MbS Calls For Palestinian State Under 1967 Borders

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) called for the establishment of a Palestinian State according to the 1967 borders during his speech at the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in Riyadh on 20 October. 

“We are hurting [from] the escalating violence in Gaza today, which is paying the price for by innocent civilians,” MbS said. “We refuse to target civilians in any form and under any pretext.”

The crown prince stated “the need to stop military operations against civilians and infrastructure that affect their daily lives” and the need to “create conditions to achieve lasting peace that ensures the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

Yesterday, the Saudi royal hosted UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in Riyadh on 19 October after the latter’s solidarity visit to Israel.  

MbS voiced his condemnation of the Israeli targeting of civilians in Gaza, calling it a “heinous crime and a brutal attack.” 

Suadi Press Agency (SPA) reports that the crown prince strongly emphasized the need to work towards safeguarding civilian lives, reducing military expansion, and ensuring that the ongoing violence doesn’t escalate.  

Mbs also stressed the “need for creating conditions that can restore stability and peace and guarantee the Palestinian people their legitimate rights,” according to SPA.   

Downing Street had said that during the meeting, Sunak “encouraged the Crown Prince to use Saudi’s leadership in the region to support stability, both now and in the long term.” 

Sunak had visited Israel that same day to show his support for the ongoing Israeli aggression against Palestinians. 

“I grieve with you and stand with you against the evil that is terrorism. Today, and always,” Sunak said in a social media post following his arrival in Israel.  

During the UK prime minister’s meeting in Israel, he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli President Isaac Herzog. 

“We absolutely support Israel’s right to defend itself, in line with international law, to go after Hamas and take back hostages, to deter further incursions, and to strengthen your security for the long term,” Sunak told Netanyahu. “I know you are taking every precaution to avoid harming civilians, in direct contrast to the terrorists Hamas,” the prime minister added.  

This comes after the Israeli airstrike against al-Ahli Hospital, (The Baptist Hospital), where thousands of Palestinians were seeking shelter. The attack killed hundreds, most of whom were children. 

As of 19 October’s numbers, the Palestinian Health Ministry reports 3,785 Palestinians were killed and more than 12,000 wounded. 

The British prime minister is set to visit Egypt as a new addition to his West Asian tour, where he hopes to further express his message of de-escalation. 

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