Majority Of Americans Now Regard FBI As “Biden’s Personal Gestapo”

A new survey finds that majority of 53% of the respondents view the FBI agency as “Joe Biden‘s personal Gestapo”, following a raid on ex-President Donald Trump.

A majority of respondents in a new survey have said they view the FBI as President Joe Biden‘s “personal Gestapo,” reflecting increasingly polarized views about the federal policing agency amid an investigation into the former commander in chief. 

A Rasmussen poll published on Thursday showed major divisions in Americans’ attitudes toward the FBI, with 44% of respondents stating a recent raid on Trump’s Florida home made them lose some trust in the bureau. However, a significant 29% said the move only increased their confidence in the FBI, while 23% said it made no difference.

Asked about previous comments by former Trump adviser Roger Stone – who said “politicized thugs at the top of the FBI” are using the agency as “Joe Biden‘s personal Gestapo” – a majority (53%) of those polled agreed, including 34% who concurred “strongly.” That figure is up from 46% last December, though the more recent survey still found 36% disagree with Stone’s characterization. The results were split along party lines, with 76% of Republican and 37% Democrat respondents agreeing with the “Gestapo” claim.

According to officials and an unsealed property receipt, the federal raid on Trump’s Florida home on August 8 was centered on a probe into classified documents allegedly taken from the White House – some of them said to be top-secret and even potentially related to nuclear weapons – with the bureau hoping to recover 11 different sets of material from the residence. It remains unclear what was found in the search, however, and unnamed sources cited by NBC recently said agents will need time to sift through the seized files. 

Trump, for his part, has accused the FBI of a politicized raid, and claimed the agency “stole” his passports and privileged legal documents “which they knowingly should not have taken,” although the passports had since been returned. The former president’s lawyers were not permitted to observe the search of his property, and said FBI agents ordered them to shut off security cameras while it was conducted, Read More

Art Moore writes that the survey was suggested by New York Post columnist Miranda Devine, reported Washington Examiner columnist Paul Bedard. It was Devine who published the blockbuster evidence from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop just before the 2020 election that the Democratic presidential nominee was running a family influence-peddling operation that included multi-million dollar deals with Chinese Communist Party firms and Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, among others.

Whistleblowers recently have alleged that the FBI quashed an investigation of Hunter Biden and the laptop’s contents.

Devine wrote Wednesday that the political left is “happy because a politicized agency is coming after their ideological enemies, particularly their bête noire, Trump.”

“It’s a stark turnaround from the days of decrying the FBI’s efforts to target Martin Luther King,” she wrote. “The left has discarded any pretense of caring about civil liberties or injustice and instead sneers at conservatives who they claim are the ones who have jettisoned their core principles and now are ‘anti-cop.’”

The Rasmussen survey found that 44% of likely voters trust federal agents less, while 29% trust them more.

Nevertheless, by a 50%-46% margin, voters have a favorable impression of the FBI.

Those who are loath to give the FBI the benefit of the doubt in the Mar-a-Lago raid point to the bogus Trump-Russia collusion investigation, the refusal to refer Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution, the bureau-concocted Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot to smear Trump before the election, the evidence that FBI informants incited the Jan. 6 riot, the casting of parents who protest school curriculum as domestic terrorists, and the misclassification of cases to bolster the administration’s narrative that conservatives pose a domestic terror threat.

In May 2020, even after the FBI’s corrupt role in protecting Hillary Clinton and launching the Russia Collusion Hoax against Trump, that number sat at 60 percent favorable. But it’s today’s “trust” and “Gestapo” issues that are the FBI’s real problem, writes Joe Polak.

Using the judicial system to punish your political enemies, which is what His Fraudulency Joe Biden and embittered Attorney General Merrick Garland almost certainly did with the Trump raid, is as ugly, corrupt, un-American, and norm-violating as it gets. Raiding the home of a former president just months before a national midterm election… Well, that’s something a political party would only dare do when they know they have billions and billions of corporate media dollars on alert to protect them against any outrage they commit.

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 16: U.S. President Joe Biden (L) and Attorney General Merrick Garland walk into the East Room for the Public Safety Officer Medals of Valor ceremony at the White House on May 16, 2022, in Washington, DC. The medals are given for “extraordinary valor above and beyond the call of duty.”
U.S. President Joe Biden (L) and Attorney General Merrick Garland walk into the East Room for the Public Safety Officer Medals of Valor ceremony at the White House on May 16, 2022, in Washington, DC. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

As far as the FBI, they are willing coconspirators and eager Gestapo agents. No one with a set of principles would be a part of these outrages. An FBI that employed men and women of integrity would lose people to mass resignations.

To the surprise of no one, this poll also shows that Democrats love them some Federal Gestapo Agents. A full 63 percent of Democrats approve of the FBI. Yes, and only 30 percent of the defund-the-police Democrats view the Nazis in the FBI unfavorably.

Some people see these findings as hypocrisy, but if you understand the left’s goals, it is nothing close to hypocritical or surprising.

You see, nothing would make Democrats happier than dissolving all local and state police departments and replacing them with a centralized federal police force they can control and corrupt.

Democrats would love to do to policing what they have already done to education, as well as environmental and fiscal policy — which is to nationalize it into a one-size-fits-all Utopian hellscape for anyone who doesn’t kneel before Black Lives Matter, trade beef for bugs, hand in their guns, accept gay porn in elementary schools, and believe 2+2=5, Breitbart’s Joe Polak concludes.

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