MAYOR OF LOD, ISRAEL: “Streets Are Witnessing Civil War Between Arabs and Jews” – Synagogue Torched – Arabs Fire Automatic Weapons at Israeli Police

Riots are breaking out in several Israeli towns on Tuesday night. The Mayor of Lod, Israel tonight told the media, “We have completely lost control of the city, and the streets are witnessing a civil war between Arabs and Jews. Residents are being evacuated from their homes.” Arabs were seen firing automatic weapons at police.…
The post MAYOR OF LOD, ISRAEL: “Streets Are Witnessing Civil War Between Arabs and Jews” – Synagogue Torched – Arabs Fire Automatic Weapons at Israeli Police appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Riots are breaking out in several Israeli towns on Tuesday night.

The Mayor of Lod, Israel tonight told the media, “We have completely lost control of the city, and the streets are witnessing a civil war between Arabs and Jews. Residents are being evacuated from their homes.”

Arabs were seen firing automatic weapons at police.

This is getting lost in the news about Israel and Gaza, but there are currently riots taking place in a number of mixed Jewish-Arab cities across Israel, most notably in Lod, just miles from Tel Aviv. Jewish residents are being evacuated by police as synagogues are set on fire.

— Avi Mayer (@AviMayer) May 11, 2021

MAYOR OF LOD, ISRAEL: “We have completely lost control of the city, and the streets are witnessing a civil war between Arabs and Jews.”

Residents are being evacuated from their homes.

Israel is moving the Border Battation from the West Bank to

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) May 11, 2021

Scenes from Qalansawe, a city in Israel. Similar situation in Lod which is another city in Israel.#Israel #AlAqsa #Gaza #IsraeliTerrorism #SavePalestine #PalestinianLivesMatter #TelAviv

— Wajahat Kazmi (@KazmiWajahat) May 11, 2021

Gunshots from automatic rifles in city of Lod in Israel.
The situation is extremely tense tonight.

BREAKING: Straight gunshots with automatic rifles in city of Lod in Israel. Situation is extremely tense.

— Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) May 11, 2021

The Arabs replaced the Israeli flag with a Palestinian flag in Lod.

#Israel flag taken down & replaced by Palestinian in #Lod #اللد

— sebastian usher (@sebusher) May 10, 2021

The post MAYOR OF LOD, ISRAEL: “Streets Are Witnessing Civil War Between Arabs and Jews” – Synagogue Torched – Arabs Fire Automatic Weapons at Israeli Police appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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