Japan-South Korea Diplomatic Scandal Erupts Over Moon ‘Masturbating’ Comment ZeroHedge News

Japan-South Korea Diplomatic Scandal Erupts Over Moon ‘Masturbating’ Comment

A huge diplomatic row has erupted after a senior Japanese diplomat made crude remarks about South Korean President Moon Jae-in “masturbating” to a South Korean TV channel, intending it as a metaphor for lack of motivation to dialogue between the two countries which have of late had “very difficult” relations.

The diplomat at first was unnamed, but the comments went viral in regional media, fueling outrage. AFP gave the following details of what was said:

A senior Japanese diplomat had reportedly ridiculed Mr Moon’s desire to meet with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, describing the South Korean leader as “masturbating with himself”.

 South Korean President Moon Jae-in, via Reuters

The scandal immediately resulted in South Korea angrily summoning the Japanese envoy, demanding an apology as well as concreate action to punish the senior diplomat.

Apparently the offending reference about Moon was made more than once:

The diplomat, who was not identified, added in the same interview with South Korean cable network JTBC that Mr Moon was in a “tug of war only with himself” since Japan has “no space to pay attention to Seoul-Tokyo relations” at the moment.

The comments were divulged on air Friday by South Korean cable TV broadcaster JTBC, with the news anchor introducing the incident by saying the high ranking diplomat’s words were “difficult to put into words”.

The crass reference was in response to recent attempts of President Moon Jae-in to hold a summit with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga during the Olympic Games in Tokyo – games which have been beset with immense challenges over a surge in coronavirus cases in Japan’s capital.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in, left, and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, right, via AP

The Japanese side on Saturday issued an apology but also somewhat of a deflection, saying the offending diplomat has been “sternly warned” – while also identifying him for the first time:

Following JTBC’s report, the Japanese ambassador said it was his deputy Hirohisa Soma who had spoken the “highly inappropriate” words, though he did not confirm exactly what was said.

“While it is true that such terms were used during the conversation it was not directed at President Moon,” Ambassador Koichi Aiboshi said in a statement.

“I have sternly warned Deputy Chief Soma,” Japan’s ambassador added. But Seoul is calling for more, with Vice-Foreign Minister Choi Jong-kun demanding punitive action so that relations won’t spiral further downward.

Japan-South Korea Diplomatic Scandal Erupts Over Moon ‘Masturbating’ Comment

A huge diplomatic row has erupted after a senior Japanese diplomat made crude remarks about South Korean President Moon Jae-in “masturbating” to a South Korean TV channel, intending it as a metaphor for lack of motivation to dialogue between the two countries which have of late had “very difficult” relations.

The diplomat at first was unnamed, but the comments went viral in regional media, fueling outrage. AFP gave the following details of what was said:

A senior Japanese diplomat had reportedly ridiculed Mr Moon’s desire to meet with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, describing the South Korean leader as “masturbating with himself”.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in, via Reuters

The scandal immediately resulted in South Korea angrily summoning the Japanese envoy, demanding an apology as well as concreate action to punish the senior diplomat.

Apparently the offending reference about Moon was made more than once:

The diplomat, who was not identified, added in the same interview with South Korean cable network JTBC that Mr Moon was in a “tug of war only with himself” since Japan has “no space to pay attention to Seoul-Tokyo relations” at the moment.

The comments were divulged on air Friday by South Korean cable TV broadcaster JTBC, with the news anchor introducing the incident by saying the high ranking diplomat’s words were “difficult to put into words”.

The crass reference was in response to recent attempts of President Moon Jae-in to hold a summit with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga during the Olympic Games in Tokyo – games which have been beset with immense challenges over a surge in coronavirus cases in Japan’s capital.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in, left, and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, right, via AP

The Japanese side on Saturday issued an apology but also somewhat of a deflection, saying the offending diplomat has been “sternly warned” – while also identifying him for the first time:

Following JTBC’s report, the Japanese ambassador said it was his deputy Hirohisa Soma who had spoken the “highly inappropriate” words, though he did not confirm exactly what was said.

“While it is true that such terms were used during the conversation it was not directed at President Moon,” Ambassador Koichi Aiboshi said in a statement.

“I have sternly warned Deputy Chief Soma,” Japan’s ambassador added. But Seoul is calling for more, with Vice-Foreign Minister Choi Jong-kun demanding punitive action so that relations won’t spiral further downward.

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