Mass Protests In Islamabad Against US Sponsored “Political Military Elite” – Junaid S. Ahmad

Tens of thousands of Pakistanis, including ordinary families and young people from every corner of the country, continue to converge in the capital, Islamabad, facing brutal state repression. They are doing so amidst the scorching heat wave afflicting Pakistan. There’s little to no Western coverage since these demonstrations aren’t taking place in Hong Kong, Moscow, or Tehran – but in a country with a Western-backed client regime.

This level of courage, sacrifice, and commitment is not merely about the persona of Imran Khan. It’s crystal clear that Pakistanis are marching and protesting to obtain some modicum of dignity, justice, and sovereignty by rejecting the traditional political-military elite that has plundered and prostituted the country to Riyadh-Washington since the nation’s establishment in 1947.

PTI long march reaches Islamabad following day-long battle with law enforcers.

Source: Junaid S. Ahmad

See The Tribune Report below.

Govt fails to curb PTI tsunami as it nears D-Chowk

The PML-N-led coalition government on Wednesday failed to contain PTI activists and supporters – who while staging their “Haqeeqi Azadi March” — managed to cross all barriers and reached near D-Chowk after setting some trees and public property on fire in Blue Area of the federal capital.

The ministers and leaders, who mocked the opponents for not having enough support and kept claiming victory throughout the day through their statements and news conferences, were left red-faced when the protesters crossed all the hurdles and compelled the law-enforcement agencies to retreat.

Clashes continued throughout the day between the protesters and law-enforcement agencies at different locations in the twin cities, including Faizabad Interchange, where the roads were blocked with containers.

The clashes unfolded against a hazy backdrop of police-fired tear gas with PTI supporters and activists flexing their muscles in an unrelenting stare-down with the security personnel who resorted to firing teargas, baton-charging and detaining the marchers.

Defying all barriers, the protesters reached the location that PTI Chairman and former premier Imran Khan had earlier decided for his address — D-Chowk.

Scenes of 2014 march-turned sit-in of PTI were also witnessed across capital with a bit more intensity and one major difference was that the protesters managed to reach near D-Chowk in no time this time around.

Previously, they had stayed at Aabpara Market and Kashmir Highway, which has now been named as Srinagar Highway, for a few days and then marched to D-Chowk, the place where all important government installations are located. Parliament, Supreme Court, Prime Minister House & Office, key ministries and offices, lawmakers’ residence, offices of the national broadcasters, among other important buildings, are at an arm’s length from D-Chowk.

Amid rising political tension ahead of the much-hyped political rally, the change in government’s strategy was witnessed soon after the Supreme Court ordered the government to allow PTI to organise their long march at a ground between H-9 and G-9 areas of the federal capital.

Though the representatives of the PTI had assured the apex court that no damage would take place to any property during the rally, the scenes at Blue Area not just contradicted it but were horrifying as trees, greenbelt areas, and public property were set on fire.

Islamabad’s entry and exit routes remained blocked, as well as all important sites, including parliament, government offices and diplomatic missions. Entry and exit points were also blocked to and from all major cities in Punjab province and on Grand Trunk Road.

However, the PTI chairman remained defiant and kept galvanising his supporters to not wilt under the crackdown.

The main convoy from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, led by Imran himself, managed to enter Punjab from Attock after removing barricades placed by the provincial government at the bridge of the city to stop the marchers from entering the province.

PTI leaders, including Fawad Chaudhry and Shireen Mazari, also urged supporters to make their way to the capital’s D-Chowk, saying that all containers and blockades on the way had been removed.

“We will remain in Islamabad till the announcement of dates for dissolution of assemblies & elections are given,” he later tweeted.

Later in the evening, in a video message tweeted by the PTI, Imran urged the nation to take to the streets wherever they were and said people heading to Islamabad must reach D-Chowk.

“I will make it there in a couple of hours.”

Imran said it was “good news” that the Supreme Court had decided that no one would be arrested during the march.

“Your collective presence will send a message across Pakistan that the nation has rejected this ‘imported’ government.”


Junaid S. Ahmad teaches Religion, Law, and Politics and is the Director of the Center for the Study of Islam and Decoloniality. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

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