Let Freedom Roll: 70 Mile Long ‘People’s Convoy’ To Descend On Washington, DC On Saturday – Thousands Of Vehicles Gear Up For The Final Stretch (VIDEOS)

Thousands of American Truckers from across the country will reach the DC Swamp tomorrow morning for a massive protest to pressure Biden to end the national state of emergency that was declared at the start of the pandemic, along with all the other public health mandates that have been used to restrict Americans’ constitutional rights.

They’re so close, DC can practically hear the honking already.

The convoy is now well over 10,000 vehicles long, including thousands of trucks. There are so many participants in the caravan that it has taken over three hours for them to get off the highway, and there is still no end in sight.

Take a look at the absolutely crazy scene at the Hagerstown Speedway, which is where The People’s Convoy will be making its headquarters throughout the upcoming protests.

Updates from over an hour later show that the line of cars still stretches out into the night for miles.


Once again, thousands of supporters also showed up to greet the truckers, bringing food, drinks, and supplies along with them to donate.

Tomorrow is going to be, as Trump would put it, YUUUUUUGE.


After one last night of rest, the truckers will depart for Washington DC in the morning to kick off the fireworks.

On Saturday, the over 70-mile-long convoy will head straight to the DC Beltway in order to shut down traffic surrounding the capital. The Beltway loop itself is just 63 miles long, so they should be able to pull off a significant disruption. Later in the day, there will also be a convoy rally somewhere “only two miles from the Beltway” where some GOP lawmakers are expected to join and show their support, according to the Washington Post.

Tomorrow’s demonstrations will be the first of many over the coming days. The convoy has been well-stocked on its way across the US, so they are in for the long haul.


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