Louisiana Passes Resolution to Lower Its Flags, Mourn 63 Million Babies Killed in Abortions Steven Ertelt LifeNews.com

The Louisiana legislature has approved a resolution that acknowledges the 63 million unborn babies killed in abortion in America over the past five decades, and it encourages state residents to lower their flags to half-staff every January 22 to mourn the innocent children who have lost their lives.

Senate Concurrent Resolution 38 (SCR 38), designating January 22, 2022 as the Day of Tears in Louisiana, has passed both the Senate and the House, and has been sent to the Secretary of State.

Sponsored by Senator and President Pro Tempore, Beth Mizell, (R-Franklinton), SCR 38 encourages citizens of Louisiana to lower their flags in remembrance of those who have been lost to abortion. Louisiana joins Alabama and Arkansas in adopting the Day of Tears.

“As a pro-life state we must continue to bring attention to the loss of innocent lives from abortions yearly. Let us work together to demonstrate that we value life and strive to protect the unborn,” Mizell said.

Louisiana has long stood as an advocate for life. Current laws include protections for the unborn in the 5th month of pregnancy, informed consent, and prohibitions on taxpayer funded abortions. In 2020, Louisianans voted to enact the Love Life Amendment by a 62% margin.

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“We are grateful to Senator Mizell for her leadership and advocacy on behalf of the unborn,” said Anne Fitzgerald, Day of Tears Executive Director. “Thank you to the legislators for recognizing the importance of setting a day aside for Louisianans to mourn and honor those whom have been lost before they had a chance to experience Life outside the womb.”

This is a good resolution that will forever mark the anniversary of Roe v. Wade in Louisiana — and remember the destruction that abortion has caused in our country.

Day of Tears is a 501(c)(3) committed to the lives of the preborn. The organization’s goal is to have flags lowered across the nation on January 22, in remembrance, honor, and mourning for the over 63 million lives that have been lost to abortion.

The post Louisiana Passes Resolution to Lower Its Flags, Mourn 63 Million Babies Killed in Abortions first appeared on LifeNews.com.

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