Denazification will have to be comprehensive and verifiable exactly as it was in defeated Germany after World War II, which is the only way to ensure “the peace of future generations of Ukrainians themselves and the opportunity to finally build an open Eurasia from Lisbon to Vladivostok” like Russia envisions being in everyone’s interests.
Former Russian President and current Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev shared another informative post on his Telegram channel, this time concisely explaining the denazification goal of his country’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine. This noble objective has been much-maligned by the US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM), which gaslights its targeted audience by falsely claiming that no such thing as fascism even remotely exists in Ukraine under its Jewish President.
Medvedev began by reminding everyone of Kiev’s spree of consistently discredited psy-ops: the “Ghost of Kiev”; the claim of someone downing a Russian drone with a cucumber jar; the Snake Island incident; the Mariupol maternity and children’s hospital bombing; and now Bucha. He then explained how these were all manufactured by a combination of PR agencies, troll factories, and “NGOs”. According to him, all these information warfare provocations are being pushed to dehumanize Russia in the world’s eyes and advance the anti-Russian ideology of Ukrainian fascism.
About that, the former Russian President said that it started out academically just like German fascism but then became too powerful for even high-culture figures to control once it started inevitably inspiring bloodlust from its followers. This was brought about by radical historical revisionism that in this context sought to deny the centuries-long documented evidence of the historical unity between Russians and Ukrainians that President Putin wrote extensively about last summer and instead misportray them as eternal enemies. This had disastrous consequences for everyone involved.
The end result is that post-independence Ukraine nowadays teaches its people this fascist version of false history that also only emphasizes the role of that movement’s top figures across the last century instead of those that had nothing to do with this ideology. The proliferation of fascist symbolism across contemporary Ukrainian society also isn’t just a supposedly harmless so-called “aesthetic” like Medvedev says that the US-led West tries to insincerely downplay it as, but proof of how deeply ingrained fascism has become in that country over the past three decades.
This suggests that President Putin’s denazification goal cannot be solely achieved on the battlefield since the only way to sustainably achieve this outcome is to change the modern-day Ukrainian consciousness that he described as “bloody” and “full of false myths”. In other words, denazification will have to be comprehensive and verifiable exactly as it was in defeated Germany after World War II, which is the only way to ensure “the peace of future generations of Ukrainians themselves and the opportunity to finally build an open Eurasia from Lisbon to Vladivostok” like Russia envisions being in everyone’s interests.
To elaborate more on Medvedev’s closing remark, the reader should be informed that Russia’s 21st-century grand strategy is officially known as the Greater Eurasian Partnership (GEP). This concept seeks to integrate the supercontinent in order to maximally enhance everyone’s prospects for peace, stability, and mutual prosperity. Newly Nazified Ukraine represented an American-built obstacle to this ambitious Eurasian vision, ergo why it was enormously invested in since that country’s independence in 1991 and even in the decades prior.
The American-controlled European elite either don’t realize the importance of harmonizing their regional integration project across Eurasia with Russia’s or are deliberately going along with their overlord’s sabotage of it for whatever their reasons may be. Nevertheless, the fact of the matter is that this comprehensive regionalization process is already unfolding on the opposite side of the supercontinent in Northeast, East, and Southeast Asia.
The recent entering into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) between ASEAN, Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand, and the Republic of Korea resulted in the world’s largest trade bloc. It proves that even countries with preexisting and sometimes very heated disputes like those that several members have with China can come together in pursuit of mutual interests related to improving the prospects of their people’s prosperity.
The replication of that scenario in Western Eurasia is impossible so long as Ukraine remains Nazified; the US continues to succeed in its divide-and-rule campaign against the EU and Russia; and those two don’t harmonize their respective regional integration projects. Honestly speaking, Western Eurasia is probably already too far behind Eastern Eurasia to ever catch up anytime soon barring a black swan event that might rip that region apart just like Ukraine’s 2014 Color Revolution ripped apart the EU and Russia.
Be that as it may, it still remains Russia’s goal to continue pursuing this ambitious vision with a view towards eventually completing it after an unclear length of time. The first step is Ukraine’s denazification, only after which can attempts be made to broker a rapprochement between the EU and Russia, though not before the US’ recently reasserted unipolar hegemony over that bloc once again declines. There’s no telling when that might be, but Russia still won’t stop trying to accomplish this goal.