Facebook’s announcement that it’s working to build a so-called “metaverse”, or immersive virtual world which attempts to replicate practically all aspects of the real world, frighteningly resembles the fictional universe made famous by both “The Matrix” and “Ready Player One” movies. I foresaw something of the sort emerging in late 2017 which I warned about in my analysis on “The Geopolitics Of The Techno-Civilizational World Order”, though I of course wasn’t the only person to predict this possibility. Be that as it may, the realm of science fiction is rapidly transforming into a dystopian reality that might ultimately lead to transhumanism.
The metaverse aims to create a virtual version of almost everything from social interactions to education, commerce, and entertainment, all of which unprecedentedly went online throughout the course of “World War C”, or the international community’s uncoordinated efforts to contain COVID-19. Cynics speculated, and not without reason, that the inertia of recent events was influenced by preexisting scenarios hatched by radical ideological members of the global elite such as those associated with Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF). These forces will stop at nothing to “save mankind from itself”, as they seem to sincerely see it.
In their minds, the trends of climate change and rapid population growth are merging into an existential crisis that can only be stopped through the “well-intentioned” elite’s anti-democratic efforts to control every aspect of society. To this end, COVID-19 was exploited as the pretext for implementing this decades-long agenda that I elaborated upon in my piece earlier in the year titled “The Wizard Of Oz: The Dark Reality That The Deep State Hides From The World”. The end goal appears to be to keep people “voluntarily” imprisoned in their homes under the pretext of preventing another “pandemic” and “going green” to “save the world”.
It’ll also most likely result in the almost complete elimination of meat-based food products except for those same “well-intentioned” elite who’ll have the “privilege” as humanity’s “overseers” to indulge in the pleasures that the rest of the population used to take for granted. The vast majority will be probably be fed some form of insect-based food that’ll be delivered to them by couriers who they’ll solicit via the metaverse. That alternate reality (alt-reality) will also educate almost everyone after some period of time and become a replacement for almost all forms of daily life. The implications of this scenario are profound and deserve to be pondered.
As man merges with machine and becomes almost entirely dependent on the metaverse, Facebook (which is rebranding as “Meta”) will achieve a monopoly over all of mankind, one which will certainly be exploited by the US government to expand its full-spectrum surveillance powers. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg’s promotional video explaining the metaverse indicates that its “Internet of Things” (IoT) gadgets will scan the inside of everyone’s homes. They’ll always be connected, listening, observing, and storing all forms of media ultimately retrievable upon demand, to say nothing of certain actions being “flagged” by ultra-intelligent AI algorithms.
Schwab’s infamous “Great Reset”/”Fourth Industrial Revolution” (GR/4IR) envisions mankind’s large-scale replacement by machines. Those whose jobs were made redundant might subsist solely on a so-called “universal basic income” provided for by the state. The rest of the population will be forced to adapt to the GR/4IR’s “new economy”, which might prove to be difficult. The elite will probably also try to “manage” population growth and resource consumption, which some people speculate might be partially achieved through the unknown consequences of insufficiently tested vaccines on long-term health and reproduction.
Consumption can be controlled through the state’s post-COVID (GR/4IR) “management” of the economy through both direct and indirect means, the latter of which via their state-backed oligarchic corporation proxies. This dystopian future sounds like something straight out of a nightmare for many, which is where the metaverse comes in so as to “engineer consent”. It’ll try to do so by providing enough amusing distractions through its ever-changing “worlds” that, to quote the WEF, “you will own nothing and (still) be happy”. In other words, the metaverse is a mechanism for controlling mankind throughout the course of the GR/4IR and afterwards.
The previously mentioned surveillance aspect comes into play once again since Facebook’s “excommunication” of someone from its platform for alleged violations of its “politically correct” standards would amount to exiling a prehistoric rule-breaker into the wild and knowing fully well that they probably won’t be able to make it all that long on their own without their “village’s” (metaverse’s) support. It deserves to be mentioned that the WEF also predicted that people will “have no privacy” in the future, which will certainly be the case with the metaverse spying on literally everything that they say and do, including tipping off officials about “wrongthink”.
I wrote in May that “Biden’s Cyber Stasi Will Suppress All Digital Dissent In Biden’s Dystopia”, and the metaverse is the evolution of this trend. Eventually, the next generation that grows up in a world where the metaverse is ubiquitous will learn on their own not to violate its “sacred tenets” of “politically correctness”, leading to the development of self-censoring thought processes (“doublethink”) from an early age that will in turn influence the rest of their lives. That’s not even to mention the effect that it’ll have on the subsequent generation twice removed from those who didn’t grow up with the metaverse and were still capable of free thought.
All things considered, critics aren’t wrong when comparing the metaverse to the matrix. In fact, it’s arguably worse because those in the matrix weren’t preconditioned to accept their servitude but were simply grown in vats by machines without any choice about whether or not to participate in their alt-reality. What’s happening in real life is that so many see where everything is headed yet they’re enthusiastically embracing their shackles. Others feel powerless after assuming that these elite forces are invincible and their plans inevitable. As man increasingly merges with machine, no one should ever forget that it’s all because of radical ideologues.