Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau derided Canadians who protested against him at a campaign stop in Newmarket, ON, lashing out at what he called “anti-vaxxer mobs” who are “racist,” “mysoginistic, and “don’t believe in science.”
While speaking with reporters on Sunday in Welland, ON, Trudeau was asked about those who demonstrated against him a day earlier in Newmarket. He remarked:
Yes, there is a small fringe element in this country. It is angry. It doesn’t believe in science. It is lashing out with racist, misogynistic attacks, but Canadians — the vast majority of Canadians — are not represented by them, and I know will not allow those voices, those special interest groups, those protesters — I don’t even want to call them protesters — those anti-vaxxer mobs to dictate how this country gets through this pandemic and how we recover our economy from lockdowns, where people can get back to work and back to doing the things they want to do and keep our kids safe.
Trudeau’s full remarks can be viewed here (relevant portion begins at 40:55).
Trudeau wore a mask during his campaign stop in Newmarket.
It was reported in April he received his first dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. He reportedly received the Moderna vaccine as his second dose in July.
Protesters at Saturday’s event in Newmarket chanted, “Fuck Trudeau.” Visible signs included the messages, “CANADA FIRST, NOT CHINA,” “VOTE AGAINST COMMIES,” and “Stop the abusive masking of the children.”
Trudeau has proposed federal funding for provinces and territories implementing “vaccine passports,” which would require presentation of “proof-of-vaccine credentials” to access “non-essential” businesses or organizations.
CityNews reported:
A big financial incentive is being promised to the provinces and territories which decide to bring in COVID-19 vaccine passports.
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says, if re-elected, a $1-billion fund would be set up for proof-of-vaccination systems.
“A vaccine mandate for non-essential businesses is a good idea. It keeps people safe, it encourages everyone to do the right thing, it keeps our businesses open, and keeps our economy moving,” Trudeau said.
Canada’s federal election is scheduled for September 20.