Kiev & NATO “Spring Offensive” Collapses: 20% Of Kiev Regime Weapons Destroyed In Just Two Weeks – New York Times

Kiev’s Western-supplied tanks and armored vehicles “all burnt,” one soldier told the newspaper. Russia announced that over 30% of Kiev’s heavy weapons have been destroyed. US State Department Spokesman Kirby reiterates there are over 80,000 American troops in Europe, due to the “realization” that the “security environment in Europe is changed”. They need standing troops between NATO and Russia. Kirby just inadvertently admitted that Ukraine’s Army is gone!

Heavy losses during the initial days of Kiev’s counteroffensive prompted a “pause”.

The Ukrainian military lost 20% of the equipment it sent to the battlefield during the first two weeks of its counteroffensive, the New York Times reported on Saturday. This high attrition rate was reportedly a key factor in Kiev’s decision to “pause” the operation.

Beginning in early June, Ukrainian forces launched a series of attacks all along the front line from Kherson to Donetsk. Advancing through minefields and without air support, the Ukrainian military lost 26,000 men and more than 3,000 pieces of military hardware, according to the latest figures from the Russian Ministry of Defense. 

Ukrainian losses were at their highest during the initial two weeks of the offensive, the New York Times claimed, citing unnamed American and European officials. These officials said that up to 20% of Ukraine’s tanks and armored vehicles were destroyed in this period, including many Western-provided vehicles.

For some units, Western equipment was lost at an even higher rate, the Times continued, citing figures from a pro-Ukrainian organization. Ukraine’s 47th Mechanized Brigade – a NATO-trained unit – apparently lost 30% of its 99 Bradley Infantry Fighting vehicles in two weeks, while the 33rd Mechanized Brigade lost nearly a third of its 32 German-made Leopard tanks in a single week.

“They all burned,” said one Ukrainian soldier who witnessed at least six Western vehicles destroyed in a single Russian artillery barrage. Another Ukrainian fighter told the Times that his unit’s Bradleys run over anti-tank mines on a daily basis. While the troops inside often survive, the vehicles are left immobilized long before they reach Russian lines.

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian forces have destroyed a total of 311 Ukrainian tanks since June 4. “At least a third of them, I believe, were Western-made tanks, including Leopards,” Putin told Russia 24 TV on Thursday.

After the first two weeks, Ukrainian commanders decided to pause the counteroffensive, and losses subsequently dropped to 10%, the Times claimed. President Vladimir Zelensky acknowledged the pause this week, but blamed the West for failing to supply him with enough weapons and equipment for a successful operation.

With little to no territorial gain to show for Kiev’s losses, Western officials have expressed disappointment at the pace of the offensive, according to a steady trickle of media reports since mid-June. Zelensky and some of his top officials still insist that the decisive phase of their counteroffensive has yet to begin.

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Western backers are running low on ammunition, particularly 155mm artillery shells. US President Joe Biden admitted this week that “we’re low” on these shells, explaining that the shortage compelled him to send controversial cluster munitions in their stead. The US has also stalled on approving the training of Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets, something that Kiev insists will help restart the faltering counteroffensive.

Kirby reiterates there are over 80,000 American troops in Europe, due to the “realization” that the “security environment in Europe is changed”. They need standing troops between NATO and Russia.

Kirby just inadvertently admitted that Ukraine’s Army is gone!

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that Ukraine has now lost 30% of the heavy equipment, such as armored vehicles, sent to it. Russian troops have already destroyed dozens of tanks and hundreds of armored vehicles used in Ukrainian attacks on Russian positions.

According to a report by RT, President Vladimir Putin told war correspondents on Tuesday that Kyiv’s troops have so far failed to achieve success on any of the fronts in their long-touted counteroffensive, he added. Russian positions have faced attacks from four major directions, the president said during a meeting at the Kremlin. He added that Ukrainian reserves, including those equipped with Western-supplied military hardware, had also been thrown into the fray.

The Russian Defense Ministry has reported that Ukrainian forces have lost dozens of pieces of military hardware in their attacks, including tanks and armored vehicles supplied by the West. The ministry has also published videos showing Russian forces successfully striking Ukrainian heavy equipment.  – RT

However, the offensive has led to massive losses in personnel and materiel for Kyiv, Putin stated. Ukraine has lost “at least 160 tanks and 360 armored vehicles,” and the military hardware destroyed by Russian troops accounts for between 25% and 30% of all Western military equipment supplied to Ukraine, the president estimated.

“There are also losses that we do not see, which are a result of long-range high-precision strikes,” Putin said, claiming that Ukraine’s actual losses are likely higher than the figures he had estimated. Regarding personnel, Putin said Russian casualties were “ten times lower” than among Ukrainian forces.

After long touting a counteroffensive, Ukraine finally launched its operation last week, although thus far it has apparently failed to bring about any dramatic changes on the front line.

Ukraine continues to demand more weaponry and equipment from the United States and other Western allies, so the war can continue.

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