Manufacturing Artificial Consent For War On Iran – Simon Chege Ndiritu

Blinken’s acting as a mediator while his government is arming Israel shows sheer hypocrisy, as the US attempts to confuse audiences while pursuing its last step of its long-term goal outlined by Wesley Clark and the long-term wishes of Benjamin Netanyahu to destroy and Plunder Iran.

9 Rounds of Diplomatic Gymnastics

On Monday, August 19, 2024, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that the currents talks on Israel-Gaza war may be the Last Opportunity to achieve a truce. Mr. Blinken was on his 9th trip to the Middle East since the current war began 10 months ago. The negotiations he referred to entailed the US and Israel bulldozing their goal to control the region. Only Israeli allies (US and its vassals Qatar and Egypt) participated, while Gazans stayed away, probably due to their negotiator, Ismail Haniyeh being assassinated by Israel in Tehran. As Blinken tries to confuse the public that the circumstances surrounding the Israel-Gaza war are complex, Washington’s goal is bringing the remaining Middle East’s (Iran’s) resources under its control. Therefore, America’s unsustainable debt raises proportionally with Israel’s (Washington’s sock-puppet) belligerence towards Iran. To reinforce Israel’s puppet status, the country’s representative declared that it is the vanguard of civilization at a UNSC meeting held on 14th August. Therefore, the Jewish state views itself leading The West’s Civilizing Mission, which is a euphemism for slavery, colonization, and plunder of all resource-rich peoples. People thinking that Israel is a Jewish homeland for previously oppressed European Jews should take note.

Iran is now the new frontier for neo-colonization, the last of 7 countries the US planned to invade and plunder, according to Wesley Clark, the former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe. With American’s faltering economic productivity, Washington greatly wishes to add Iran’s immense oil and gas resources to its Gross National Income (GNI). To the US establishment, Israel is just an excuse whose supposed safety must be ensured by destroying all resource-rich countries and having their oil grabbed by The West. This reality can be noted in how, Washington decried being misled by Netanyahu’s Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) lie to destroy Iraq, but could not regret the oil stolen by American and UK firms, in addition to billions earned by war contractors. The US establishment usually uses Israel to sell its wars of plunder to congress as being necessary to meet the latter’s never-ending security needs.

Netanyahu-US Congress Medieval Responsorial Chants

Any phase of American’s wrestling control of important resource from the Middle East is preceded by the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu appearing in the US congress, and blaming the targeted country for posing a threat to Israel and the West by Harboring terroristsseeking to develop nuclear weapons, and preventing neighbors from being US allies. Netanyahu’s presentations appear as a recital of mediaeval-style responsorial chants in which he shouts his part, before the congress raises in thunderous applause, signaling its unquestioning approval of his often outrageous claims. The most important of such performances occurred in 2002 when Netanyahu sold war against Iraq, the second was in 2011, when he cheered on the war against Libya and Syria, and the third in 24 July, 2024, in which he sold war against Iran using his tired justifications. After such a performance, pentagon’s progresses towards a war like a zombie. Netanyahu’s last performance started off a predictable escalation spiral following two distinct realities, one for Israel and the other for its victims. Israel bombs all its neighbors unquestioned, while the US and Western Europe supplies more arms to the former while threatening Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah from retaliating for the sake of peace. Therefore, Peace is when Israel does what it wants, while its victims face political, and ultimately military pressure until their oil, gas, and territory are taken by the US and its Corporations. Syria and Iraq are good examples, but sights are now trained on Iran.

The US and its Western European allies are creating conditions that frame their war against Iran as inevitable for guaranteeing Israel’s security. However, the war’s ultimate goal is plunder, such that as UK, France, and Germany were warning Iran not to retaliate for Israel’s assassinating Hamas’ political leader, Israeli was bombing Syria, Lebanon, and also threatening Iran. No western country rebuked Israel for violating Iran’s territorial integrity, when it killed a Hamas leader in Tehran. Instead, Israel, after meeting with French and UK foreign ministers, urged them to declare that they will attack Iran if it attacks Israel, even if in retaliation for Israeli action. With such maneuvers, Iran is effectively damned if it retaliates, which may attract The West’s response, and equally dammed if it does not, which will attract more Israeli provocations. The only party that benefits and has nothing to lose is Washington and its Western allies, which explains their enthusiasm in creating the current quagmire. The US conceals its responsibility by setting up one-sided negotiations entailing its vassals Qatar and Egypt, in which parties acknowledged that they followed President Biden’s recommendations. Biden would not have any recommendations if this war was not Washington’s initiative, and if solutions were hinged on legitimate interests of both parties. Biden is only obsessed with ‘Normalization’, to get Arab regimes to establish relations with Israel, and ignore Palestinians.

More Flip-flops to conceal Narrow-minded Intents

US Double Standards will dominate the ongoing war in the Middle East in the future as Washington tries to act neutral while pursuing its neocolonial interests. Israel will continue being The West’s mercenary state, while styling itself as the vanguard of the ‘Civilized World’. This Civilized World is a group of former colonizers and slave traders, who now hire someone to act on their behalf. Israel agreed to be the groups’ spearhead and bombs its neighbors, assassinates political leaders, while its backers happily shift responsibility to victims. For instance, on August 13, former US Secretary of State and CIA director, Mike Pompeo claimed that it was Hamas that did not want peace, simply because the group’s new leader has been uneasy with attending negotiations. The West’s double standards in driving negotiations and support for Israel will expand to conceal the most controversial and dangerous part of their neocolonial game. Therefore, Blinken’s trips to the Middle East will likely expand, alongside mock negotiations where only US allies participate and regurgitate Washington’s position to substitute pro-peace substance with drama. Meanwhile, the empowered Israel will bomb everything across the region, with particular emphasis on Iran. Therefore, a significant Israeli provocation against Iran, conducted at the behest of the US, should be expected, as Washington seeks another war of colonialism and plunder.

Simon Chege Ndiritu, a political observer and research analyst from Africa, exclusively for the online magazine «New Eastern Outlook»

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