about who was involved will be undeniable.
As we piece together the evidence and trace who, what and where they came from, we will know the root cause of the September 11th attacks.
Setting the Stage: When the Israelis Predicated 911 in ‘1979’
It seems that the Israelis were preparing the world for a 911 style attack since the early 1970’s.
According to journalist and author of several books on Israeli involvement in the September 11th attacks, Christopher Bollyn, who I will be referring to as we go through some of the missing pieces of the puzzle has been trying to tell the world who was behind the September 11th attacks, yet he has been ignored by the mainstream media and by some alternative media networks and been labeled an anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theorist by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) when it comes to exposing who was behind 911.
In his website, Bollyn.com, he mentions his book, ‘The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East’ where he says that the “9/11 and the War on Terror are linked plots that were designed to trick us into accepting the open-ended wars we have been engaged in since September 2001” and that “both plots were hatched by Israeli military intelligence to bring the U.S. military into the Middle East to wage war against the enemies of the Zionist state.”
There are several important points Bollyn brings to light on the propaganda inspired by Israeli interests in its anti-Muslim crusade and that is to propel the US and its Western allies into open ended wars in the Middle East. Bollyn published an article titled ‘Netanyahu’s Terrorist Party and 9/11’ and said that the
“Israeli military intelligence operates within the political framework of the state of Israel” he continued “This means that the 9/11 plot had to be approved at the highest political level in Israel since the late 1970s when the first Israeli movie depicting a plane-into-building attack was made by Arnon Milchan, a senior Israeli intelligence agent. Milchan’s first film, The Medusa Touch, was made in 1978 and featured a Boeing 747 being flown into the Pan Am building in New York City.”
Isser Harel, the founder and first chief of the Israeli intelligence unit, Shin Bet who later became the head of Mossad, according to Bollyn’s research,
“One year later, in 1979, the founding chief of Israeli intelligence predicted that Arabs would attack the tallest building in New York. Isser Harel made this prediction to Michael Evans, an American Zionist activist.”
The Jerusalem Post published Mike Evan’s article on September 18th, 2019 ‘America the target’ where he recalled his conversation with Harel that took place in Tel Aviv back in 1980:
Harel looked at this American visitor and replied, “I fear it will come to you in America. America has the power, but not the will, to fight terrorism. The terrorists have the will, but not the power, to fight America. But all that could change with time. Arab oil money buys more than tents.” As to the where, Harel continued, “New York City is the symbol of freedom and capitalism. It’s likely they will strike the Empire State Building, your tallest building [at that time] and a symbol of your power
Now the most intriguing part of Bollyn’s article is where he explains the most infamous terrorist coming out of Israel, Menachem Begin, the former chief of the terrorist organization, Irgun, which online dictionaries including Wikipedia describes them as a “Zionist paramilitary organization”:
In July 1979, Menachem Begin, the former chief of the terrorist Irgun who became prime minister in 1977, organized a conference on “international terrorism” in Jerusalem that was described as a “propaganda offensive” meant to initiate a global war on terror. The three-day conference was hosted by an organization called the Yonatan [Netanyahu] Institute, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu and his father, Benzion. George H.W. Bush was one of the speakers on the final day.
These three events: Milchan’s movie, Harel’s prediction, and the conference on international terrorism, indicate that Israeli planning for 9/11 and the War on Terror began when the notorious terrorist Menachem Begin came to power in 1977. Begin had been involved in terror atrocities in Palestine in the 1940s as the leader of the Irgun. He had organized the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 and the massacre of the entire village of Deir Yassin in 1948
New terrorist bombing campaigns took center stage in the Middle East when Yitzhak Shamir, the former head of terrorist Stern Gang (LEHI), became Israel’s prime minister on October 10th,1983, so in “less than two weeks later a truck bomb devastated the U.S. Marine barracks at the Beirut airport, killing 241. A simultaneous attack on French troops resulted in 58 French military personnel being killed.” Since 1979, the Israeli military had been using car and truck bombs in and around Lebanon, however, Israel, the US, and its European vassals blame Iran for the terrorist attacks that killed both US and French troops. The US and Israelis have supported and armed various terrorists’ organizations since the 1980’s eventually led to the September 11th attacks:
During Shamir’s first term as prime minister from October 10, 1983, until September 13, 1984, Israeli military intelligence began arming and training “Arab jihadis” in Pakistan including Osama bin Laden. The Hezb-e-Islami fighters led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar were provided with arms paid for by the CIA and Saudi Arabia and delivered by Israelis from the weapons taken from the battlefields of Lebanon.
What was odd about this arrangement is that the U.S. was funding the training and arming of the least effective and most anti-Western of the militia waging jihad against the Red Army in Afghanistan. The so-called Afghan Arabs, trained by Israel in the arts of terrorism, became Al Qaida in 1994
One of the most influential members of Hollywood is Arnon Milchan, but did you know that he was an Israeli spy? The Guardian, ‘Arnon Milchan reveals past as Israeli spy’ said that Milchan was proud working on behalf of Israel’s interests, “the Hollywood producer behind box office hits including Fight Club, Pretty Woman and LA Confidential has spoken about his life as an Israeli secret agent and arms dealer, saying he was proud of working for his country.”
Since the The Guardian failed to mention the first film produced by Milchan in 1978 which is described as a ‘supernatural horror thriller film’ called ‘The Medusa Touch’ which is based on a book written by Peter Van Greenaway about a telekinetic novelist played by actor Richard Burton who caused terrible disasters by just thinking about them. But there is one part of the film that Bollyn mentions, a Boeing 747 crashing into the PanAm building in New York City. Of course it does not mean it was a blueprint for the September 11th attacks or the start of a psychological operation on the public, to some people that would constitute a conspiracy theory, who knows, but you have to admit, that is interesting.
Milchan does have a reputation in Hollywood for being a former arms dealer,
“In Hollywood, they don’t like working with an arms dealer, ideologically … with someone who lives off selling machine guns and killing. Instead of someone talking to me about a script, I had to spend half an hour explaining that I’m not an arms dealer. If people knew how many times I risked my life, back and forth, again and again, for my country” and that country is the state of Israel, “I should have been aware of that, of what I’ll go through, and said, ‘F**k you. You know what? I did it for my country, and I’m proud of it.”
Milchan was a member of one of Israel’s top-secret intelligence agencies, Lakam and was part of an operation in obtaining information on the necessary technologies and materials for Israel’s nuclear weapons program,
“In Hollywood, he said, he detached himself from “physical activities” in order to devote himself to filmmaking. However, he claimed to have used connections to promote the apartheid regime in South Africa in exchange for it helping Israel acquire uranium.”
Simon Peres was Israel’s president at the time and was one of the main architects of Israel’s nuclear weapons program said that he recruited Milchan as an agent. In 2010, Peres was interviewed for Milchan’s biography in
‘Confidential: The Life of Secret Agent Turned Hollywood Tycoon – Arnon Milchan‘ by Meir Doron and Joseph Gelman
and said that
“Arnon is a special man. It was I who recruited him … when I was at the ministry of defence Arnon was involved in numerous defence-related procurement activities and intelligence operations” he claimed that “his strength is in making connections at the highest levels … his activities gave us a huge advantage, strategically, diplomatically and technologically.”
Did Menachem Begin, Arnon Milchan have advanced knowledge that a terrorist attack was going to take place ?
They predicted a plane hitting New York City’s Empire State building by terrorists back in 1979 to the passenger airliners being hijacked and striking the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. For the Israelis, the ‘I told you so moment’ worked in their favor, it gave them the credibility as a reliable partner for the US government’s war on terror.
It is important to understand Hollywood’s role in grooming Western audiences to believe that Muslims/Arabs are born terrorists and are out to chop your head off because they hate your freedoms.
In fact, Hollywood has been setting the stage, propagandizing the American and European public in preparation for the “War on Terror” that preceded the September 11th attacks which really means a war to conquer the Muslim world.
In an article by the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (wrmea.org) ‘Dr. Jack Shaheen Discusses Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People’ spoke about the Israeli-connection to Hollywood and its influence to produce films demonizing Arabs.
Reel Bad Arabs is documented proof that there has been a propaganda campaign to convince Western audiences that Arabs are bad, that they are born terrorists, and in many films, some happen to be Palestinian terrorists,
“Not surprisingly, Israel is a vital part of the equation. Shaheen’s book examines 28 movies with an Israeli connection, released between 1983 and 1998, that vilify Arabs and often feature Palestinians as terrorists. More than half were filmed in Israel and, if the Israeli government didn’t finance the production, it assisted in various ways.”
What is interesting about Shaheen’s research is that he found many of these films to have a common enemy in their scripts, the “Arabs” who always depicted as terrorists who manage to attack the US on its homeland or abroad:
The plot of “Death Before Dishonor” (1987) is a perfect example of these “made-in-Israel” films. A fanatical terrorist group attacks an American Embassy compound in the Middle East.
For decades Israeli filmmakers and producers have collaborated with their supporters in Hollywood to produce films with a common theme: Arabs invade the U.S.—New York, Los Angeles, or even a high school in Indiana. Terrorists storm in, take hostages, and kill civilians. Arabs enslave and abuse Africans. While Hollywood concocted “True Lies,” “Wanted Dead or Alive” (1986) and “The Siege,” Israel made “Iron Eagle” (1986), “Chain of Command” (1992), “Death Before Dishonor,” (1987) and “Delta Force” (1986)
All part of the long-term plan to convince Western audiences with films that depict Arabs as terrorists who are hellbent on bringing death and destruction to non-Muslim countries all around the world. So far, it has worked in favor of Israel especially after the September 11th attacks.
A Global ‘Art Student Scam’ That Was a Cover for ‘Israeli Art Student Spy Ring’
It was known that there was an art student scam taking place globally in which mass-produced paintings and prints was presented as original works of art, but in fact they were cheap paintings produced in China and sold by young people posing as inspirational art students or dealers from various countries including Canada, China, Chile, Nigeria, the US and Israel to raise money for college tuition and art supplies since around 2000.
So, did the Israelis blend in their spying operations to sort of get lost in the mix? Besides, if you mix all the various art students from different nationalities whether they are Chinese, Nigerian, or Israeli, then they are just poor art students trying to raise money for their education, therefore, you will not assume that any of them would be actual spies for a foreign country. We must admit, it is a clever way to get under the radar and avoid getting caught.
There was a report on a group of Israelis spying on US government agencies in several states which was published by Salon.com:
‘The Israeli “art student” mystery’ based on a group of Israeli art students in the US who were most likely, more than just “art students,”
“In January, 2001, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Office of Security Programs (IS), began to receive reports of Israeli art students attempting to penetrate several DEA Field Offices in the continental United States.”
Not only where the Israelis visiting DEA field offices, they were going to the homes of employees of the DEA,
“Additionally, there have been reports of Israeli art students visiting the homes of numerous DEA employees. ”
If that is not incredibly suspicious, I don’t know what is, but it did not stop at the DEA, “These incidents have involved several other law enforcement and Department of Defense agencies, with contacts made at other agencies’ facilities and the residences of their employees.”
These incidents occurred in several places “from California to Florida. The majority of the incidents have occurred in the southern half of the continental U.S. with the most activity reported in the state of Florida.” Suspicion at the office of Security Programs (IS) led them to believe that the art students followed a familiar pattern as to what Israeli organized crime syndicates had done in the past, gather intelligence:
The activities of these Israeli art students raised the suspicion of IS and other field offices when attempts were made to circumvent the access control systems at DEA offices, and when these individuals began to solicit their paintings at the homes of DEA employees.
The nature of the individuals’ conduct, combined with intelligence information and historical information regarding past incidents involving Israeli Organized Crime, leads IS to believe the incidents may well be an organized intelligence gathering activity
In fact, a few of the Israelis lived in Hollywood, Florida, home to Mohammed Atta and other alleged members of the 19 hijackers:
In some cases, the Israelis visited locations not known to the public — areas without street addresses, for example, or DEA offices not identified as such — leading authorities to suspect that information had been gathered from prior surveillance or perhaps electronically, from credit cards and other sources. One Israeli was discovered holding banking receipts for substantial sums of money, close to $180,000 in withdrawals and deposits over a two-month period. A number of the Israelis resided for a period of time in Hollywood, Fla. — the small city where Mohammed Atta and three terrorist comrades lived for a time before Sept. 11
Now here is where it gets very suspicious because the Israeli students were not enrolled in any of the art schools or colleges, in fact, they all lied:
Officials began dealing more aggressively with the “art students.” According to one account, some 140 Israeli nationals were detained or arrested between March 2001 and Sept. 11, 2001. Many of them were deported. According to the INS, the deportations resulted from violations of student visas that forbade the Israelis from working in the United States. (In fact, Salon has established that none of the Israelis were enrolled in the art school most of them claimed to be attending; the other college they claimed to be enrolled in does not exist.) After the Sept. 11 attacks, many more young Israelis — 60, according to one AP dispatch and other reports — were detained and deported
Here is where Salon’s report gets interesting:
On Oct. 1 of last year, Texas newswoman Anna Werner, of KHOU-TV in Houston, told viewers about a “curious pattern of behavior” by people with “Middle Eastern looks” claiming to be Israeli art students. “Government guards have found those so-called students,” reported Werner, “trying to get into [secure federal facilities in Houston] in ways they’re not supposed to — through back doors and parking garages.” Federal agents, she said, were extremely “concerned.” The “students” had showed up at the DEA’s Houston headquarters, at the Leland Federal Building in Houston, and even the federal prosecutor’s office; they had also appeared to be monitoring the buildings.
Guards at the Earle Cabell Federal Building in Dallas found one “student” wandering the halls with a floor plan of the site. Sources told Werner that similar incidents had occurred at sites in New York, Florida, and six other states, “and even more worrisome, at 36 sensitive Department of Defense sites”
This story deserved more attention by the mainstream media, barely any of them reported on the mysterious Israeli art students spying on federal agencies who in fact, all served in the IDF including military intelligence and explosives ordinance units, the two most important military specializations needed to conduct a special operation including wiring a building for demolition purposes.
According to the DEA’s report, the Israeli art students consisted of a team leader with 8 to 10 members, all of them in their mid-20s with the females being described as attractive, “Most admit to having served in the Israeli Military. This is not surprising given the mandatory military service require in Israel, however, a majority of those questioned has stated they served in military intelligence, electronic signal intercept, or explosive ordinance units.” Several arelinked to high-ranking officials in the IDF. “One was the son of a two-star general, one served as the bodyguard to the head of the Israeli Army, one served in a Patriot missile unit.” However, none of the students were actually “art students” enrolled in any institution including those based in Israel. The art that they were selling, was produced in China:
Their stories are remarkable only in their consistency. At first, they will state that they are art students, either from the University of Jerusalem, or the Bezalel Academy of Arts in Jerusalem. Other times they will purport to be promoting a new art studio in the area. When pressed for details as to the location of the art studio or why they are selling the paintings, they become evasive. Some claim to be the artist who painted the artwork, others claim they promoting the work of others or of Israel. Information has been received which indicates the art is actually produced in China. When told that they cannot solicit on federal facilities, they will claim that the paintings are not for sale, but that they are soliciting interest in the paintings, either for an art studio or for a future art sale
The Washington Post downplayed the DEA’s report by claiming that the agent who produced this report was “angry that his theories have not gained currency” the article, ‘Reports of Israeli Spy Ring Dismissed’ conveniently claimed that the DEA’s report was a conspiracy theory:
A wide array of U.S. officials yesterday dismissed reports that the U.S. government had broken up an Israeli espionage ring that consisted of young Israelis attempting to penetrate U.S. agencies by selling artwork in federal buildings. “This seems to be an urban myth that has been circulating for months,” said Justice Department spokeswoman Susan Dryden. “The department has no information at this time to substantiate these widespread reports about Israeli art students involved in espionage.”
Several officials said the allegations — first reported by a French online publication and later by other news organizations — of a massive U.S. probe of Israeli spies appear to have been circulated by a single employee of the Drug Enforcement Administration who is angry that his theories have not gained currency
Let’s look at some of the incidents mentioned in the DEA report involving IDF soldiers who specialized in demolitions, the report names three Israeli nationals who arrived in Frankfurt, Germany on March 27th, 2001, and they were Julia Vainshtein, Dilka Borenstein and Ofir Navon. “NAVON claimed to be a former Israeli Army demolition/explosive ordnance disposal specialist” and that “they intended to tour the Dallas area for a few days, and then go to Houston, New York, and Los Angeles.” They were picked up by Michael Calmanovic whose address led to a mailbox. Zeev Miller was another Israeli explosive ordinance/combat engineer who was going to visit Canada, Mexico, and New York. The report said that Miller had over $1200 in cash and a credit card.
The next person in the report was another IDF soldier by the name of Peer Segalovitz, a Lieutenant who was in Lebanon involved in making explosive devices to eliminate Hezbollah. “Segalovitz reluctantly stated that he was an officer of the Israeli military special forces 605 battalion in Golan Heights.” Now what was interesting was his description on what he was involved in during his time in the IDF where he was in an infantry unit, “but as a platoon leader he and his men specialized in demolition.” Segalovitz spoke about the “various types of explosives that he was familiar with and stated that his main purpose was to clear mine fields for Israeli tanks and soldiers.” But there is more to Segalovitz’s story, as he “acknowledged he could blow up buildings, bridges, cars, and anything else that he needed too” and that he “admitted that he had been in two (2) military actions in Lebanon involving explosives.”
Another suspect, Akyuz Shmuel Sagiv was a bodyguard for a General in the Israeli army also admitted that he was a demolition expert as well.
“Sagiv stated he was in the Israeli military in 1995-1996 and was the personal bodyguard of the highest ranking General in the Israeli Army. He also stated he was a demolition expert.”
These individuals were not art students, they were IDF soldiers and spies trying to gather information on how the US government operated, but I guess that angry DEA agent is just a tin-foiled hat wearing conspiracy theorist.
Read Part II of this article.
Timothy Alexander Guzman writes on his own blog site, Silent Crow News, where this article was originally published. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.