NATO Must Be Dismantled – João Humberto Zago
The American People and the People of Europe have to wake up and put a stop to the War Industry that benefits few people.

NATO exists to foment wars. They have committed several war crimes with the invasions ofSyria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Haiti, and now Ukraine. They deliberately provoke wars so that their war industry can sell weapons. The United States has learned to make money from the Wars, and the world has to understand what Russia does today, it’s a good for humanity.

Haiti was never respected as a sovereign nation, and it was with the Brazilian Peace Keeping Mission in Haiti by the UN that the Brazilian military co-opted to promote the impeachment of President Dilma, until we arrived in a Military Government, representing President Jair Bolsonaro, a military man who was expelled from the Army for wanting to promote attacks against the army itself.

Much of the United States Military Budget is to pay monthly military, judicial and political authorities in several countries to work in favor of the interests of the United States.

Faced with the obstinacy of the United States in fomenting Wars, everything leads us to believe that 9/11 had an active participation of the United States Government itself, to pass laws that do not respect the right of any citizen and any country.

 That’s why Julian Assange was convicted of exposing what the United States has been working on for years, for the world to enter World War II.

World War Ill has been prepared for years, that’s how the United States intends to continue its hegemony. The big question that has to be asked is: “Europe, the People of Europe, will the European People allow the United States to use Europe as a cannon bushing against Russia? “

Once again, NATO has to be dismantled and UN headquarters has to leave New York, because when it is based on American soil, it does not fulfill its institutional role of being free and justice.

The UN and NATO are used to serve the interests of the United States.

We are in the 21st century and we have to put a stop to wars. I hope the People of Europe will take back control of their destiny. Germany is buying warplanes from the United States because it has been barred since World War II from producing its own aircraft.

The world has to put an even out ofthe expansionist interests of the United States. Today the distance between Moscow and Washington is only thirty minutes, and President Wladimir Putin has every right to use nuclear weapons against the expansionist policy of the United States.

The United States Naval Fleet poses no threat because they are vulnerable and will be sunk at the first moment of a nuclear conflict.

The world has changed, it’s not the same anymore and we need to put a stop to the expansionist and war politics of the United States.

It is up to the People of Europe to stand up against this proxy war that the United States wants to promote, leading European citizens to war, to maintain the interests of the United States.

Russia’s gas is necessary for Europe to have its energy security, and by making the choice of gas, they are able to meet the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and climate neutrality 2050.

The People of Europe must put a stop to the United States, to war and defend its rights.

The Multipolar World that already exists in fact has to be defended by all nations, because only in this way will we be able to combat social inequalities, and unemployment that plagues even the United States, where we have in San Diego several families living on the street and in automobiles and we are seeing the crisis deepen more and more,  and capitalism has no solutions to the economic crisis, and only with the Economy of the Next, which makes possible the existence of economic law, which is the Common Good, we will create a large monetary base, with the capacity to create jobs and income on a global scale, with the eradication of hunger, poverty and extreme poverty.

We have a new world to build, but for this we have to end the war and weapons industry, which are the cancer that plagues the world, and it has to be wiped out. The world needs to change permanently and it depends only on us, and not letting ourselves be taken by fake news and false campaigns that justify wars.

Wars must end, the United States is the country that most foments wars, and the American people have to wake up to this, because poverty grows in a disorderly way in the United States, and with wars policies, social inequalities, hunger and poverty increase.

The American People and the People of Europe have to wake up and put a stop to the War Industry that benefits few people.

By João Humberto Zago

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