Kiev/CIA “Myrotvorets” Kill List Claims Another Assassination, The Torture And Murder Of American Journalist Gonzalo Lira – Carla Stea

Though few “major” media outlets have made any mention of this atrocity, other than defamatory remarks about the victim, during his January 24 press conference Russian Ambassador Sergey Lavrov spoke of the torture and murder of American/Chilean journalist, Gonzalo Lira, in a Ukrainian prison, after an extended imprisonment. Lira, who had lived in Ukraine for many years, reported of the Zelensky regime’s gross violations of human rights and violations of international law, exposed the vast government corruption and permeation by neo-nazis who had viciously attacked the Donbass region since the U.S. orchestrated putch of 2014.

The U.S. State Department did virtually nothing to obtain Lira’s release, or to help obtain the medical treatment he needed. The Zelensky regime has a “kill list,” the Myrotvorets, targeting for assassination reporters and eminent persons, anywhere, including the United States, who expose criminal activities by the Zelensky regime, and this list includes former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter and U.S. candidate for the Senate, Diane Sare, who must have bodyguards and other protective methods to endure their safety, even in New York City!

It is an indication of the Myrotvorets extreme fascist proclivities that such renowned persons as the Prime Minister of Hungary, Victor Orban is included on the list, and, indeed, none other than the late Henry Kissinger was added to the list on May 27, 2022.

This Ukranian regime is the “Democracy” that the U.S. Administration is sending hundreds of billions of dollars in weapons to defend.

The arrogance of the Zelensky regime seems stupefying as, not only does it murder journalists and other critics on its own territory with impunity, but it is now dictating censorship of major American media within the United States. As reported by Agence France Press on January 25, 2024, the Ukraine regime is attempting to censor even the HBO in the United States, and demanding that they fire the award winning Serbian actor, Milos Bikovic, who was cast by HBO in a starring role in the third season of their Emmy winning “White Lotus.”

The mainstream media remains mostly mute about the torture/murder of Gonzalo Lira, jailed and murdered for his extensive criticism of the nazi-permeated Zelensky regime.

And where is mainstream media coverage of “Myrotvorets?”

Carla Stea is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and Global Research’s Correspondent at UN headquarters, New York.

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