Johns Hopkins University Admissions Suggests PCR Tests Could Be Used As Secret ‘Vaccination’ – Seth Hancock

Have you been “vaccinated” and don’t even know about it? 

That could be the case if you’ve submitted to a PCR test, according to piece earlier this month at Need to Know News

What should be noted is this contention is based on the fact that the PCR tests can be used to secretly “vaccinate” people, which is admitted by a Johns Hopkins University (JHU) publication in November of 2020. No evidence is presented showing that the PCR tests are being used in this way. However, it should be known that they can be used to “vaccinate” as the idea of the ruling class wanting to secretly “vaccinate” people is certainly within the realm of possibility.  

How the PCR tests could be used to “vaccinate” is based on micro-devices called “theragrippers” which JHU developed.  

Patrick Smith, writing for JHU, stated these “theragrippers” can be put into the human body through Q-tips.  

“Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host’s intestines, Johns Hopkins researchers have designed tiny, star-shaped microdevices that can latch onto intestinal mucosa and release drugs into the body,” Smith wrote. “A theragripper is about the size of a speck of dust. This swab contains dozens of the tiny devices.”  

Journalist John O’Sullivan has been warning about the dangers of secretive “vaccination” efforts through this technology noting that the World Health Organization, long before COVID-19, has called “vaccine” hesitancy one of the biggest dangers facing the world, and it has discussed ways to secretively inoculate people.  

“Even the inventors of this microtechnology admit it can potentially transport any drug and release it gradually into your body and you won’t even know anything about it,” Sullivan wrote 

Other ways we can be secretively “vaccinated” by the mRNA jabs is through something called “shedding” in which the effects of the shot can transfer from a jabbed person to someone who has not taken the shot. This has been admitted by Pfizer as Jon Rappoport exposed as pregnant women who have not been “vaccinated” are reporting “vaccine” related effects after being around someone who has been jabbed.  

“These warnings, from the vaccine manufacturer, Pfizer, are shocking,” Rappoport wrote. “They imply that pregnant women can be harmed by breathing in, or contacting by skin, the vaccine as it moves from person to person. Which would be ‘shedding.’”  

Rappoport added: “And what is being transferred from person to person? What is in the vaccine? Genetic material. RNA. RNA encapsulated in toxic lipid nanoparticles.”  

This is just one of many reasons not to submit to the scientifically meaningless PCR tests.  

In December, The Liberty Loft reported on the Food and Drug Administration’s admissions that a toxic solution, sodium azide, is included in the home test kits.  

The FDA media sheet states that “if the solution contacts the skin or eye, flush with plenty of water. If irritation persists, seek medical advice,” the sheet states. It provides “potential risks” warnings of “possible discomfort during sample collection” and “possible incorrect test results.”  

One warning not given is the potential risk of death. Sodium azide has been known to cause death as detailed in a 1990 government study titled “Death following accidental sodium azide ingestion.”  

Meanwhile, the more testing there is, the more cases there are thus further fueling the casedemic used to create perpetual fears and allowing the rulers to maintain their power and control over the people.  

Dr. Reiner Fullmich, an attorney part of the Grand Jury seeking justice for the ongoing crimes against humanity, has been warning about the casedemic 

“It is the PCR test which is the foundation for any and all the measures…the PCR test is totally unreliable. We have a PCR test pandemic.”  

And while the media has dutifully reported on the cases to keep the casedemic going, it has ignored the cases of young, healthy people being harmed by the jabs.  

“Why aren’t the cases of healthy young athletes all-of-a-sudden developing the diseases of old age – or at least, sedentary/unhealthy middle age – such as myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes – being treated with the same or even any hysteria  . . . as was the case with any “case” of someone testing positive on a now-conceded to be sketchy PCR test?” Eric Peters asks 

Peters added: “If we had journalism, there would be reporting of these highly suggestive (that there’s a serious problem with these drugs being pushed) cases of healthy young athletes being sidelined by the kinds of sicknesses that were all-but-unheard of among healthy young athletes when healthy young athletes weren’t being injected with the drugs being pushed by billion-dollar cartels.” 

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