Mass Psychosis: When Will We Free Ourselves From Toxic Propaganda, If Not Now? – Mark Taliano

If mass psychosis entails a detachment from reality, then Westerners in particular are suffering from mass-psychosis on myriad issues. Now more than ever.

In terms of government policies this manufactured illness is well-planned and deliberate. The media, in lockstep with the government, is owned and controlled by media cartels (1). Acceptable political dissent remains framed, for the most part, within the parameters of Big Lies, the most recent, expansive and criminal being the COVID Lies. (2)

If the COVID measures and jabs are a domestic manifestation of the government’s war on its own people, and the excess death rates suggest that they are (3), then imperialism would be an external manifestation of war on other peoples. Governments fabricate support for these “wars” through massive psychosis-generating lies and deceptions.

All of the post-911 wars in particular serve as a template for understanding the war in Ukraine. How?  Because all of them were sold to incredulous Western populations through the medium of Big Lies. None of the wars were or are about humanitarian pursuits, democracy, freedom, or fighting terrorism. Quite the opposite.

The truth has seeped out for “past” wars to the extent that many Westerners now accept that Iraq did not have WMD, that Libya (4) before the Western invasion was a far better place (as was Iraq), and that far from being a brutal dictator, Syria’s elected government led by President Assad is infinitely superior to the Western-supported terrorists of al Qaeda, ISIS. (5)

So why the seemingly blanket acceptance of official Ukraine narratives?  Have Western populations learned nothing from previous wars and the fabricated lies that launched and sustained them?

The war lies about Ukraine are consistent with war lies about the aforementioned countries.

The war is not about democracy, freedom, or humanitarianism, and Russian President Vladimir Putin is not a “brutal dictator”. This should not be a surprise. To be succinct, it is a proxy war meant to bleed Russia even if it means Ukrainians fighting to the “last person”. (6)In terms of bleeding Russia, the goal is unlikely to succeed since Russia is arguably stronger now than ever, despite (or perhaps because of ) the economic sanctions and the war.

In terms of fighting “to the last (Ukrainian) person“, as expressed by Senator Lindsay Graham, this bleak outcome may manifest itself as long as countries like Canada continue to support and send weapons to what is essentially a western-installed nazi regime.

George Eliason describes the deeds and foundational ideology of the resurrected Banderites of Kiev. He describes how the last thing holocaust victims saw were the blue and yellow armbands of the SS Totenkopf.

Yet westerners supporting the blue and yellow flags representative of the current Kiev Regime, product of an on-going Washington coup, seem blissfully unaware of what they are really supporting.

Western imperial warmongering complexes couldn’t be happier, even as this fabricated “psychosis” prolongs the war, the devastation, and the mass slaughter of Ukrainians. Imperialists do not want peace.

When if not now will the Western masses free themselves from their fabricated delusions? When if not now is it time for truth, peace, and justice?

Mark Taliano is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) and the author of Voices from Syria, Global Research Publishers, 2017. 

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