MSM Continues To Fear Monger Over The “4th Wave” OF COVID – Mac Slavo SHTF Plan

The mainstream media keeps telling us the ruling class fears the fourth wave of COVID-19 and it’s all our fault.  In addition to the new and scary variants they keep shoving down our throats, because we want to live a life like human beings and not cattle, it’s our fault.

Between variants of the COVID-19 virus and increasingly lax behavior among the public, Palm Beach County’s top health official fears another surge in cases of the deadly coronavirus, according to NBC affiliate WPTV5. It’s almost as if they are attempting to speak and write this outcome into our reality.  Take this for example:

“There’s still threats for a fourth wave of COVID to hit the United States,” said Dr. Alina Alonso, the director of the Florida Department of Health in Palm Beach County, at a Wednesday afternoon news conference.

Alonso, who admitted she’s “cautiously optimistic” at this point in the pandemic, said increased vaccinations are making people ignore mask mandates and social distancing.

“It’s very important that even when you’re vaccinated, that while you may maintain your close circle of family, that once you go out, you continue to use your mask,” Alonso said. “We need to protect each other and the public.WPTV5

What’s the mask for if the vaccines work? Oh, that’s right. They aren’t actually vaccines by the legal definition of the term, but experimental gene therapies. You can still get COVID-19 if you’ve been vaccinated. And as far as all those variants go, the “authorities” claim the vaccines may not be effective, so it’s only a matter of time until these vaccines really start to have an effect on people and the ruling class rolls out COVID-21.

More COIVD-19 Vax Deaths: Think They’ll Blame This On COVID-21?

“We are a crossroad,” Alonso said. “There’s a lot of international communication.” Meaning the globalists are deciding just how quickly and how much control they want to exercise over the dumbed-down masses. 

According to the latest numbers from the Florida Department of Health (which we know are extremely over-exaggerated or all out fake since the PCR tests aren’t diagnostic tools), 353,156 people have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in Palm Beach County, including 74% who are 65 and older.

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The real questions are “where was the first, second, and third wave? Show us evidence the PCR tests work and are accurate. Why can we only list the inflated and exaggerated COVID number but aren’t allowed to ask about death or injures from the ‘vaccines?’”

If we can wake up to what’s being done to us, we have a chance. But still, far too many Americans are more concerned about what’s on TV tonight than what their own government is doing to them.

The post MSM Continues To Fear Monger Over The “4th Wave” OF COVID first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
The mainstream media keeps telling us the ruling class fears the fourth wave of COVID-19 and it’s all our fault.  In addition to the new and scary variants they keep shoving down our throats, because we want to live a life like human beings and not cattle, it’s our fault.
The post MSM Continues To Fear Monger Over The “4th Wave” OF COVID first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
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