Learn More About Former CIA Agent Renee DiResta, Leader Of The U.S. Government’s Censorship Industry – Ethan Huff

Ever since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, the powers that be have been whining and complaining about the need for more censorship to stop “foreign election influence” and “disinformation.” Well, it turns out that the government itself is the worst election influencer there is.

Since December, a growing number of journalists, analysts, and researchers has been documenting what is now being referred to as the “Censorship Industrial Complex.” This vast network of United States government agencies and other assets is coordinating to stamp out the First Amendment and turn the country into a totalitarian dictatorship, complete with its own Ministry of Truth.

At the head of this Censorship Industrial Complex is a former CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) agent by the name of Renee DiResta who, thanks to the Twitter Files, is being exposed as enemy number-one in the fight to preserve free speech in America.

The research manager at the Stanford Internet Observatory, DiResta is leading the charge, both in the public and private sectors, to censor just about everything online that the deep state wants to see go away. And yet she is branded by the corporate-controlled media as one of the good guys.

(Related: More than a decade ago, Google was publicly addressing what it described as an “alarming” rise in government censorship requests – even back then!)

America: Your “government” is working against you every single day

DiResta’s main argument is that, without more censorship, the U.S. will lose the “information war” with Russia and other “enemy” nations. This argument of hers is constantly plastered throughout the media machine to continually remind Americans of the “need” to eliminate the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Back in 2018, DiResta testified before the Senate in support for “legislation that defines and criminalizes foreign propaganda,” as well as allows law enforcement to “prosecute foreign propaganda.”

“DiResta, as much as any other public person in the Western world, has sounded the alarm, repeatedly and loudly, for stronger governmental and non-governmental coordination to get social media platforms to censor more information,” reported the Public Substack.

“‘The Russian disinformation operations that affected the 2016 United States presidential election are by no means over,’ wrote DiResta in the New York Times in December 2018. ‘Russian interference through social media is a chronic, widespread, and identifiable condition that we must now aggressively manage.’”

More recently in 2021, DiResta pushed for the creation of a government-run censorship center, which she referred to as a “Center of Excellence.” Such a center “could tie in a federal lead with platforms, academics, and nonprofits to stay ahead of these emerging narratives and trends,” she argued.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ultimately acted on DiResta’s proposition, instead choosing to call the operation a “Disinformation Governance Board,” also known as a Ministry of Truth.

Over the years, DiResta has risen to the highest levels of the U.S. intelligence community because of her pro-censorship work. In her view, anything that contradicts the narrative of her community is “foreign interference” that must be stopped and prosecuted.

Reports like this one would fall under the banner of “foreign interference” simply because they expose DiResta and others like her who are using American taxpayer dollars to try to erase the constitutionally protected right of Americans to speak freely – something she and her ilk cannot stand.

“If we hope to defund and dismantle the Censorship Industrial Complex, we must understand what makes its leaders tick, why they rose to the top, and how they can be defeated,” Public warns.

By Ethan Huff

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