Latest “Russiagate” indictment by John Durham proves, again, that the FBI must be disbanded – JD Heyes

(Natural News) For years, Natural News has reported about how the FBI has gone completely rogue by working harder to entrap people into invented crimes and ‘acts of terrorism’ than actually stopping crimes and acts of terrorism.

One of the most recent, egregious examples involved the FBI entrapping a bunch of good ol’ boys in Michigan who like guns and have a right-leaning perspective in a “plot” to “kidnap” unpopular Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the COVID-19 lockdown queen of the upper Midwest.

No way those guys were ever going to actually kidnap the governor, but for rogue FBI agents, they would have never been in trouble for anything.

Now, we see with the latest ‘Russiagate’ charge from special prosecutor John Durham involving an attorney for a Hillary Clinton-linked law firm, who reportedly lied to FBI agents, it is clear, again, that this agency is out of control, a net zero to actual law enforcement, and a major threat to our constitutional liberties.

The FBI, in short, needs to go away, and we’re not the only ones who believe that.

“In ignoring the latest John Durham indictment, most of the media and official Washington are ignoring the elephant between its written lines: the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. wrote last week in The Wall Street Journal.

“Mr. Durham, the special counsel appointed to investigate the government’s handling of the Russia collusion mess, levels a single criminal charge against Michael Sussmann, then a lawyer for the Democrat-linked firm Perkins Coie,” he added. “In delivering to the FBI fanciful evidence of Trump-Russia collusion a few weeks before the 2016 election, Mr. Sussmann is alleged to have lied to the FBI’s chief lawyer, James Baker, claiming he was acting on his own behalf and not as a paid agent of the Clinton campaign.”

You may recall that Perkins Coie was the go-between law firm that took money from Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign and gave it to former MI6 agent Christopher Steele to concoct the “Russia dossier” that contained fake ‘salacious revelations’ about then-GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s non-existent “collusion” with Mother Russia. But that’s for another day.

As for the Durham case, Jenkins explains more as it pertains to the FBI:

Already you might be rolling your eyes. Mr. Durham provides ample reason in his own indictment for why the FBI would have known exactly whom Mr. Sussmann was working for. If Mr. Sussmann didn’t lie at the time, Mr. Baker may have lied since about what transpired between him and Mr. Sussmann.

Either way, we are free to suspect the FBI would have found it useful to be protected from inconvenient knowledge about the Clinton campaign’s role. The same FBI then was busy ignoring the political antecedents of the Steele dossier, also financed by Mr. Sussmann’s law firm on behalf of the Clinton campaign, information that the FBI would shortly withhold from a surveillance court in pursuit of a warrant to spy on Trump pilot fish Carter Page.

He goes on to note that the FBI, during Obama’s waning months and under the ‘leadership’ of then-Director James Comey, “was already hip-deep in the 2016 election.” Comey would rely on info he and the bureau knew to be fake — that would be Steele’s ‘dossier’ — and that they knew was financed by Trump’s Democratic rival, but would ignore it and allow a hoax ‘counterintelligence’ probe to be launched into Trump’s campaign anyway.

“Ask yourself: In what way, in anyone’s memory, has the FBI covered itself in glory? The Larry Nassar case, in which it failed to pursue a serial abuser of teenage gymnasts? The Noor Salman case, in which it trumped up a failed prosecution of the innocent and abused wife of the Orlando nightclub shooter? The Hatfill case, in which it attempted to railroad an innocent scientist over the 2001 anthrax attacks?” Jenkins posited.

And let’s not forget all of the entrapment cases the bureau has invented since 9/11 to justify its existence and bigger budgets.

This rogue agency needs to be disbanded, period, and allow all federal law enforcement to be handled by the U.S. Marshal’s Service, where it should have never left.

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