Native Hawaiians Fight US Navy for Polluting Island’s Water – Mike Prysner

Under the cover of pre-dawn darkness, Native Hawaiians surprised the gates of the US Navy Command with a civil disobedience action over the #RedHill fuel leak. Empire Files producer Mike Prysner was on the ground.

See Also:  – Navy Abandons Victims of Red Hill Fuel Leak

The US Navy’s Red Hill disaster has left thousands of homes uninhabitable; but only military families are receiving help. Countless forgotten civilians are living with dangerous water, with no acknowledgment from the military or their landlords. Empire Files producer Mike Prysner sat down with Native Hawaiian Aedyn-Rhys King and his family to discuss.

Also: (Abby Martin) – Hawaii Emergency: Navy Poisons Drinking Water

The US Navy has poisoned the largest water supply in O’ahu, Hawaii. Nobody knows how long residents have been drinking toxic water, how big the chemical leak is, or how many it will impact. But instead of urgent action to save lives, the Navy is engaging in a cover up.

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