Medical Journal Describes “Whiteness” As A Parasitic Pathology That Has No Cure ZeroHedge News

Medical Journal Describes “Whiteness” As A Parasitic Pathology That Has No Cure

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

A research study published in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association describes “whiteness” as a parasitic pathology that has no cure.

Yes, really.

The article, which is entitled ‘On Having Whiteness’, was written by Dr. Donald Moss (who is white), a faculty member of both the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis.

Moss asserts that white people have a “particular susceptibility” to the “parasitic” condition, which he says “renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse” and leads them to “terrorize” non-whites.

The nutty academic then frames “whiteness” as a malignant disease that can only be prevented via massive programs of re-education.

🚨🚨: The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association just published a study likening “whiteness” to “a malignant, parasitic-like condition” for which “there is not yet a permanent cure.”

This is nuts.

— John Cooper (@thejcoop) June 9, 2021

“Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions. Such interventions can reasonably aim only to reshape Whiteness’s infiltrated appetites—to reduce their intensity, redistribute their aims, and occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation,” he writes.

Even then, Moss laments that there “is no guarantee against regression” and “[t]here is not yet a permanent cure.”

This kind unhinged rhetoric is also being spewed by Moss’ teaching colleagues in schools and universities across American under the guise of Critical Race Theory.

The article once again underscores how the only form of allowed “systemic racism” and discrimination that exists in the west is against white people.

When literally every major cultural institution, government entity, the entertainment industry, academia and the media amplifies this kind of bile, the notion of “white privilege” is laughable.

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Tyler Durden
Thu, 06/10/2021 – 17:50
Medical Journal Describes “Whiteness” As A Parasitic Pathology That Has No Cure

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

A research study published in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association describes “whiteness” as a parasitic pathology that has no cure.

Yes, really.

The article, which is entitled ‘On Having Whiteness’, was written by Dr. Donald Moss (who is white), a faculty member of both the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis.

Moss asserts that white people have a “particular susceptibility” to the “parasitic” condition, which he says “renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse” and leads them to “terrorize” non-whites.

The nutty academic then frames “whiteness” as a malignant disease that can only be prevented via massive programs of re-education.

🚨🚨: The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association just published a study likening “whiteness” to “a malignant, parasitic-like condition” for which “there is not yet a permanent cure.”
This is nuts.
— John Cooper (@thejcoop) June 9, 2021
“Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions. Such interventions can reasonably aim only to reshape Whiteness’s infiltrated appetites—to reduce their intensity, redistribute their aims, and occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation,” he writes.

Even then, Moss laments that there “is no guarantee against regression” and “[t]here is not yet a permanent cure.”

This kind unhinged rhetoric is also being spewed by Moss’ teaching colleagues in schools and universities across American under the guise of Critical Race Theory.

The article once again underscores how the only form of allowed “systemic racism” and discrimination that exists in the west is against white people.

When literally every major cultural institution, government entity, the entertainment industry, academia and the media amplifies this kind of bile, the notion of “white privilege” is laughable.

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In the age of mass Silicon Valley censorship It is crucial that we stay in touch. I need you to sign up for my free newsletter here. Support my sponsor – Turbo Force – a supercharged boost of clean energy without the comedown. Also, I urgently need your financial support here.

Tyler Durden
Thu, 06/10/2021 – 17:50
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