Muslim Brotherhood praises Democrats for abandoning Israel – Art Moore WND

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., condemning Israel on the House floor May 13, 2021 (Video screenshot)

The Muslim Brotherhood is praising Democrats such as Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar who are criticizing Israel for defending itself against the ongoing rocket attacks on civilians by the terrorist group Hamas.

The Brotherhood’s official mouthpiece, Ikhwan Online, said a “large number from the American Democratic Party urged their government to try stopping the violence of the occupation forces against the Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank,” reported the Washington Free Beacon, which translated the Arabic-language article.

Hamas, designated by the U.S. as a terrorist group, is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. In its charter, Hamas declares its reason for existence is to destroy Israel through Islamic holy war.

The Muslim Brotherhood, which many countries have designated as a terrorist group, aims to establish a global state ruled by Islamic law. The top leadership of al-Qaida – including the late Osama bin Laden, Khalid Sheik Muhammad, Muhammad Atta, the blind Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman Ayman al-Zawahiri – were all members of the Muslim Brotherhood. A document obtained by the FBI in a raid of a Muslim Brotherhood house in northern Virginia states the movement’s “work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

The Brotherhood article highlighted remarks by Democratic Reps. Omar, Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Andre Carson, Debbie Dingell, Mark Pocan and and Cori Bush, and Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Omar, who is a Muslim, as is Tlaib, declared in a statement that “Israeli airstrikes killing civilians in Gaza is an act of terrorism.”

“Palestinians deserve protection. Unlike Israel, missile defense programs, such as Iron Dome, don’t exist to protect Palestinian civilians. It’s unconscionable to not condemn these attacks,” she said.

Pocan defended Omar after she was criticized for several anti-Israel comments.

“I’m seeing a lot of right-wing extremists criticize my wonderful colleague because she rightly condemned the murder of Palestinian children & Israel’s violence against Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrar & at al-Aqsa,” he wrote on Twitter. “I did the same, wonder why they’re not criticizing me?”

President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have taken a middle-of-the road approach, calling on Israel to agree to a ceasefire while supporting the Jewish state’s right to defend itself.

Tlaib and Omar rejected that stance, with Tlaib saying the administration could be “having trouble finding the courage to speak up against Israel’s actions and stop supporting this inhumane violence.”

See Rep. Tlaib’s remarks on the House floor Thursday:

.@RashidaTlaib‘s full House floor speech tonight.

— People for Bernie (@People4Bernie) May 13, 2021

See Rep. Omar’s remarks on the House floor Thursday:

“I’m here today… to say that every child deserves a life free from violence and oppression. Every child deserves advocates for their humanity, for their safety, for their security. And it should not be controversial to say the same for Palestinian children.” — Rep. @Ilhan Omar

— Indivisible Guide (@IndivisibleTeam) May 13, 2021

Flipping the script

Agreeing with Omar that “Palestinians deserve protection,” Jewish Journal columnist David Suissa argues the Minnesota Democrat has “flipped the script.”

Palestinians, he wrote, “deserve protection from their murderous, corrupt and Jew-hating leaders who deliberately provoke Israel into retaliatory strikes that they know endangers the lives of their people.”

“Provoking Israel into killing Palestinians is the perfect diversion from the blatant failures of Palestinian leadership to improve the welfare of its people,” Suissa said. “Abbas canceling the PA elections? Israel’s fault. Trouble on Temple Mount? Israel’s fault. Chronic poverty and misery? Israel’s fault. A legal dispute over houses in East Jerusalem? Let’s fire rockets into Israeli cities and blame Israel for the reprisals.”

Meanwhile, Suissa said, “these cowardly leaders sit comfortably in their villas and bunkers basking in the world’s endorsement that, yes, it must be Israel’s fault.”

There are two primary sources of the current violence, writes Caroline Glick, an American-born Israeli journalist and author, noting that along with the barrage of more than 1,700 rockets that have been launched against Israelis this week is the violent attacks on Jews by Israeli Arabs across the country.

The first cause, she said, is “Palestinian incitement” and the second is “the support the Palestinians receive from the Biden administration.”

The Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority began charging, several weeks before Ramadan, that Israel was defiling and threatening the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.

The aim, Glick said, was to deflect public attention from PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s decision to cancel the recent elections for the Palestinian Legislative Council and to the PA presidency. She noted Abbas is now in the 16th year of his four-year term, with the last elections in January 2006. The reason for delaying elections is simple. Opinion polls since 2006 have shown that Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, will win.

Abbas also falsely claimed Israel’s effort to protect Jewish worshippers who were being bombarded with stones thrown from the Al-Aqsa mosque on the Temple Mount was an attack on Muslims. Hamas, Glick wrote, “joined in the incitement about Al-Aqsa and then opened a new incitement front pertaining to a 50-year property dispute in Sheikh Jarrah, a neighborhood in northeastern Jerusalem.”

She explained in detail the background of the Sheikh Jarrah dispute, summarizing it as a straightforward case of the owners of buildings “seeking legal redress to force illegal squatters to vacate their properties.”

But Hamas is using the dispute to “present itself as the grand protector of Jerusalem.”

Goodbye to ‘unprecedented tranquility’

The second cause, she said, is the Biden administration’s “hostility toward Israel and support for the Palestinians.”

The “unprecedented tranquility” of the past four years, she said, was not because Hamas and Fatah laid down their guns or ended their production of missiles and rockets.

“It owed to then-President Donald Trump‘s unyielding defense of Israel and rejection of Palestinian terrorism, terror funding, incitement and anti-Semitism,” Glick wrote.

“It owed to Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and his moving of the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.”

Fatah and Hamas, she said, “realized that if they launched assaults against Israel, then the U.S. would back an Israeli military operation to crush them.”

Glick noted the Abraham Accords brokered by the Trump administration, which normalized ties between Israel and four Islamic states. And there was a “new spirit of coexistence between Israeli Arabs — who now felt more comfortable than ever with their citizenship in the Jewish state—and Israeli Jews.”

But the Biden administration has signaled it is replacing Trump’s support for Israel with support for the Palestinians, restoring funding to the PA despite its unceasing support for terrorism. Biden also reinstated U.S. funding of United Nations agencies, such as UNRWA, which work with Hamas and “disseminate Nazi-like anti-Semitism.”

And Biden has announced the U.S. intends to rejoin the U.N. Human Rights Council, which has condemned Israel more than any other country, by far.

Prior to the current outbreak, the administration remained silent about Palestinian incitement, Glick said.

Instead, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and State Department spokesmen adopted the Palestinian narrative that the Jewish property owners in Sheikh Jarrah should be denied possession of their properties simply because they are Jews.

On Tuesday, amid a barrage of Hamas rockets on Israel, State Department Spokesman Ned Price drew a moral equivalence between Israel and the Palestinians.

“Israel has the right to defend itself and respond to rocket attacks. The Palestinian people also have the right to safety and security, just as Israelis do,” he said.

The message to Hamas, Fatah and the Israeli Arabs, Glick said, is that they “can attack Jews and blame Israel and the Jews for their aggression, and the Biden administration will fund them, defend them and even adopt their anti-Semitic narratives. Palestinians are now certain they will be rewarded, not punished, for their aggression.”

That messaging and policy, she warned, will prolong the current conflict, which could escalate into a regional onslaught against Israel by Iran’s proxies across Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

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