Meta’s Support Of Russophobic Hate Speech Should Seriously Concern All Westerners – Andrew Korybko OneWorld

All of this should seriously concern Westerners because they too might one day become the next victims of Meta’s tacitly state-backed hate speech campaign if the cause that they support ends up being treated as ‘politically incorrect’. Those conservative-nationalist supporters of former US President Trump could one day wake up to find out that Meta is encouraging their ‘fellow’ Americans to issue death threats against their political idol or even his supporters more broadly.

Meta, the technological conglomerate previously known as Facebook that controls several of the world’s top social media platforms, is making an exception to its strictly enforced rules against hate speech by allowing such against President Putin and the Russian Armed Forces (RAF) to be shared across its networks. This startlingly includes calls to assassinate the Russian leader as well as kill members of his country’s military that are actively denazifying and demilitarizing Ukraine throughout the course of their ongoing special operation there. Moscow demanded an explanation and is preparing to designate Meta as an extremist organization, which is an accurate description due to its literally extreme policy.

This should seriously concern all Westerners, even those caught up in the societies’ government-encouraged Russophobic hype. Meta’s moves amount to the literal promotion of hate speech in contravention of everything that the conglomerate previously claimed to have stood for. It also goes against the concepts of democracy, human rights, and liberalism that the US-led West purports to embody. Their governments’ support of that company’s decision exposes them as hypocrites when it comes to these ideals, proving that they never truly believed in them but only selectively acted as though they insincerely did whenever it would serve their strategic interests to do so.

“Black Lives Matter” (BLM) and other self-proclaimed socio-racial equality movements across the West are silent, with only several prominent conservatives speaking out against this literally racist hatemongering. The liberal totalitarianism that’s on full display dispels all prior doubt about the anti-democratic ideals that these societies actually embody in practice contrary to everything that they previously claimed. One can only imagine the outrage if Palestinians publicly called for the deaths of Israeli government officials and members of the IDF on Meta’s very same platforms where they’re allowed to say the same about President Putin and the RAF.

It would instantly be branded as anti-Semitic hate speech and the person spreading such would be banned. This makes it all the more ironic that Meta is allowing such threats to be shared about the Russian leader and his armed forces, especially since President Putin is so philo-Semitic that Israeli Prime Minister Bennett praised him last October as “a very close and true friend of the State of Israel.” This wasn’t an exaggeration either since the Russian leader very proudly stands in full solidarity with the self-professed Jewish State in its global campaign against anti-Semitism, declared Russians and Israelis “a true common family”, and lets Israel strike those forces in Syria that are plotting attacks against it.

Allowing people to publicly call for the killing of such “a very close and true friend of the State of Israel” is arguably a form of anti-Semitism even if they’re supposedly doing it on a different basis connected to Russia’s special operation in Ukraine. These threats simply wouldn’t be tolerated if they were directed against any other leader regardless of the reason, nor against their military either, but they’re actively supported by Meta just because it’s President Putin and the RAF. In other words, the “politically correct enemy” of the liberal totalitarian US-led West is an exception to that platform’s very strictly enforced rules against hate speech even if such is arguably anti-Semitic when directed against philo-Semitic Putin.

What’s especially ironic about all of this is that Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg is Jewish and very proud of it, yet just like Ukrainian President Zelensky who’s also Jewish, his identity as the leader of a US-based global tech conglomerate seemingly supercedes his ethno-religious one. That’s why both men push similar fascist policies that their forefathers would have been disgusted to see their progeny so shamelessly support. Zuckerberg and Zelensky prove that someone’s ethno-religious identity doesn’t automatically preclude them from backing causes that literally contradict their very being. These two men are indisputably fascist with their policies in spite of being very proud Jews.

All of this should seriously concern Westerners because they too might one day become the next victims of Meta’s tacitly state-backed hate speech campaign if the cause that they support ends up being treated as “politically incorrect”. Those conservative-nationalist supporters of former US President Trump could one day wake up to find out that Meta is encouraging their “fellow” Americans to issue death threats against their political idol or even his supporters more broadly. The same might happen to other conservative-nationalist figures in Europe and their supporters too. Basically, the unprecedented exception made for President Putin and the RAF is likely just a test case before imposing this elsewhere.

To be sure, Meta already de facto practices such a policy since posts calling for violence against such figures and their supporters are rarely ever removed from its platforms as anecdotal evidence from many over the years confirms. This stance isn’t official, at least not yet, but that could change on the flip of a dime depending on the political circumstances as interpreted by the liberal-globalist rulers of the US-led West. It’s not surprising for astute observers to see Meta support ethno-nationalist hate speech but the average open-minded Westerner who’s yet to be indoctrinated by their government would understandably be shocked. They must urgently take a stand against this lest they’re targeted next.

By Andrew Korybko

American political analyst

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