Norwegian Feminist Faces 3 Years In Prison For Saying Transgenders Aren’t Women

A Norwegian feminist and leader of Women’s Declaration International questioned at an Oslo police station for 4 hours after she posted on Twitter her personal “anti-transgender” views which in fact only mild statements saying things like men cannot be women and can’t give birth.

This fact is enabled by a strange Norwegian law which views any dispute of gender identity or expression as “discriminatory” and “hate speech” despite the fact that she didn’t even say anything hateful or threatening on her Twitter posts. She did not even target specific individuals but just spoke about transgender in general.

The law enables punishments such as fines or imprisonment for up to 3 years for basically just expressing your opinion about gender. A trial did not take place. These are only police questionings and this doesn’t mean that she will be imprisoned just because she is being questioned…

However the fact that Norwegian laws are so insane that enable such outrageous punishments for virtually nothing, should make you thank God that you do not live in a feminist-transgender hellhole country like Norway but then again Norway isn’t the only one like this. All Scandinavian countries are pretty much the same. If you do live in such a country then perhaps its time to pack your bags and move somewhere else.

All her tweets only basically just resume to statements like even if men dress like women, they are still men, type of thing:

“It would have been really nice if people just related to the facts. The fact is that men who claim to be women are only men who claim to be women, and that women have every reason in the world not to want to share changing rooms, toilets, rehearsal rooms or prisons with men.”


Here she only said that men shouldn’t call themselves “lesbian women”.

The term TERF was first used in connection with a harassment campaign against lesbians who did not want heterosexual men to be able to call themselves lesbian women in order to participate in the lesbian women’s festival mitchfest. The campaign resulted in a triple murder.

Her tweets only say “forbidden things” like: … “but he is not a woman, he is a man”…


As you can see, nothing extreme, nothing out of the ordinary, this is really mild stuff, but when you live in leftist clownish utopian countries like Norway or Sweden, breathing air on the wrong side of the road might be illegal. laugh1

Now as most of you know, the gay-transgender agenda has gotten really insane lately up to the point where now it is not enough that men pretend to be women but now they DEMAND to be called “women” as if they ARE women and nothing else. To make it worse, they have the full support of laws in leftist utopian governments that do go after people for not calling them “women”.

Any demands are already insane as no person can have any demands from another person in a truly free world, but they could have at least demanded to be called “trans-women” but nope, they want to be “women”. Just women, as in normal biological women.

Now what is a woman? A woman is a human female with XX chromosomes and a female genitalia. Furthermore women also have lower muscle mass, shorter average height and to make it worse, women’s bones are almost completely different from men. So different that archeologists and biologists can immediately identify the sex, race and age of random bones they dig up.

So this settles it, a woman is a biological human female. There is this battle about the “woman” term in the transgender arena, trying to steal the word for their own use, but what’s next? What other term will they hijack next? What if women give up on the “woman” term and say ok…. transgender men are women and we are “females”, even if that happens, what’s next? Will the transgenders try to steal the “female” term? Most likely yes!

But really? Can you take a male dog, castrate it and then call it “female dog”? Has humanity fallen into total insanity? Is there no way out?

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