More Examples of Big Media Bias – They Truly Are ‘Enemies of the State’ and Enemies of American Freedom – The Gateway Pundit

The Mainstream Media or ‘Big Media’ are truly the enemies of the state.  There are too many examples that support this belief. In February 2017 Big Media was constantly chirping that President Trump was Putin’s Puppet and General Flynn was a criminal.  This was all based on lies and those in power throughout the government…
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The Mainstream Media or ‘Big Media’ are truly the enemies of the state.  There are too many examples that support this belief.

In February 2017 Big Media was constantly chirping that President Trump was Putin’s Puppet and General Flynn was a criminal.  This was all based on lies and those in power throughout the government at the tops of the (in) Justice Department and the FBI knew it was lies.  It didn’t matter, these people were going to protect the outgoing Obama gang from any prosecutions of their crimes while setting up President Trump on fake crimes.  It was at this point that President Trump tweeted the following:

Of course ‘Big Tech’ took the President of the United States off their platforms, so now you can’t see the President’s messages.  How grotesquely communist are today’s leaders in the media?

There are many examples now of the manner in which the media is corrupt.  One recent one is the difference in reporting on the stimulus bill.  The totally biased Washington Post provides evidence of this every day:

Here is the media’s reaction to Trump versus Biden on cages:

And of course, the AOC pictures were a farce:

EPIC! Candace Owens Trolls Ocasio-Cortez in her Own Staged Parking Lot Fence Photo-shoot!

This is today’s media.  This is why The Gateway Pundit is growing in popularity by the day.

The post More Examples of Big Media Bias – They Truly Are ‘Enemies of the State’ and Enemies of American Freedom appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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