MSM Finds More Fear: CA COVID Mutant “The Devil” Is A Cause For Concern Mac Slavo SHTF Plan

The mainstream media will find fear wherever it can, and if it cannot find any, it’ll gin some up.  We know the ultimate goal is a total panicked state of fear in the masses, as fearful people make much better slaves.

A COVID-19 variant discovered in California has been dubbed “the devil” by one of the scientists studying it. “This variant is concerning because our data shows that it is more contagious, more likely to be associated with severe illness, and at least partially resistant to neutralizing antibodies,” said senior author Charles Chiu, an infectious diseases physician at the University of California, San Francisco.

This puppet of the ruling class, Dr. Chiu, said that he “fears if its spread isn’t stopped,” it could one day meet the highly infectious United Kingdom variant and swap genes, creating a “nightmare scenario.” Anyone with half a brain knows that this means they are ginning up the fear in order to get more to comply with the vaccine and more financial devastation in the form of lockdowns and totalitarian control over human behavior.

We had better wake up, and quick.

The Californian mutant strain of the virus, formally known as B.1.427/B.1.42, was first detected in the state last year ahead of a massive surge in infections over the northern hemisphere winter, according to NewsHub.

According to “new research” on B.1.427/B.1.42 (which oddly enough fits the official narrative like a glove) the variant:

  • is four times less susceptible than the original coronavirus to neutralizing antibodies
  • is two times less susceptible to antibodies from the blood of people vaccinated with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines
  • has a case-fatality ratio five to six times higher than normal COVID-19
  • spread six times faster in an outbreak at a nursing home than previous strains
  • had viral loads twice as high in the nasopharynx than people infected with other strains
  • has mutations not yet seen in other coronavirus variants, including one  – L452R – that makes it 40 percent better at infecting the lungs
  • is perhaps three times as infectious (considerably more than the dreaded UK variant, estimated at between 40 and 80 percent more infectious).

More COIVD-19 Vax Deaths: Think They’ll Blame This On COVID-21?

Critical thinking will be critical in the coming year.  Brace yourself, and stay alert.

The post MSM Finds More Fear: CA COVID Mutant “The Devil” Is A Cause For Concern first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
The mainstream media will find fear wherever it can, and if it cannot find any, it’ll gin some up.  We know the ultimate goal is a total panicked state of fear in the masses, as fearful people make much better slaves.
The post MSM Finds More Fear: CA COVID Mutant “The Devil” Is A Cause For Concern first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.
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