Meet Biden’s New Disinformation Minister, Self-Admittedly “F*cking” Her Way To Fame And Power

If in the past, it had to hidden behind the veils of invented ‘anonymous sources’ and corrupt msm propagandists, spreading disinformation on the American people and globally, just became open, public and institutionalized government arm. The woman tapped to head the Biden administration’s new “disinformation” board attached to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has a history of peddling misinformation, extensive experience working with liberal organizations, and appears to have been the lead singer for a Harry Potter-themed band, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation has found, Jennie Taer writes.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced on April 27 the formation of a “Disinformation Governance Board,” telling lawmakers its goal is to tackle misinformation and disinformation targeting minority communities. The board, led by Nina Jankowicz, is also charged with working to tackle misinformation and disinformation ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, according to Fox News.

Conservative critics of the board warned it posed a threat to Americans’ First Amendment rights. However, Mayorkas said Sunday that the board will not monitor American citizens and emphasized that Jankowicz is “eminently qualified” to lead it.

Jankowicz became a global fellow for the Wilson Center in 2017 and a “disinformation fellow” in 2019, according to her LinkedIn profile. At the Wilson Center, she focused on projects like “Malign Creativity: How Gender, Sex, and Lies are Weaponized Against Women Online.” In 2016 and 2017, she advised the Ukrainian government on “disinformation” and communications as part of her Fulbright-Clinton Public Policy fellowship, according to her website.

Prior to that, Jankowicz worked for the National Democratic Institute, a liberal nonprofit that monitors speech online, where she oversaw programs related to Russia and Belarus, according to her website.

In 2021, Jankowicz founded Sophias Strategies LLC, a firm doing research and policy advising, and, in 2022, she began as a senior adviser for the Centre for Information Resilience, a U.K.-based nonprofit purporting to combat “disinformation” and harmful behavior towards women and minorities online, according to her LinkedIn profile.

Jankowicz has also written two books, one that was published in 2020 titled “How to Lose the Disinformation War.” The other is titled “How to Be a Woman Online,” which was published on April 21.

“It is an important step in the denormalization of women’s treatment online,” Jankowicz wrote in “How to Be a Woman Online” regarding women reporting alleged “abuse” on social media.

“To be a woman online is an inherently dangerous act,” she wrote in another part of the book.

Some of Jankowicz’s past statements have recently come under scrutiny, with many accusing her of peddling false information, such as widely dismissing the validity of the Hunter Biden laptop story by reportedly calling it a “Trump campaign product.”

Jankowicz never admitted that the laptop story was not a product of Russian scheming, and none of the intelligence experts have recanted their statements. She also dismissed the theory that COVID-19 leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, calling it a tool of former President Donald Trump and his supporters.

“It becomes more politically convenient for Trump and his administration the further we get into this maelstrom, especially in comparison to the Chinese response,” Jankowicz told Buzzfeed News in 2020 in reference to the lab leak theory.

Jankowicz has also signaled her opposition to free speech on digital platforms.

“I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities…which are already shouldering…disproportionate amounts of this abuse,” Jankowicz wrote in a tweet on April 25 regarding Elon Musk’s recent purchase of Twitter.

However, Jankowicz said in 2020 that she was against the idea of governments targeting “fake news” when referring to the Trump administration during a Congressional hearing.

The White House has signaled it stands by Jankowicz in her new role.

“We know that there has been a range of disinfo out there about a range of topics. I mean, including COVID, for example, and also elections and eligibility,” White House Press Secretary Jenn Psaki told reporters on April 28.

“I don’t have any comment on the laptop, but what I can tell you is that it sounds like the objective of the board is to prevent disinformation and misinformation from traveling around the country in a range of communities. I’m not sure who opposes that effort and I don’t know who this individual is, so I have no comment on it specifically,” Psaki said, adding that she didn’t have any information about Jankowicz and could check for more information on the new board.

The next day, Psaki said that Jankowicz is an “expert on online disinformation” and was “formerly a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center,” as well as an adviser to the Ukrainian foreign minister, among other roles.

“This is a person with extensive qualifications,” she added.

Outside of her professional life, Jankowicz appears to have been member of the “Wizard Rock” band called “The Moaning Myrtles” — named after a character in the Harry Potter book series. One of the group’s songs includes the phrase “nevertheless I persisted” — a nod to Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Jankowicz didn’t respond to the DCNF’s request regarding the Wizard Rock band. An apparent band mate of Jankowicz also didn’t respond to a request for comment.

But her music performances don’t stop there. Jankowicz has also taken to TikTok to sing about the supposed dangers of unchecked disinformation.

In another live performance, she appears to sing about “f*cking” her way to power.

Jankowicz didn’t respond to a request for comment about her background and past statements. DHS also didn’t respond to a request for comment, writes Jennie Taer at CDN Conservative Daily News.

But as Joe Polak writes, when it was to baselessly attack Trump, same Nina Jankovicz in 202o didnt see it as a problem and was against her today’s role: Nina Jankowicz, 2020: Government Should Not Be in ‘Business’ of Policing ‘Disinformation’

Nina Jankowicz, the newly-appointed head of the Biden administration’s Disinformation Governance Board, told Congress in October 2020 that she saw no role for the federal government in policing disinformation online.

“I do not think government should be in that business,” she said during testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.

Jankowicz, who has since argued for a strong government role in pushing back against “disinformation,” was questioned by Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT), who said that his experience growing up in tyrannical countries in Latin America had made him  “violently allergic” to governments that claimed to be regulating the flow of information.

“We start going down that path, and we are not just ‘breaking democracy,’ we are breaking classical, enlightened liberalism,” he said. He added that he believed that it was “pretty lame” that government appeared to be outsourcing the effort to deal with disinformation to Silicon Valley tech companies.

Himes also challenged Jankowicz: “I actually want to see the evidence that people are seeing this information, and are in a meaningful way, in a material way, dismantling our democracy through violence or through political organizations.”

He also noted that there were also examples of Democrats using “disinformation,” such as then-President Barack Obama “that if they wanted to keep their private insurance plan, they could do it. That turned out not to be true.” He asked whether social media companies should therefore pursue the former president as well for breaking his promise to the voters.

Jankowicz replied: “I totally understand your aversion to the idea that government would fight back against disinformation, in fact — the use of that term has been basically the foundation to some very draconian fake news laws in places like Russia, or even Singapore. I do not think government should be in that business, either.”

As evidence that disinformation was leading to violence, she cited two familiar Democratic Party talking points. One was the alleged kidnapping plot against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI). Jankowicz claimed that social media “played a huge role in allowing that group to organize.”

The trials of the alleged kidnappers ended in two acquittals and two hung juries last month, amid evidence of entrapment by the FBI. Then-candidate Joe Biden falsely blamed President Trump for the plot, circulating disinformation that the kidnappers had been inspired by him to commit alleged acts of violence.

Katherine Hamilton writes: The woman President Joe Biden chose to be the government-sanctioned arbiter of truth believes “there are many non-binary people who give birth” — despite the basic fact that pregnancy is biologically unique to women.

The Biden administration appointed Nina Jankowicz as chief of the “Disinformation Governance Board,” which the Department of Homeland Security is setting up to combat “misinformation” online. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spoke about the “just established” governance board during a congressional hearing Wednesday, arguing it would help reduce domestic threats to the United States.

“First it was important to me to make sure this piece was inclusive. There are many non-binary people who give birth,” she tweeted on January 22.

One follower pushed back against her claim and accused her of using “trending ideology for clicks.”

“It’s not about leaning into trending ideology for clicks; I have non-binary friends who have borne children,” Jankowicz replied, doubling down. “Beyond my own personal experience, there are plenty of doctors and other healthcare professionals who recommend the use of inclusive language. ACOG does as well.”

Far-left politicians and government officials have been trying to further the radical transgender activist agenda by attempting to popularize the phrase “pregnant people” and insisting men and “non-binary” people can get pregnant. Just this month, White House press secretary Jen Psaki referred to “pregnant and postpartum people” during a press briefing. Centers for Disease Control Director Rochelle Walensky has also repeatedly referred to “pregnant people,” instead of “pregnant women.”, concludes Katherine Hamilton.


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