Joe Rogan Warns Cancel Culture Will Lead To “Straight White Men Not Being Allowed To Talk Or Go Outside” ZeroHedge News

Joe Rogan Warns Cancel Culture Will Lead To “Straight White Men Not Being Allowed To Talk Or Go Outside”

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Podcast giant Joe Rogan has warned that the logical conclusion of ‘woke’ cancel culture is that all straight white men will be forbidden from talking or even leaving their own houses.

“You can never be woke enough, that’s the problem,” Rogan stated in a recent conversation with stand-up comedian Joe List about the effect cancel culture is having on comedy.

“It keeps going. It keeps going further and further and further down the line, and if you get to the point where you capitulate, where you agree to all these demands, it’ll eventually get to straight white men are not allowed to talk,” he added.

“Because it’s your privilege to express yourself when other people of colour have been silenced throughout history,” Rogan continued, emphasising the justification of woke proponents.

“It will be, you’re not allowed to go outside. Because so many people were imprisoned,” Rogan continued, adding “I’m not joking, it really will get there. It’s that crazy.”


Rogan concluded:

“We just gotta be nice to each other, man. And there’s a lot of people that are taking advantage of this weirdness in our culture, and then that becomes their thing. Their thing is calling people out for their privilege, calling people out for their position. You know, so, it’s f***ing crazy times.”

The topic is a continuation of a conversation Rogan had last week with Dave Chappelle, who said he hopes ‘we all survive’ cancel culture.

The host was immediately proven on point by the woke mob on Twitter who took issue with Rogan believing it’s a bad thing that straight white men are being silenced, and some failing to be able to hold more than one thought in their head at once:

Joe Rogan really thinks that straight white men are fighting for their right to continue being allowed to speak? He’s that insecure about people in other demographics finally get a shot at an equal voice? What a fucking loser.

— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) May 18, 2021

He’s not against other demographics having an equal voice, he doesn’t say that at all or ever. And when he’s talking about cancel culture, he’s talking about what you’re doing right now by telling him not to voice his opinion. Dave Chappelle has been expressing the same shit.

— Michael J. Kospiah (@MichaelJKospiah) May 18, 2021

Can Joe Rogan point to one day in American history where straight white men shut the fuck up?

If you start the clock in 1787 they’ve had roughly 85,500 opportunities to give it a rest for A DAY, and have never ONCE let the goddamn Earth spin without offering an opinion.

— Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) May 18, 2021

Isn’t the term “Straight White Male” already considered “hate speech?”

— Stush (@StushReal) May 17, 2021

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Tyler Durden
Tue, 05/18/2021 – 13:55
Joe Rogan Warns Cancel Culture Will Lead To “Straight White Men Not Being Allowed To Talk Or Go Outside”

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Podcast giant Joe Rogan has warned that the logical conclusion of ‘woke’ cancel culture is that all straight white men will be forbidden from talking or even leaving their own houses.

“You can never be woke enough, that’s the problem,” Rogan stated in a recent conversation with stand-up comedian Joe List about the effect cancel culture is having on comedy.

“It keeps going. It keeps going further and further and further down the line, and if you get to the point where you capitulate, where you agree to all these demands, it’ll eventually get to straight white men are not allowed to talk,” he added.

“Because it’s your privilege to express yourself when other people of colour have been silenced throughout history,” Rogan continued, emphasising the justification of woke proponents.

“It will be, you’re not allowed to go outside. Because so many people were imprisoned,” Rogan continued, adding “I’m not joking, it really will get there. It’s that crazy.”


Rogan concluded:

“We just gotta be nice to each other, man. And there’s a lot of people that are taking advantage of this weirdness in our culture, and then that becomes their thing. Their thing is calling people out for their privilege, calling people out for their position. You know, so, it’s f***ing crazy times.”

The topic is a continuation of a conversation Rogan had last week with Dave Chappelle, who said he hopes ‘we all survive’ cancel culture.

The host was immediately proven on point by the woke mob on Twitter who took issue with Rogan believing it’s a bad thing that straight white men are being silenced, and some failing to be able to hold more than one thought in their head at once:

Joe Rogan really thinks that straight white men are fighting for their right to continue being allowed to speak? He’s that insecure about people in other demographics finally get a shot at an equal voice? What a fucking loser.
— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) May 18, 2021

He’s not against other demographics having an equal voice, he doesn’t say that at all or ever. And when he’s talking about cancel culture, he’s talking about what you’re doing right now by telling him not to voice his opinion. Dave Chappelle has been expressing the same shit.
— Michael J. Kospiah (@MichaelJKospiah) May 18, 2021

Can Joe Rogan point to one day in American history where straight white men shut the fuck up?
If you start the clock in 1787 they’ve had roughly 85,500 opportunities to give it a rest for A DAY, and have never ONCE let the goddamn Earth spin without offering an opinion.
— Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) May 18, 2021

Isn’t the term “Straight White Male” already considered “hate speech?”
— Stush (@StushReal) May 17, 2021
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In the age of mass Silicon Valley censorship It is crucial that we stay in touch. We need you to sign up for our free newsletter here. Support our sponsor – Turbo Force – a supercharged boost of clean energy without the comedown. Also, we urgently need your financial support here.

Tyler Durden
Tue, 05/18/2021 – 13:55
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